I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 421: Code Tracking Technique, this person’s footprints are very problematic!

Chapter 421: Code Tracking Technique, this person’s footprints are very problematic!

The air suddenly became stagnant.

Lin Xi also looked at Jiang Le unexpectedly.

Chen Xiao even frowned.

"Is there little hope for treatment?" Chen Xiao asked subconsciously.

Although after asking, he felt that it was not appropriate to ask a fifteen-year-old boy like this.

But Jiang Le said very paranoid: "I heard it clearly, but it's not important. Anyway, there is no hope if I can't be saved. I just want to be my father's son before I die, not The son of a tomb robber!"

Jiang Le's words seemed to be gentle and calm.

Chen Xiao thought for a while, and it seemed that only at his age could do this.

"Although I haven't found anything yet, let me give you a rundown. How about I give you the answer within a week at the latest?"

For Chen Xiao, he has yet to encounter anything that would take him more than seven days to investigate.

After hearing his words, Jiang Le immediately blurted out in surprise:


After saying that, Jiang Le said again: "You're not bragging, are you?"

"It seems you know nothing about me. Let me tell you...I am very famous and powerful."

Chen Xiao rarely says such things.

He said this not because he wanted to brag in front of a young man.

He has only one purpose, which is to make Jiang Le full of confidence and hope during this period.

Lin Xi also said at this time: "Well, there has never been a case that took him more than a week. No matter whether the case happened now or more than ten years ago, he found the real culprit. "

Maybe it's just like what Liao Cheng said.

Lin Xi has a magical power that makes people trust him.

Jiang Le nodded heavily: "Then can your information be found online?"

"Can you surf the Internet?"

"I will. It was too boring to stay in the hospital before. I happened to have a few brothers come to see me, so we secretly went to the Internet cafe to play all afternoon. While playing beach login, we logged in to QQ to upgrade."

Chen Xiao smiled: "There should be an Internet cafe in town. If you have any doubts about me, you can go check it out. Oh, by the way, can you give me your QQ number? I have a computer and I will help you upgrade it when the time comes. ”

"Really! Can you help me register!"

"Of course, starting from today, as long as I bring a computer and have an Internet connection, I will help you connect it. I will definitely make your QQ account the first one in your class to have the sun!"

"That's great, thank you! I won't doubt you anymore. I believe you will be able to give my father justice within a week!"

Jiang Le is still a boy after all.

The teenagers in 06 were far less able to access the Internet anytime and anywhere than their peers in later generations.

As for Jiang Le's last sentence, Chen Xiao didn't think about correcting anything.

After waiting for Jiang Le to write down his QQ number and password, Chen Xiao reminded him as soon as he wrote them down:
"It's getting late. Go to your place to rest. I will tell you the news as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Jiang Le left happily.

Chen Xiao waited until Jiang Le could no longer be seen, and then his expression became serious:

"Daughter-in-law, you should have looked for commonalities among the six deceased people, right?"

"Well, I proposed this direction in the first meeting after I joined the task force. This is also the problem that I think can be solved most easily at the moment."

"Then look for it. Do you have complete case information there?"


"Okay, I'll check out the information tonight. After I attend Dali's engagement ceremony tomorrow, I'll bring Wu Liuxian over to try it out."

"Wu Liuxian? Is that the six-fingered one you're talking about?"

"Well, I have to bring Dayou with me. I want to see what sparks can come from the collision between a descendant of a local master and a descendant of divination!" Chen Xiao had a direction in his mind, and Lin Xi didn't say anything more. .

Soon, the two returned to their residence.

Lin Xi was taking a shower, but Chen Xiao opened the case file without any distractions.

[July 91, 7, Jin Guanghou’s tomb case! 】

[At ten o'clock in the evening on July 1991, 7, Zhu Datong, a villager in Jinguang Village, Wangshan Town, went up the mountain to collect the animal trap and found an abandoned baby and called the police. 】

[The police rushed to Jinguangshan and determined that the baby girl was in good condition. However, during the investigation of the site, it was discovered that there was a suspected robbery cave on Jinshan Mountain. 】

[Immediately, relevant departments rushed to Jinguang Mountain again and found out that it was indeed a stolen cave, and conducted an in-depth investigation into the stolen cave. 】

[During the investigation, it was found that there was indeed an ancient tomb in Jinguang Mountain, and six deceased people were discovered one after another in the corridor of the tomb. 】

[After investigation, deceased one: Wang Shidu, male, 35 years old, from Honggu County, the provincial capital of Jiang Province, unemployed. 】

[Jiang Pinggui: Male, 31 years old. A native of Pinghe County, Jiang Province, he is engaged in masonry work. 】

[Wang Shiji: Male, 33 years old. A native of Honggu County, Jiang Province, unemployed, brother of the deceased Wang Shidu. 】

[Wu Qing: Female, 42 years old, from Tiangu District, Haicheng, runs a grocery store. 】

[Wu Xue: Female, 41 years old, Tiangu District, Haicheng, sister of the deceased Wu Qing. 】

[Ye Jiadong: Male, 51 years old, from the provincial capital of Jiang Province. He was originally a teacher in the Archeology Department of Dongdong University in Jiang Province. He later quit his job to start a business. 】


Chen Xiao looked at the introduction of each deceased person.

In this introduction, it was clearly stated that among the six deceased, there were a pair of brothers and a pair of sisters.

The remaining two have almost no relationship with the other four.

One is Jiang Le's father, Jiang Pinggui, and the other is a teacher in the archeology department of Dongdong University.

Looking at the two brothers named Wang, they are described as unemployed, but they are most likely idle elements in society.

A bricklayer, a university teacher, two social idlers, and a pair of sisters who run street vendors.

Chen Xiao found it difficult to connect these six people.

However, Chen Xiao was not in a hurry. He quickly found the photos of the footprints taken at that time.

Although the clarity of the photo is not as good as today's shooting, Chen Xiao immediately made a deduction after seeing those footprints.

His hand has been recording in the notebook.

By the time Lin Xi came out of the bathroom, Chen Xiao had already written down the physical characteristics of nearly four or five people.

Lin Xi was wiping her hair nonchalantly, but after seeing clearly what Chen Xiao had written, her movements became slower and slower.

Because Chen Xiao not only recorded some very simple physical information, such as approximate height and weight.

He even recorded the walking postures of others, and one person's feet seemed to have trouble walking at that time!

Seeing this, Lin Xi's hand movements froze.

She asked in shock: "Husband, you... know how to code and track!"

Chen Xiao learned the code tracking technique by himself in Haicheng.

After returning to Dongzhou, he also forgot about this matter and did not have time to tell Lin Xi.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao did not immediately respond to Lin Xi's words. He was calculating a person's data.

As he wrote, he frowned, and then couldn't help but say:

"No, there's something wrong with this person!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Xi asked, and Chen Xiao replied:

"According to my calculation, this person's footprints are very problematic!"

 Four updates starting on the 6th...

(End of this chapter)

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