I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 411: Just say nothing, one word is amazing!

Chapter 411: No words, but one word is astonishing!
"Hey, have we met, kid?"

When the six-fingered man saw Zhang Xiaohu, he took the initiative to speak first.

Zhang Xiaohu nodded repeatedly: "Uncle, I came here during the summer camp, and you still remember me!"

"So it's you, then this is your father? He is so young!" the six-fingered man said with a smile.

Chen Xiao shook hands and said: "I misunderstood, I am his uncle. Hello, my name is Chen Xiao, I don't know what to call me?"

"Chen Xiao? That... detective from Dongzhou?"

"Well, I didn't expect that my brother would recognize me."

"Haha, few people who are famous stars in Dongzhou know that he is from Dongzhou, but Chen Xiao is very popular in Dongzhou now." The six-fingered man smiled and shook hands:
"Hello Mr. Chen, my name is Wu Liuxian."

After the two parties introduced themselves, they went to sit on a lawn.

Chen Xiao looked at Wu Liuxian and asked with a smile, "How many years have you been working here?"

"It's been around for seven or eight years! It's easy and comfortable to work here, and you don't need to be too ambitious to pursue this career. It's very comfortable."

"Listening to the tone of my brother's words, it sounds like he has seen through the world of mortals."

Chen Xiao seemed to be praising him, but Wu Liuxian immediately waved his hand and said:
"As long as people eat whole grains, it is difficult to truly see through the world of mortals. There is also a great detective like Mr. Chen coming to see me. You'd better tell me what's going on first, otherwise I will feel uneasy. ”

Chen Xiao didn't say anything, but imitated Zhang Xiaohu's previous actions and pointed two fingers at the lawn.

This time he went deeper than last night.

When Wu Liuxian saw this, his eyes sharpened and he shouted:


Wu Liuxian didn't say anything about you.

Chen Xiao was also paying attention to Wu Liuxian's eyes.

From those eyes, Chen Xiao saw only shock, not much vigilance or subconscious cruelty.

This is somewhat in line with Chen Xiao's impression of Wu Liuxian, even though the two have never met.

And his impressions all came from Zhang Xiaohu's description.

In fact, if Chen Xiao wants to be safe, it is not suitable for him to bring Zhang Xiaohu to appear in front of Wu Liuxian.

But Chen Xiao then thought about it, what if Wu Liuxian was really a shady person.

Then why did he do nothing after meeting Zhang Xiaohu for the first time?

After all, his secret was known.

Even if the person who knows is a child, he is still a threat.

Even after Zhang Xiaohu ended the summer camp, he still wasn't in any danger, so that's why Chen Xiao behaved the way he did today.

The shock displayed by Wu Liuxian was closer to the feeling of meeting a peer.

Chen Xiao made a gesture of invitation: "I heard from Xiaohu that your two-finger magic skill is superb. Can you show it to me?"

"Two-finger magical skill?" Wu Liuxian was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly:
"It turns out that in the eyes of the children, I have become a miracle worker!"

"Uncle used only two fingers to penetrate the ground. This is not a magical skill!"

Zhang Xiaohu praised, Wu Liuxian looked at Chen Xiao, and then said:

"Uncle, this is not a magical skill, it's just that practice makes perfect."

"Practice makes perfect?" Zhang Xiaohu didn't quite understand. Chen Xiao explained: "You will become proficient in something if you do it countless times."

"Oh." Zhang Xiaohu replied, and Chen Xiao said:

"Xiaohu, you go and play next to me first. Uncle and Uncle Wu will discuss it."

"Can't it be spread externally?" Chen Xiao immediately whispered a few words into Zhang Xiaohu's ear. After hearing this, Zhang Xiaohu immediately walked away.

After he left, Chen Xiao's expression calmed down and he asked calmly: "Brother, were you a local master before?"

Wu Liuxian looked confused, and Chen Xiao continued: "Brother, don't be nervous. I'm not a policeman. The police will only let me help when something goes wrong. But in life, I don't need to see anything. You have to tell the police.”

Chen Xiao is forgiving Wu Liuxian's heart.

After struggling for a while, the latter breathed out and said: "I'm not, my father is."

Chen Xiao did not interrupt, but Wu Liuxian said: "My father is a well-known native master. The ability he just displayed is to explore the soil. An experienced native master can distinguish ancient times based on the feeling, vision and touch of the soil. The age and size of the tomb, or the value of the tomb.”

"There is a lot of knowledge involved here, and I can't say it all. After my father taught me those skills, he didn't take me to do those things. I think the reason why he passed it on to me is because he didn't want it to be lost. ”

"I was not allowed to engage in those things because I felt that our old Wu family could no longer do such derogatory things."

Wu Liuxian was talking, and Chen Xiao had been listening silently.

After he stopped, Chen Xiao said: "Judging from my accent, you are not a native of Dongzhou, right?"

"Well, I'm from the provincial capital."

"Does Jinguang Tomb know about it?"

Chen Xiao asked, Wu Liuxian glanced at him in surprise, then nodded and said:
"I know, my father relied on his own experience many, many years ago to conclude that there must be a large tomb there!"

Wu Liuxian remained silent, but his words were astonishing!

"Morning, how early is it?"

"He's been saying it for as long as I can remember."

"Then has your father been in there?" Chen Xiao asked, and Wu Liuxian smiled softly:
"Why go in?"

"Isn't it for money?"

"My father participated in the war, killed the enemy, and was stained with blood! He said that even if those antiques were obtained, they could not be traded normally. Even if they were sold to his own people, there was no guarantee that they would be sold to foreigners in the end. ”

Wu Liuxian said, his eyes full of respect for his father.

"If my father was making money, my family would have become rich a long time ago. Why should I be a small security guard here?"

Chen Xiao suddenly understood and said apologetically: "If it is true, then the old gentleman is respectable."

"My father is very talented, but he rarely engages in that kind of thing. This may be related to his later experience. People in their time were very awe-inspiring, and it is difficult to regain their courage after suffering a blow. ”

Chen Xiao nodded: "Does the old gentleman also live with you now?"



"Yes, I left a letter home in 97 and have never seen him again. It's almost ten years now."

As Wu Liuxian was talking, Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and said, "Hasn't he considered finding a legitimate job based on his own ability?"

Wu Liuxian smiled, and his smile was very meaningful.

Chen Xiao understood a lot from this smile, and couldn't help but give it to Wu Liuxian.

However, Chen Xiao was still curious: "Why did he disappear?"

"Go and save a friend. If you save yourself, you won't be able to save yourself." Wu Liuxian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Chen Xiao couldn't continue to talk about this topic for a while.

After thinking about it, he felt it was better to get straight to the point:
"Then when the Jinguang Tomb incident occurred, did you or the old gentleman go there?"

"I went, my father and I were both there!"

(End of this chapter)

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