I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 412 The third pair of footprints, the seventh suspect

Chapter 412 The Thirteenth Pair of Footprints, the Seventh Suspect

"My father and I were at the scene that year of the Golden Light Tomb."

Wu Liuxian said.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but show surprise in his eyes.

Although when the Jinguang Tomb Case occurred, local villagers and many people who came here because of it saw it.

But when those people saw it, it was completely different from what Wu Liuxian and his father saw.

Because there are specialties in the art industry!
"So from your point of view, is there anything strange about the Golden Light Tomb Case?"

Chen Xiao asked.

Wu Liuxian was very cooperative with Chen Xiao, and he could be said to know everything and talk about everything.

After recalling it for a while, he said:

"My father and I went there the next day. When we arrived, the police had already put the Jinguang Tomb area under martial law. But people have their own ways. My father was very curious at the time, so he took me around a place. Go in."

"We saw the holes dug by the tomb robbers. My father scorned their methods and felt that their capabilities were no more than this."

"At that time, we also knew that six people died inside, but we didn't know how they died. My father originally wanted to risk taking a look inside through the robbery hole, but I was blocked in the end."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Your father is really brave. If he entered the cave at that time, he might have been surrounded by the police."

"Yeah, my father's idea is actually very simple, and he trusts the police very much. He said he was just curious and wanted to go in and see what was going on inside. Even if he was caught, he didn't kill anyone or rob a grave, so the police wouldn't do anything to him. Sample."

This is indeed the case.

Although he was responsible for breaking into the robbery cave at that time, he was not a criminal suspect and no one would do anything to him.

Unless the policeman handling the case has bad intentions.

"Did you find anything else while surrounding the Robbery Cave?"

Wu Liuxian shook his head: "My father never told me what he discovered, but my father wandered around the area of ​​Jinguang Tomb for a long time. As the time and scope of the wandering became larger and larger, I think he must have wanted to Determine how many people entered Jinguang Mountain at that time.”

"Can you see the footprints?" Chen Xiao asked.

Wu Liuxian was not sure: "I don't know, but it should be, because every time I stop, I can find footprints. Some are alone, some are in groups of two or three, and the most are more than a dozen pairs at a time. That’s right near the Robbery Cave.”

"Can you determine how many pairs of footprints there are among the dozen or so pairs near the Robber's Cave?"

"Thirteen pairs! When I saw my father staring at them, I even counted them."

Chen Xiao suddenly frowned.

Because of his past life memories, Chen Xiao was able to identify six of the deceased, but there were also six suspects who were eventually captured.

So the footprints should be twelve pairs.

How come there are 13 pairs?
Are they the villagers of Jinguang Village?
No, there is another person who abandoned the abandoned baby. Could it be him or her?

Chen Xiao fell into deep thought. Wu Liuxian waited for a long time and couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Chen, what are you thinking about?"

Chen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I was just thinking about the Golden Light Tomb. Do you know anything else?"

Wu Liuxian sighed: "What else do I know? If I could have entered the thieves' cave back then, I might have known more. It's a pity."

Chen Xiao did not ask if they had entered into the investigation after the case was over.

Because as soon as the case was over, archaeological work began at Jinguang Tomb.

Therefore, the ancient tomb on Jinguang Mountain is already an excavated site. It is said that many people have proposed in the past two years to turn the Jinguangshan area into a tourist attraction.

The biggest feature of the attraction is that it is developed around the ancient tombs.

However, I don’t know whether there is opposition to this project or the superiors are not interested, so there has been no movement.

As a result, many villagers in the Jinguang Village area had their dreams of making money shattered.

Chen Xiao glanced at Zhang Xiaohu who was playing in the distance, suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile:

"I heard from Xiaohu, you said before that he is a good young man suitable for training your skills, right?"

"This kid! What a good memory!" Wu Liuxian laughed bitterly and then said:
"I did say that at the time, and I have always remembered him. The main reason is that the kid gave people the impression of a ghost at first glance, and I tested him, and he is a very resilient kid!"

"I work here, and I have met countless children. There are many things that I clearly wanted to accomplish, but I gave up because of the difficulty. Only him, he has not given up practicing until now. I showed him casually before "

Chen Xiao looked at Xiaohu again and continued chatting with Wu Liuxian for a while.

Not long after, Chen Xiao called Zhang Xiaohu.

Little Guitou was sweating profusely from playing, and while wiping his sweat, he asked: "Uncle Chen, why don't you two spar?"

"Every meaningful trip must have some regrets to make it valuable." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaohu seemed to understand, but also said reluctantly: "Are we going back like this?"

As soon as Xiao Guitou finished asking, Wu Liuxian said:

"Mr. Chen, how about I talk to this little guy?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm not his father, nor his guardian, so it's not easy for me to be the master."

"Understood." Wu Liuxian also gave up the idea.

Then Chen Xiao got up and pulled Zhang Xiaohu towards the car.

On the way to the car, Zhang Xiaohu puffed his lips and asked:
"Uncle Chen, why don't you let me chat with Uncle Six Fingers?"

"Then if he teaches you some skills, will you learn them?"

"I really want to learn."

"So, which one do you want to be more, to be a policeman or to be a capable person like Uncle Wu?"

Chen Xiao asked. After Zhang Xiaohu thought seriously for a while, he said: "I still want to be a policeman because I can catch bad people!"

"Well, that's right. When you grow up and become a police officer, you may meet people like Uncle Wu. Then you will know what kind of abilities Uncle Wu has."


I don’t know if Zhang Xiaohu understood it.

But regardless of whether he understood or not, Chen Xiao still did not make the decision and let Zhang Xiaohu and Wu Liuxian interact alone.

After all, many boys' dreams are planted because of a special experience in childhood or meeting a special person.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Xiaohu is not his child.

On the way back, Chen Xiao kept thinking about the thirteenth person, or the seventh suspect, that Wu Liuxian mentioned.

He didn't know how many pairs of footprints the police had collected during the investigation of the Jinguang Tomb case, but Chen Xiao felt that due to the conditions and the limitations of the handling environment, there might have been some omissions.

Therefore, Chen Xiao called Lin Xi after Zhang Xiaohu fell asleep again and decided to reveal the thirteenth pair of footprints!

 There will be an update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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