Chapter 418 Country Seller

A Yu's calm attitude made Chen Xiao confused about what to ask.

It feels like there are many questions that need to be asked to Ayu.

Whether in Jinguang Village or Jinguang Tomb, Ayu is a very special character.

But what can I ask Ayu?
She was still in her infancy when she was found.

After being carried down the mountain, he has been living with the lonely old lady.

She is very sensible.

Also very capable.

But, what can she know?
Seeing Ayu's straightened posture, Chen Xiao felt that Lin Xi probably didn't ask formally.

There is only so much time, Lin Xi's method should be to understand A Yu from life, that's why A Yu is so kind to her.

Don't look at how powerful Ah Yu is.

In fact, the child is a child, she is just stubborn and strong enough.

Chen Xiao thought for a while, looked at Jinguang Village in the dark night again and said:
"Brother and sister are full. How about you take us for a walk in the village?"

"Ah? Don't you want to ask me anything?"

"Let's just talk while walking. Ah Yu, how about you introduce Jinguang Village to us? Who lives in which family? Tell us about everything that has happened in the village since you can remember."

Ayu nodded, but still muttered: "What's there to say about Jinguang Village? They are all bad people."

Chen Xiao also heard this sentence, but he didn't say anything.

After saying something to Liao Cheng, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi followed A Yu around the village.

Ah Yu is also very honest. Every time he passes by a family’s door, he says:

"This is the home of the third old lady. The third old lady is very powerful. When her mother-in-law was alive, she often bullied her. She would occupy a little of the vegetable garden that her mother-in-law worked so hard to plant. If she had nothing to do, she would take advantage of the family. Most people say it belongs to her family.”

"The third old lady is now in her nineties and her voice is louder than mine!"

Ayu pointed at a house in front of him with an angry look on his face.

Then he arrived at the door of another house, and Ayu said:
"This is Zhu Rao's family. He is very bad! He is my mother-in-law's nephew. He never visited her when she was well. During the years when my mother-in-law was seriously ill, he stayed in bed every day and even carried her feces and urine."

"But my mother-in-law was not stupid. She knew that he came here for the house and the family fields. So she made a will in front of him and said that she would leave the house and the fields to me, and then he never came again. "

Speaking of this, Ayu was still a little proud: "But during that time, there was endless food at home, and his wife always brought pork and fruits. I always said it was not enough for my mother-in-law, but in fact I hid them all. But they have to keep buying houses and fields... Hehe! "

Listening to A Yu's words, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi couldn't help but laugh.

But when he reached the door of another house, Ayu stopped:
"This is the village chief's house. The village chief's name is Zhu Dun. The village chief takes good care of his mother-in-law. Every year he gives money to people in the village who are having a hard time. Good people are rewarded. A few years ago, the village chief's son became rich outside. , he also lives in the county town now."

"However, the people in the village are good or bad. The village chief clearly gives them money, but every time they give out money, they have to quarrel with the village chief. They say it is what they deserve, but the village chief gives them less."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao seemed to understand why this happened, so he asked:

"Is your mother-in-law a five-guarantee household or a minimum-income household, a poor household?"

"Brother, what are five-guarantee households, low-income households, and poor households?"

Seeing A Yu ask this, Chen Xiao understood.

"Then why doesn't the mother-in-law go to the village chief to settle accounts with those people?" Ayu showed doubts: "I don't know, but I feel that the mother-in-law is not happy every time she takes money. Why does the village chief give money to people? Are people unhappy?"

Chen Xiao understands this problem.

Lin Xi also understood.

After looking at the village chief's house coldly, he asked, "Is he still the village chief now?"

"Yes, I come back when there is something going on in the village. When there is nothing going on, I live in the county town."

Lin Xi nodded, and Ayu took them around the village.

When passing by an open space in the village, Ayu pointed to a big tree nearby and said:
"This is my favorite place. I like to climb up the tree. Then, every once in a while, an aunt will come. When the weather is hot, she will ride her bicycle to sell popsicles and watermelons. ”

"In autumn, she will come to sell pears and oranges. In winter, she will also come to sell flowerheads, melon seeds and peanuts."

"Every time I calculate the right day and climb up the tree to wait for her, that way I can see far away from her height. Every time I see her coming from a distance, I will go and ask my mother-in-law to buy me something. "

"The aunt who sells goods also gives me many things."

"After my mother-in-law passed away, did she come here again?" Chen Xiao asked.

Ayu shook his head: "Since my mother-in-law passed away, she has never been here again. I also asked other people, and they all said that the seller aunt didn't know where she went."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao glanced at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi also nodded slightly towards Chen Xiao, indicating that he had remembered this.

Chen Xiao looked at the big tree A Yu was talking about and smiled: "Has A Yu not climbed that tree for a long time?"

"I can't wait for the salesperson to come even if I climb a tree. I'm not a monkey, so I don't want to climb any more."

"Then let's go sit under the tree. Can you tell me what the aunt who sells the goods looks like? Then, you can help me see if my painting looks like it."

Ayu's eyes brightened: "Brother, you can draw, right?"

"know a little."

"Then can you draw me a picture? No, I'll get my mother-in-law's photo, and then you can draw me leaning on her. When my mother-in-law was about to die, she took me to the town to take a photo, but Got it off by me."

Chen Xiao did not hesitate, nodded and said: "Okay."

Ah Yu ran home quickly, Lin Xi looked at her back and said:

"Are you suspicious of the woman selling the goods?"

"Ayu was carried to the Jinguang Tomb. Although I still can't figure out why a baby was carried to the ancient tomb, I think the person who threw her away should know where she is."

"But it doesn't make sense. Why did the woman who sold the goods never come again after my mother-in-law passed away? Is it because something happened to her? Or is there something between her and her mother-in-law? Otherwise, walking It’s impossible for a seller in the countryside to stop coming because someone dies!”

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi did not reply.

Not long after, Ayu ran back holding a photo of her mother-in-law.

Chen Xiao decided to help them draw first, so he asked Ayu to sit under the tree.

But Chen Xiao didn't look at Ayu's facial features too much because he could already remember her very clearly.

However, Chen Xiao needs to take a good look at her mother-in-law's appearance and try her best to make up for this regret in Ayu's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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