I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 415: A difference of one word, a difference of a mile!

Chapter 415 A difference of one word makes a difference of a thousand miles!

"In case of virtue."

When I first heard this name.

Chen Xiao's heart suddenly trembled.

Although they only have the same last name, they also have the same character in their first names.

But ten thousand virtues are ten thousand virtues, and ten thousand virtues are ten thousand virtues.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath, which made Huang Zhaozhong couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Chen knows Wan Yide?"

Chen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "I don't know him, it just reminded me of a deceased elder."

Huang Zhaozhong nodded and searched for Wan Yide's information.

Chen Xiao looked at Wan Yide's photos and information on the computer, and the turmoil in his heart instantly dissipated.

Indeed, the difference between Wan De and Wan Yi De is a thousand miles.

Wan Yide in the photo gives people a very capable feeling at first glance.

The eyes are not big, but their eyes are sharp.

He is not tall and very thin.

But as soon as Huang Zhaozhong saw Wan Yide's photo, fear showed in his eyes.

Chen Xiao asked curiously: "Mr. Huang, are you so afraid of him?"

"His father-in-law is a very powerful figure in Haicheng, and as far as I know, the person who offended him has never been seen in Haicheng again."

Chen Xiao did not ask about what happened between the two of them.

He is still concerned about the Jinguang Tomb case.

"What was his expression like when he said those words?"

Chen Xiao asked, and Huang Zhaozhong was a little puzzled. He replied: "What can a drunk person do? I was trying to trick him at the time, and he was lying on the table."

"Then he didn't raise his head?"

"Yes, I have."

"What is it like?"

"That's it." Huang Zhaozhong recalled it for a moment, then leaned on the chair with his head tilted and his eyes closed.

Chen Xiao smiled and asked again: "How many people were there at that time?"

"Four of us. The four of us were best friends at that time. Alas, it's just that times have changed and things have changed."

Chen Xiao paused and looked at Huang Zhaozhong seriously: "Are you sure you didn't miss anything anymore?"

"I cherish my life very much. No matter how big my estate is or how much wealth I have, if my life is gone, then all my wealth will become meaningless."

Chen Xiao stood up, took only two steps and looked back at Huang Zhaozhong again, saying:
"If what you said is wrong with Yi De, I will definitely bring him to justice. In addition, you have made such a big noise. If your demands are finally achieved, I think you should know what to do, right? "


Chen Xiao turned around and walked out of the office.

Just when passing by a Zhaolitong employee, Chen Xiao found someone looking at him in horror.

As Chen Xiao walked, he pricked up his ears and listened. It seemed that someone was saying:

"It's him, it's him!"

"He was the one who made Mr. Huang's urine come out!"

Chen Xiao twitched his lips, but left without saying anything.

As for how the employees of Zhaolitong knew.

How could he spread rumors and slander him, a law-abiding citizen, to hit people?

Chen Xiao felt that there was no need to care.

Huang Zhaozhong stood by the balcony of the office, watching Chen Xiao walk out of the building, and couldn't help but reach out to wipe away the cold sweat.

He looked at the photo of himself hanging in the office and couldn't help but smile wryly to himself.

He originally thought he would be a fearsome character.

At least, he is the boss of a well-known company.

But Chen Xiao actually had no scruples and went from Dongzhou to Haicheng to get him!

"After all I thought, I just didn't expect him to be so simple and rude!"

Huang Zhaozhong sighed.

Chen Xiao continued to the airport after leaving Zhaolitong. On the way, Luo Dali made a phone call:
"Brother Chen, Xiaoxiu and I are going to the provincial capital to pick up Mr. Guo. Do you want to come with us?"

"No, I'm in Haicheng."

"What? What are you doing in Haicheng?"

"There was a guy who made trouble for the task force that your sister-in-law is on. I was so angry that I came and beat him up."

"Damn it, why don't you ask me to do this?"

Luo Dali raised the decibel level, and Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Your top priority right now is to prepare for tomorrow's engagement with Xiaoxiu. Okay... I won't tell you more. I will be arriving in the provincial capital in a few hours."

"Well, are you coming to Guo's house?"

"Not sure, I might have to go to your sister-in-law's place first."


The two of them didn't say much. Chen Xiao hung up the phone and waited at the airport with peace of mind.

He did not go back to Dongzhou directly, but bought a flight to the provincial capital.

After landing, Chen Xiao took a taxi alone to Jinguang Village in the suburbs.

When he arrived at the place, he asked around in the village. After learning where the people from the task force lived, Chen Xiao went to find them.

Chen Xiao stood outside the window, because it was already dark, and Lin Xi, who was temporarily staying at the residence, was writing something in the room.

The curtains were not drawn either, so Chen Xiao could clearly see her figure.

After watching for a while, Chen Xiao picked up the phone and dialed her number.

Lin Xi just glanced at the phone casually, and then went back to work.

But the next second, Lin Xi raised her head and looked at the caller ID on her phone. When she saw the call was from Chen Xiao, the corner of her mouth curled up.

"Hey, hubby, have you had dinner?"

"No, what about you?"

"Well...I forgot about it, but I'm going to eat it."

"Well, guess where I am now?"

Chen Xiao asked, and Lin Xi paused: "Hey, asking such a question! Today is the 5th, you won't come to the provincial capital to pick up Mr. Guo, will you?"

"Mr. Guo asked Dali and Xiaoxiu to pick him up, but I didn't go." Chen Xiao said something, and Lin Xi seemed a little disappointed. Then Chen Xiao said with a smile:

"Turn your head around and look out the window."

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, then turned around immediately. When she saw Chen Xiao waving to her outside the window, a smile suddenly filled her face.

"Why are you here!" Lin Xi ran to Chen Xiao in surprise.

Chen Xiao smoothed the somewhat scattered hair on her forehead and said with a smile, "I miss you."

"But I'm busy with business!"

"It's okay, I just came to see you."

Lin Xi pursed her lips and smiled, with a satisfied look on her face.

But immediately her cell phone rang again. Seeing that it was Luo Dali, Lin Xi answered the call with curiosity:

"Dali, what's wrong?"

Chen Xiaogang was about to stop him, but Luo Dali's mouth was so fast that his yelling came from the phone:

"Sister-in-law! Let me tell you, my brother Chen is really fierce today!"

Lin Xi looked at Chen Xiao in confusion and asked, "What did he do?"

"Did someone give your task force a stumbling block today? Damn it, when I heard about it, Brother Chen was so stunned that he went to Haicheng to do that blind thing!"

Lin Xi immediately widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xiao in disbelief.

"Are you an idiot? You take a plane to Haicheng just to beat up Huang Zhaozhong? And you don't even tell me!"

Chen Xiao grinned and said, "You call me a fool. A fool must do abnormal things, right?"

Lin Xi pouted: "You idiot, you stupid idiot! The flight ticket to Haicheng is so expensive at the last minute, just to help me vent my anger?"

"We are not short of money now."

"Yes, Boss Chen, now! Hurry, hug me now while no one is around!"

As Lin Xi spoke, she moved closer to Chen Xiao's arms. Chen Xiao opened his arms and hugged her into his arms, then cursed at Luo Dali on the other side of the phone:

"You have the biggest mouth!"

 Since the incident at home last month, I feel like the plot for more than a month has been written in a hurry. I miss the days when I saved manuscripts in the early stages, not to be lazy, but to better grasp the plot. Therefore, I will go more slowly in the next few days, and when I have saved enough manuscripts, I will resume updating for everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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