Chapter 414 Recording!

Huang Zhaozhong lived for more than 40 years.

All kinds of dangers have been encountered.

He even faced life and death crises.

But he never thought that one day he would be carried like a chicken and stuffed out of the window.

For the first time, Huang Zhaozhong regretted why he had to work on such a high floor.

What if it's on the first floor?
The second floor is fine too!

I'm afraid I won't fall to death!
Okay now, the 19th floor!

If it falls, won't it turn into a pulp?
meat pie?


Fuck...why do I think of so many words!
Huang Zhaozhong's whole body was trembling when he saw that Chen Xiao was about to lift his third finger.

He didn't dare to guess how strong Chen Xiao's hands were.

All he knew was that he didn't dare to bet that Chen Xiao could hold him with just two fingers!

"Mr. Huang, the wind outside the window is very pleasant. Has it cleared your mind?"

Chen Xiao's voice sounded again.

Huang Zhaozhong looked at the height of more than ten floors below his feet and shouted uncontrollably:
"Wake up, I'm awake!"

"Mr. Chen, take me up quickly, take me up!"

"Bang" sound.

Chen Xiao dragged Huang Zhaozhong in and threw him to the ground.

Huang Zhaozhong just screamed in panic and trembled all over.

When he finally felt the sense of security brought by the field, Huang Zhaozhong calmed down.

Just when he looked at Chen Xiao calmly, he saw that Chen Xiao had already pinched his nose in disgust:

"Is there a rest room for Huang Zhong? Is there a change of clothes in the lounge? I suggest you go and change a set of clothes before talking to me. This is the most basic respect for me."

Huang Zhaozhong's face turned red.

He didn't have the nerve to let the cleaners clean up the water stains on his crotch.

But then I thought about it, if I don’t let the cleaning come, who will?

Let him, the one who pays the salary, take care of it by himself?
Huang Zhaozhong thought about changing his clothes first, and then called the cleaning staff.

After packing up, Huang Zhaozhong also made a polite gesture of invitation:

"Mr. Chen, let's talk somewhere else."

As soon as the two of them went out, the cleaner came in.

Looking at the smelly water stains on the ground, and the fact that Huang Zhaozhong had changed his clothes, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

However, Huang Zhaozhong acted as if nothing had happened. After inviting Chen Xiao to another office, he immediately made a move that surprised Chen Xiao.

Huang Zhaozhong closed the door and bowed to Chen Xiao.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry. After what happened just now, I realized that I was very wrong. This apology is for you and your wife!"

As soon as these words came out, it meant that the person causing trouble today was Huang Zhaozhong.

Just looking at his reaction at this moment, Chen Xiao was a little confused.

Huang Zhaozhong made such a big move, obviously he was playing a big game of chess.

Did he reveal his feelings so easily?

Chen Xiao said nothing. Huang Zhaozhong glanced at him tentatively and sighed:

"Mr. Chen can find me directly, which means that you will know that I did everything before."

"That's right, let's talk about your purpose." Huang Zhaozhong narrowed his eyes: "I think a person has committed something, and that person wants to kill me, so I have to fight back. But my ability is limited, and the relationship between that person is complicated. ”

"I didn't have the ability to confront him head-on, and I was originally prepared to just wait and see. But the moment I saw Mr. Chen, an idea flashed in my mind and I knew what happened next."

After hearing this, Chen Xiao still had a lot of doubts in his heart.

If analyzed from these messages.

That person was obviously not Li Ting, Huang Zhaozhong's apparent opponent investigated by Pan Huiping.

But Chen Xiao didn't understand. Since Huang Zhaozhong had mastered something, why did he expose it like this? What was the difference between exposing it directly to the police?
Chen Xiao looked at Huang Zhaozhong and asked, "Because of that person's power, you don't dare to tell the police?"


"Then what's the difference between exposing yourself now and telling the police directly? Do you think I will protect you?"

"Of course I don't dare to ask for Mr. Chen's blessing, but I know that if that person really commits a crime, Mr. Chen will definitely send him in. After all, you have a good reputation, and many people need to consider this when making decisions now. "

"I understand, what you really want to use is not only my means, but also my reputation. In other words, I am considered traffic now. If I find the suspect in a certain case, you have to fight back That person, then those who would have hesitated had to crucify that person because of the public opinion I could stir up, right?”

"Traffic?" Huang Zhaozhong was a little confused about the meaning of this word.

Chen Xiao replied calmly: "It means influence."

Huang Zhaozhong suddenly realized: "Yes, I just want to use Mr. Chen's influence to disrupt the whole situation and risk death!"

Chen Xiao froze his eyes again.

He suddenly felt that Huang Zhaozhong in front of him was not so annoying anymore.

And think of his Zhaolitong.

Chen Xiao suddenly realized that a company like this might be of great use to him!
After thinking about it, Chen Xiao motioned for Huang Zhaozhong to sit down.

Huang Zhaozhong sat down with a grateful expression on his face, but he reacted the next second.

Isn't Chen Xiao turning against the guest?
Huang Zhaozhong smiled helplessly and said, "Mr. Chen, if you have anything else to ask, please tell me."

"Where did that recording you posted on the Internet come from?"

"What was secretly recorded was what the person told us after he drank too much. At that time, he and I had a very good relationship and we were brothers. But you also know that there are no permanent friends in the mall. Once the interests of the other party are violated, that is When swordsmen meet."

"So you were careful at that time?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked.

Huang Zhaozhong nodded without hesitation.

"Then put the recording down and let me listen."

Huang Zhaozhong brought the computer and then played the recording on the computer.

The first half of the recording mostly consisted of several men drinking and bragging.

Chen Xiao originally thought that the recording could be skipped directly, but slowly he realized from those few words that the recording needed to be put together completely to attract attention.

Because the recording contains information about antiques, ancient tombs, Jiang Province, and Jinguang Village!
In addition, as they were talking, I don’t know if they were really drunk or something, but the person who spoke mentioned six people and commented that all six of them were idiots!

All words are intermittent.

After all, they all drank, and quite a bit.

At the end, someone smiled and asked the person who spoke, weren't those six people grave robbers?

I vaguely heard the man say:

Anyway, it was repeated over and over again, and no one could figure out whether those six people were the same.

However, such a recording is nothing to people who have nothing to do with the Jinguang Tomb Case.

But for the families of the victims, they will definitely ignore the yes and directly focus on the "no", so there is a practice of family members besieging the task force to demand an explanation.

After listening to the recording, Chen Xiao thought for a moment and asked, "What's his name?"

"In case of virtue."

(End of this chapter)

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