I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 413 Since you are seeking death, then feel it well!

Chapter 413 Since you are seeking death, then feel it well!
Make the call.

Lin Xi never answered.

Chen Xiao was wondering if she was busy or if the signal in the mountains was not very good.

Finally, I sent a text message and drove with peace of mind.

After returning to Dongzhou, Chen Xiao took Zhang Xiaohu to the supermarket and bought a large bag of snacks before sending him home.

Mi Qin came to open the door, holding a woolen slipper that he was putting away.

After Zhang Xiaohu happily called his mother, he ran to his room carrying the bag of snacks.

Seeing this, Mi Qin quickly said: "Xiaohu, uncle bought it for you?"

"Yes, uncle is doing well, and Xiaohu is very happy. He took me to the snack area and gave me a minute. He would buy as much as I wanted!"

Listening to his son's words, Mi Qin smiled bitterly:

"Thank you, Chen Xiao. I see that everything in the bag is expensive."

"It's okay. I also limited the time. If you give the child some fun, he will cherish the bag of snacks even more."

Mi Qin nodded and welcomed Chen Xiao in. After pouring a glass of water, Chen Xiao decided to sit for two minutes and leave.

But as soon as he sat down, Mi Qin started chatting.

"Last time you went to Haicheng, was Pingping okay?" Mi Qin asked.

During dinner last night, Chen Xiao actually noticed that Mi Qin wanted to ask him something several times, but in the end he swallowed his words.

Now that Mi Qin asked, Chen Xiao replied: "Team Pan is pretty good, but he works too hard."

"It seems she is still the same as before! I haven't seen her for several years."

Mi Qin lowered his head as he spoke.

Chen Xiao really didn't know how to answer this question before, but now that he thought about it, he felt less stressed and said:
"I think Captain Pan will come to Dongzhou soon."

"Really?" Mi Qin asked happily.

Chen Xiao replied: "I'm not sure, but it should be possible. But don't tell her in advance, otherwise she might not come."

"Yes, yes, she has never been to Dongzhou since Xiaohu was born. Although our phone calls and other things are normal, many times I know that there is still some knot in my heart."

"If she comes to Dongzhou, it means her heart is relieved, right?"

Chen Xiao said while looking at the phone.

He felt that Lin Xi hadn't called him back for a while.

Mi Qin also seemed to notice his absence and asked, "Chen Xiao, are you in a hurry?"

"Well, sister-in-law, I have something to do and I'll leave now. I'll come visit you next time."

"Okay, then drive slowly."

Mi Qin didn’t try to stay anymore.

After Chen Xiao left Zhang Xian's home, he immediately called Lin Xi again.

This time the call was different from the previous calls. In the past, the call was occasionally blocked, so Chen Xiao suspected that the signal was not good.

But now Lin Xi's phone number was answered, but no one answered.

Chen Xiao frowned and thought for a moment, then prepared to call Zhang Xian immediately and ask him to get the contact information of other members of the task force.

Although he knew that by following the task force, nothing would happen to Lin Xi, but this was the first time that Chen Xiao could not contact Lin Xi, and it was impossible for him to feel at ease.

But just when he was about to call Zhang Xian, Lin Xi's call back came.

Chen Xiao immediately answered the call and asked, "Daughter-in-law, is nothing wrong?"

"We came out. Just as we came down from the mountain, we were surrounded by the families of the victims."

Lin Xi would never bear anything on his own just to prevent Chen Xiao from worrying.

As Chen Xiao's wife, she knows very well what she can endure silently, but she will never do it when she is in trouble!
Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed: "Why did the victim's family suddenly become so excited?" "I don't know, someone seems to have posted a recording on the Internet, and one person said conclusively that the six people who died were The family of the victim who was deceived and killed saw us coming down from the mountain again after learning about the recording, so they asked us to clear the name of the victim immediately. "

"But now that nothing is clear, no one has that much right to correct the name. So the victim's family suddenly became emotional and even broke out in physical actions."

Chen Xiao heard this and immediately said: "You are not injured, are you?"

"That's not the case. I was very smart and hid behind them immediately."

"Well, I'll send you some news later for your reference."

Chen Xiao didn't talk much on the phone. After sending the information about the thirteen pairs of footprints to Lin Xi, Chen Xiao's expression turned extremely ugly when he raised his head.

He took his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, book me the fastest flight to Haicheng."

After making the call, Chen Xiao didn't even return home and drove directly to the airport.

He did not inform Luo Dali and the others, nor did he tell Xiao Ji and Dao Nan.

The reason is that he went to Haicheng for no other reason than to find one person - Huang Zhaozhong!

Why are you looking for him?
It's simple, because Chen Xiao suspected that the person who asked the victim's family to block the task force was Huang Zhaozhong!
Chen Xiao really doesn't understand why a businessman who can expand his business to more than 200 branches across the country has such extreme ideas.
Did he think that by doing this and achieving his goal, the police would let him go?
Unless, he can get more than what he pays.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao didn't want to think about Huang Zhaozhong's reasons.

He just wanted to know if Huang Zhaozhong was behind it!

After waiting at the airport for a while, Chen Xiao got on the flight to Haicheng.

By the time he arrived in Haicheng, it was already three hours later.

Chen Xiao took a taxi to the downstairs of Zhaolitong.

Glancing up at the building, Chen Xiao walked in directly.

Soon after he arrived at Zhaolitong Company, someone asked him: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"When I look for your Mr. Huang, just tell Chen Xiao to look for him and he will meet you."

The staff nodded and then made a phone call.

Soon, the staff led Chen Xiao to Huang Zhaozhong's office.

The latter was very happy when he saw Chen Xiao, and even stood up and laughed:

"Mr. Chen, what brings someone like you here to me?"

Chen Xiao did not respond. He just smiled at the staff behind him and said, "Thank you. Please close the door."

Huang Zhaozhong stopped smiling, but nodded to the staff member.

After the latter left, Huang Zhaozhong stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Chen..."

As soon as he uttered one word, Huang Zhaozhong's expression changed drastically.

He saw a pair of big hands grabbing his collar, and then he was lifted up.

The owner of those big hands is naturally Chen Xiao!

When Huang Zhaozhong watched Chen Xiaozheng leave the window with an indifferent expression, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing!"

Chen Xiao didn't say anything, just took Huang Zhaozhong and stuffed him out of the window.

Huang Zhaozhong's face instantly turned pale, he looked at Chen Xiao in horror and shouted: "Are you crazy? You are killing someone!"

Chen Xiao sneered: "Aren't you seeking death? In that case, let me feel the taste of death! This is the 18th floor. If you fall, you will die!"

With that said, Chen Xiao loosened his first finger, and Huang Zhaozhong's eyes widened when he looked at the raised finger.

Then, Chen Xiao raised his second finger!

(End of this chapter)

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