Chapter 420
A figure came out from the corner of the house.

That was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

The young man looked at the stones falling at his feet and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

But he still raised his head and looked directly at Chen Xiao:

"I'm out, what do you want?"

Seeing the deep dissatisfaction in the young man's eyes, Chen Xiao couldn't help but grin.

But Lin Xi recognized him at a glance: "Jiang Le? Why are you still in the village?"

"I wanted to see if you police officers were really investigating the case, but after reading it, I found that you were just eating and taking a walk, not doing anything serious at all!"

The young man Jiang Le said in a deep voice.

Lin Xi had no intention of explaining, and just said to Chen Xiao:

"One of the deceased, Jiang Pinggui's son, was only four years old when the accident occurred."

"Was he there when the task force was surrounded during the day?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "He is the only one who did not participate in the containment."

Chen Xiao nodded and waved to Jiang Le: "Let's talk?"

Jiang Le didn't say a word, turned around and walked in the other direction.

Chen Xiao caught up with him with a smile, put his hand on his shoulder, and said:
"Since you are dissatisfied with us, let's have a good chat."

"I don't know anything. I'm waiting for you to tell me everything I want to know, but you haven't done anything, so what do we have to talk about?"

Jiang Le's words made Chen Xiao a little surprised.

What this young man said seems to be very logical!

"You think we have done nothing and know nothing, that's because you don't understand our work at all. Do you think we eat just eat and walk just walk?"

"Why not?"

"Then let's pick a place and I'll tell you why we eat and why we take a walk after eating."

Jiang Le looked at Chen Xiao in confusion.

Lin Xi knew what Chen Xiao wanted to do in a short period of time.

But she was not optimistic because from the beginning, the task force had already found a new direction to investigate.

That's what the six dead men have in common!
In the first investigation of the Jinguang Tomb, it was determined that they died in the tomb because of the way the deceased died, the robber holes that appeared, and their autopsies.

Since he died in the tomb, there were no bruises left by the binding and control all over his body.

From this, it can be concluded that they are people who entered the ancient tomb on their own.

Moreover, it is certain that they entered the ancient tomb through a rogue cave.

Therefore, it was determined at that time that the deceased persons had died in danger after engaging in tomb robbing.

In tomb robbing, it is very possible to kill each other for profit.

Therefore, no one showed any doubts about this determination back then.

Furthermore, at that time almost everyone was focused on the excavation of the Jinguang Tomb.

Because at that time, the Jinguanghou Tomb was the first large ancient tomb discovered in Jiang Province!
But now the task force has re-investigated, and its main purpose is to investigate the identities of the six deceased and why they entered the ancient tomb and were killed.

Therefore, after Lin Xi joined the task force, he was the first to propose looking for commonalities among the deceased to try to find out whether he could find people involved with the six of them.

Unfortunately, this is a good direction, but after questioning the family members of the deceased, nothing was gained.

Jiang Le, the son of Jiang Pinggui, one of the deceased, although he was doubtful after hearing Chen Xiao's words, he still followed Chen Xiao and sat down on a stone pier. As soon as he sat down, Chen Xiao asked:

"During the day, why didn't you join the others in going to the police on the task force to demand justice?"

Jiang Le said with disdain:

"Those are things that a group of fools would do. If the task force really finds something, they will definitely notify us as soon as possible. But until we find out, if we have to pester the police, it will be a waste of time. !”

Chen Xiao suddenly had a greater change in his opinion of this young man.

"Then do you think your father is that kind of person?" Chen Xiao asked.

Jiang Le immediately raised his head and said with a very cold expression: "Impossible. I asked my grandma and people in the village who knew my father. They said that my father was very honest. He had never been jealous of anyone in his life and never committed any illegal crime. thing!”

"And my family is not poor. There is no need for my dad to do anything for money!"

Jiang Le is sure.

Chen Xiao did not refute, but asked, "Does your father still look like him in your memory?"

Jiang Le had never heard this question from other policemen, so he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then said:
"Why do you always like to ask nonsense questions and do nonsense things?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "You can just answer me. Do you still remember his appearance clearly?"

Jiang Le actually wanted to avoid it.

But in his mind, he couldn't help but think of that figure that was so tall that he could no longer reach it.

"I remember a little bit, but not very clearly, but he hugged me the whole day when he left. He used to always work, and my mother took me. That day was the first time he hugged me like that. Many times I Recalling that scene, I thought it was a dream.”

"But I asked my grandma, and she said that's what happened to my dad that day."

Seeing the obvious sadness on Jiang Le's face, Chen Xiao couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Then after he left, how did your family make a living these years?"

"My mother also went to work as a small laborer for others. She mixed cement and moved bricks under the sun. She did everything. When the police notified our family this time, my mother didn't want to come. She said that the person who left had already left. She can’t afford to delay a few days of work to earn money!”

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then you came here secretly?"

"Well, I left a letter for my mom and she called the police and never asked me again."

As he said this, Jiang Le was puzzled: "But I still don't understand why my mother did it. This is the only chance to clear my father's name. I don't want to carry the identity of the son of a tomb robber anymore. Since I was a kid, everyone else has That’s how you laughed at me!”

Speaking of this, Jiang Le clenched his fists.

Chen Xiao sighed and said, "Your mother is thinking about the immediate things, or maybe she has become numb after so many years."

Jiang Le clenched his fists tighter: "You are wrong, mom is not numb, she misses dad more than me."

Chen Xiao feels that everyone has their own way of living after encountering changes in life.

Jiang Le was not wrong.

His mother was even more right.

After all, the whole family's livelihood depends on her alone.

And after so many years, hope may have risen, but hope is far less than having food in front of us.

But what Chen Xiao didn't expect was that his understanding was really wrong!
Jiang Le's clenched hands were suddenly released, and then he lowered his head and said in a tone full of annoyance and weakness:
"Mom just wanted to make money to save my life."

"But I don't have long to live. I heard what the doctor and my mother said. The doctor said I have at most half a year to live!"

"So I have to find out in the last moment whether dad is a thief or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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