I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 419: You’re here, why don’t you show up yet?

Chapter 419: You’re here, why don’t you show up yet?

Chen Xiao painted very seriously.

Ayu also sat there quietly.

The body is slightly tilted, as if snuggling.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lin Xi, who was standing aside, yawned from time to time.

Finally, Chen Xiao stopped writing.

Lin Xi glanced at it and silently gave a thumbs up.

Seeing that Ayu was fine, he ran forward happily.

Just looking at the portrait, Ah Yu lowered his head and remained silent.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi both knew why A Yu was like this, but even if they knew, they couldn't help but want to comfort him.

Lin Xi gently stroked Ayu's hair and said:

"Ayu, be good, otherwise your mother-in-law will still be worried about you even if she has been gone for many years."

Ayu hummed heavily, then raised his head and said to Chen Xiao:

"Brother, let me tell you what the sales aunt looks like."

"it is good."

"She has very long black hair, which reaches above her waist. When I first saw her, she was very white. But then when I saw her again, she was tanned, as dark as me."

Ah Yu is actually not considered black.

Just tanned to a wheat color.

Among the girls in the countryside who go to the mountains and rivers every day, how many of them are white?

Chen Xiao nodded and listened silently.

However, under Ayu's description, Chen Xiao painted a very ordinary-looking woman.

Even the clothes, from Ayu's story, seemed to be very ordinary and country style.

When Chen Xiao started writing again, Ayu said in surprise:
"Wow, brother, you are so good at drawing! You can actually draw something so similar to someone you have never seen before!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao knew that he had made the right call.

It is not easy to find a person in this era, but it is much easier if you use the police to find him.

But it's just easier.

After all, the current database is not particularly perfect, but if this person can be matched, it will not be so difficult to find her household registration information.

Lin Xi silently took the portrait from Chen Xiao.

Then he looked at the Jinguang Mountain not far away and said, "Ayu, are you sleepy?"

Ayu shook his head: "Not sleepy yet."

"Then do you dare to go for a walk in the mountains with me at night?"

Ayu looked at the Jinguang Mountain pointed by Chen Xiao, but suddenly shook his head and said:
"Any mountain is fine, but I don't want to go to Jinguang Mountain. After my mother-in-law said I picked it up from there, I never want to go there again."

Chen Xiao did not embarrass her and said, "Then my brother and sister will take you home to sleep."

"it is good."

Ayu was abandoned in Jinguang Mountain.

It makes sense for her not to want to go to that place.

After Chen Xiao and Lin Xi sent Ayu home, Ayu still asked:
"Brother and sister, do you really want to come to dinner tomorrow?"

Chen Xiao did not forget the promise he made before and said: "Brother will go buy groceries tomorrow morning, but he can't eat here at noon because he has a good friend who is getting engaged, so he has to go home."

"Okay brother, then come back to my house to eat after you come back in the evening."


Chen Xiao smiled and nodded. After Ayu closed the door, Lin Xi took Chen Xiao's hand and walked to his residence.

While walking, Lin Xi said: "When I first saw Ayu yesterday, I felt that my heart was touched. At that time, I had a lot of ideas in my mind, and wanted to buy some home appliances for her, so that she would not have to worry about I feel bad about the weather because the food went sour the night before.”

"I also want to renew her electricity bill for a larger amount, so that she doesn't have to worry about lighting the lights and making you unable to pay the electricity bill."

"I also want to buy her lots of delicious food."

"But later I controlled it, not because I couldn't bear it, but because I didn't want to destroy the life she had long been accustomed to. I thought that seemed to be good for her, but it might destroy her original peace."

Lin Xi spoke very calmly.

Chen Xiao also listened carefully.

He didn't refute it, on the contrary, he thought it made sense.

"So you want to tell me that you don't need to buy too many things tomorrow, especially things that Ayu has never seen before, right?" Chen Xiao asked.

Lin Xi nodded: "Yes, I think people have to help another person. If you don't make up your mind to help her thoroughly, then don't change her current situation easily."

Before you make up your mind to help someone.

Then don't change that person's current situation easily.

Chen Xiao chewed on Lin Xi's words, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there seemed to be some deep meaning in this sentence.

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions. As he and Lin Xi were walking on the path in the village, he suddenly remembered something:

"By the way, wife, where are the family members who made trouble during the day?"

"They were all taken away by the town police station, because we are a task force set up by the province, and the county bureau immediately sent additional personnel after getting the news. I think everyone in the county should have done their job well."

Speaking of this, Lin Xi couldn't help but ask:

"What were you talking about with that Huang Zhaozhong? How could he, a big boss, do such an irrational thing?"

After Chen Xiao told the cause and effect, Lin Xi was also keenly aware of the root cause:
"It seems that Huang Zhaozhong also has something in the hands of Wan Yide, but the name Wan Yide is really..."

Wan Yi De's name is more than just like Wan De.

In Chen Xiao's memory, a total of six suspects were arrested in the Jinguang Tomb case, one of whom was named Wan.

However, his name is not Wan, but Wan!
It was precisely for this reason that Chen Xiao did not tell Lin Xi about this.

His plan was to wait and see.

Because Huang Zhaozhong is still useful!

Chen Xiao didn't have any precautions against Lin Xi, so he expressed all his thoughts.

Including the mobile phone business that he will work with Dai Hong'er and Qiu Huasheng next, and Huang Zhaozhong's upcoming role in this business.

After hearing this, Lin Xi suddenly realized: "You are afraid that something will happen to Huang Zhaozhong before he uses it, right?"

"Yes, and I have thought about one thing, that is, Wan Yide is also a person, and has experienced a lot of things. Such a person, he would really tell such an important secret after drinking. come out?"

Lin Xi frowned, she also felt that something was a little strange.

"So what do you think it will be?"

"Is it possible that Huang Zhaozhong is trying to trick Wan Yide, and Wan Yide is like a mirror in his heart, but he is actually testing other people?"

Lin Xi suddenly realized when he heard this: "Did you ask him this question face to face?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I didn't think about it before, but now I feel that way when you ask me. Moreover, it is far better for your police to contact Huang Zhaozhong secretly than for me to ask directly about this matter."

"In addition, I went directly to Huang Zhaozhong today. Everyone in his company already knows about it. I think Wan Yide will also know about it soon. Instead of doing this, it is better to arrange for a few people to guard Huang Zhaozhong secretly!"

Lin Xi thought for a moment, then immediately picked up the phone and prepared to call Liao Cheng.

But as soon as the call was dialed, Chen Xiao's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Then he walked behind him fiercely and kicked a stone to a wall not far away:
"Why are you hiding? You're already here...why don't you come out yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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