I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 417 It’s her during the day and it’s her at night!

Chapter 417 It’s her during the day and it’s her at night!

The rice is served.

After Ah Yu sat down, he didn't move his chopsticks.

Holding his chin with both hands, he kept staring at Chen Xiao.

She looked left and right unabashedly, and every time she read a place, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Chen Xiao saw this and asked, "Ayu, what are you laughing at?"

"Sister said you are good-looking, and I think so too."

Chen Xiao grinned: "That's not as good-looking as my sister, right?"

Ayu nodded: "She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath: "Where did Ah Yu learn these dishes?"

"I learned it from Uncle Zhu's house. He is a cook in a restaurant in town."

"Then it cost a lot to buy these vegetables, right?"

Ah Yu puffed his mouth, then turned his pocket out and took out a few pieces of change:
"The water bottles I collected for a long time are almost gone."

"Then don't you feel bad?"

"I'm willing to treat my sister to dinner. She is the best person I have ever met. She combs my hair, catches fish with me, oh..."

Ayu suddenly shouted as he spoke, and Chen Xiao asked:

"what happened?"

"I forgot to look in the cage. There should be shrimps in it. My sister said she likes to eat shrimps best."

Ayu was very upset.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "It's okay. How about tomorrow when my brother buys some food for Ah Yu to cook? I smell the food cooked by Ah Yu. It smells so good."

Ah Yu was very proud: "I have secretly learned all Uncle Zhu's dishes. I want to be a cook when I grow up."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up.

At this time, Lin Xi also walked in from outside the door.

Her eyes were a little red, she probably came in after hearing these words outside.

Ayu was very happy to see her. He ran over and held her hand and said, "Sister, hurry up and eat. The fish won't taste good when it's cold."

"Silly girl, didn't my sister tell me that I have a small appetite? What should I do if I can't finish all the dishes I'm cooking?"

"I knew there would be people who were cheating on me!"

Liao Cheng, who was about to pick up the chopsticks, froze and looked dumbfounded.

"But I don't mind. Uncle is probably a good person too."

A Yu said, and Liao Cheng chuckled: "Okay, can we start, girl? We're hungry!"

Ayu nodded and sat on the main seat like a grown-up.

She is the head of the family, and Chen Xiao and the others are guests.

The little adult also took out another pair of chopsticks and picked up vegetables for everyone.

During this period, I was afraid that others would be reluctant to eat, so I didn't take a few bites, and would add food and vegetables to others from time to time.

All kinds of actions, not to mention how familiar they are.

Just as he was eating, Liao Cheng's emotions became obviously much more complicated.

He also has a child about the same age.

It is precisely because of it that the rice in the bowl tastes mixed.

After dinner, Ayu went to wash the dishes.

Lin Xi didn't mention anything about going to help, so she and Chen Xiao sat on the threshold under the moonlight. Liao Cheng was alone playing with his cell phone and not knowing what he was thinking. Lin Xi looked up at the moonlight and said to Chen Xiao:

"Ayu is very independent. After her grandma passed away five years ago, she cooked and did the laundry alone. It was her during the day and it was her at night."

Chen Xiao knew that Lin Xi felt sorry for A Yu, but Lin Xi also respected A Yu's independence.

Maybe being independent, or to put it more simply, doing everything by myself is what Ayu is most proud of.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Although this house is in tatters, it is neatly kept and clean. She is a very powerful girl."

"Well, she didn't go to school, but she knows a lot of things. I asked her where she learned them, and what do you think she said?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and Lin Xi smiled and said: "She said she didn't need to pay tuition to study. She could eavesdrop and then write on the ground with a stick. Then, she also liked to listen to people chatting, and she could learn many things from adults' chatting. "

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be surprised: "Can she distinguish what she should learn and what she shouldn't?"

"I don't know, but from my feeling, if the environment was different, she would definitely become a talented person. But I also think that if it weren't for the difficult environment, she might be a different person."

Chen Xiao thought it made sense and nodded, then looked at Jinguang Village in the darkness and said:
"Is there no one in the village to help her?"

"Many, they even rush to help. Do you know why?"

Chen Xiao thought for a while: "House?"

Lin Xi nodded: "The best thing about Ayu is that he can keep his own things. Before his death, grandma may have heard that Jinguang Village might be demolished in the future, and if she demolished it, she would get a lot of money, so she kept all her things before she died. Gave it to Ayu.”

"To this day, Ah Yu sleeps with grandma's photo in his arms."

Having said this, Lin Xi couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

Chen Xiao took a long breath and asked: "She was found by the ancient tomb. Has anyone helped her find her relatives over the years?"

This question is critical.

He knew that Lin Xi must have asked.

"The village helped her find her, but then nothing happened. Over the years, I haven't heard of anyone coming in contact with her. Moreover, she is not the child of any of the six people in the tomb."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of the thirteen pairs of footprints and said, "Do you think one of those thirteen pairs of footprints could be her relatives?"

"I have thought about it, but then I thought about it. Do you think it is possible? This case obviously revolves around tomb robbing. Whether it is the person who was killed or the murderer, it is impossible to bring someone with him when engaging in tomb robbing. A swaddled baby?”

Chen Xiao nodded: "That's true, but my wife, have you ever thought about why the Jinguang Tomb was obviously drilled with holes, but the archeology department is very sure that there are no traces of theft of any treasures inside?"

"I can't figure it out. There are murders. It must be related to the treasure in the tomb. Otherwise, why kill people?"

Lin Xi said, but Chen Xiao could not tell his future memories at this time.

Only he and others who have experienced archeology knew that something was missing from a sacrificial plate on the altar in the main tomb!

As for what it was, Chen Xiao didn't know. He just didn't know if the archaeological department knew about it.

While the two were talking, Ayu, who had already washed the dishes, came out.

As she walked, "chichi" sounds came from her side from time to time.

Chen Xiao and his wife looked at the sound, and their eyes immediately froze.

I saw Ayu holding a pair of iron pliers in his hand, and the iron pliers also held a huge mouse.

Ah Yu was not afraid at all. He lowered his head and cursed something as he walked out with the mouse in his arms.

After Chen Xiao heard it clearly, he smiled bitterly and said, "The scolding is really sharp."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "She is very talkative. When I came here yesterday, she was scolding an aunt in the village. She was a little person, with her hands on her hips. Even I was shocked at the time."

The two of them laughed and talked, and Ayu came back after executing the mouse.

He put down the iron tongs, washed his hands, and moved the small bench in front of Chen Xiao and his wife.

"Sister said you are a very powerful detective. Did you come to me to ask me something? I am free now, so you can ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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