Chapter 425 The big day!

The phone call did not bring good news to Chen Xiao.

Even Liao Cheng and Lin Xi couldn't help but feel disappointed.

After Chen Xiao experienced the ups and downs of his mood just now, he asked calmly:
"What about 95?"

"No, there is no record in the account book. His account book will record who made it and how much it cost. So I can confirm it once I check it."

Chen Xiao did not ask about 93 because Ye Jiadong had just started his business at that time and the warehouse was not under construction.

The calls on both sides fell silent for a while.

Jiang Pinggui's wife waited for a while and then asked, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

After Chen Xiao thought for a while, he said: "I will drive to your place tomorrow to pick up the account book in person. This should be convenient, right?"

"No problem, but I also have a request."

"You said."

"Can you help me bring Lele back with me? He's sick and he's stubborn. I'm worried about him."

Chen Xiao hesitated: "But he wants to know the facts of the case at any time."

"Then you can tell me at any time over the phone. We are all ordinary people. Cases like this won't attract more attention just because we are here or not, right?"

Hearing these words, Chen Xiao sighed.

Although he wanted to say some high-sounding words full of justice.

But what Jiang Le's mother said was not wrong.

Take the Xiaofeng Village case for example. If one of the deceased was not Guo Zhengchang's granddaughter, how could there be such an intensive investigation?

"Tomorrow I will find him first and then do some ideological work on him."

"Thank you! I won't say any more. I have to go to work early tomorrow and I have to rest."

"it is good."

Chen Xiao hung up the phone.

When he put down his cell phone, Liao Cheng said, "Do you still think their connection will be in that warehouse?"

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, does Team Liao want to see the account book?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Liao Cheng nodded unabashedly, and Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Since everyone wants to see it, it doesn't matter whether it's a warehouse. What's important is whether Jiang Pinggui's wife can see different amounts when she looks at the account books and we look at the account books." "

Listening to Chen Xiao's words, Liao Cheng nodded heavily:

"Yes, your conjecture has given us a concept. Although we are not sure whether this concept is correct, and it seems that it is very likely to be wrong at present, it is better than being completely stuck in the quagmire this day. "

"In this case, everyone, don't even think about going up tonight, keep your spirits up and fight again tomorrow."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, but Liao Cheng didn't let him continue chatting.

After waiting to leave Liao Cheng's place, Chen Xiao also took Lin Xi back to his residence.

Without thinking about anything else, the couple quickly relaxed their thoughts and fell asleep.

Waiting for the next morning.

Luo Dali's phone number came over.

"Hey, can Brother Chen come back today?"

Luo Dali is still worried that Chen Xiao will be absent on important days for him.

"Don't worry, I'll go back to Dongzhou later."

"Okay, let me get busy now. When you arrive, come directly to my house."

Chen Xiao hummed and hung up the phone.

Lin Xi, who had already sat up from the bed, felt a little regretful: "Please help me congratulate Dali and Xiaoxiu. I can't be there on such an important day."

"They understand that my wife is someone who does important things, so you can just handle the case with peace of mind."

Since time was running out, Lin Xi didn't say much.

After Chen Xiao left the task force, he drove to find Jiang Le first.

After the latter learned about Chen Xiao's purpose, he immediately said: "I'm not going home. I'm going to wait here for the results of your investigation!"

"I will leave you a phone number. You can call me at any time to ask about the progress of my investigation. In addition, you know your own situation. I don't think anyone is more worried about you than your mother." After saying that, Chen Xiao patted Jiang Happy shoulders:

"She no longer has a husband, and her only concern is you, you know?"

Jiang Le lowered his head and bit his lip: "Then if you have a clue, will you really tell me immediately?"


"Okay, I'll go home with you."

Jiang Le began to pack his clothes as he spoke.

After he put it away, Chen Xiao took him to buy some ingredients and then notified people to deliver them to Ayu's house.

After everything was arranged, Chen Xiaocai sent Jiang Le home.

The latter's mother is a dark-skinned woman.

He has thick arms and a muscular back.

When they saw Chen Xiao and Jiang Le, they didn't look like women at all. Instead, they looked like the men on the construction site.

"Lele is back, you must be Consultant Chen! Do you smoke? I just went to the canteen to buy some!"

As the woman spoke, she put the pack of cigarettes worth more than forty yuan into Chen Xiao's hand.

Chen Xiao quickly pushed back: "Sister, I don't smoke! While you just bought it, you can still go to the store to return it."

"Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore. Thank you for bringing Lele back!"

Lele's mother is indeed a very straightforward woman.

Not long after, Lele's mother took out the account book.

But when she was waiting for Chen Xiao to put it away, she couldn't help but remind her:

"Consultant Chen, please don't break it. It has been in this book for many years and some of the words are no longer legible, but it is..."

"I understand, sis, don't worry there won't be any damage."

"Okay, then I'll go to work. Lele, please be obedient at home and remember to take your medicine, do you hear me?"

For a woman who is busy making a living and is still the head of the family, it seems like it is a sin to be idle for even a minute.

I saw Jiang Le's mother carrying two shovels and walking out the door.

Chen Xiao didn't stay long. After exchanging a few words with Jiang Le, he drove straight to Dongzhou.

Chen Xiao had no time to look at the account books along the way. When he arrived at Luo's house, everyone was ready.

When Luo Dali saw Chen Xiao, he ran over quickly: "I thought you wouldn't be able to catch up, but luckily the time is just right!"

Chen Xiao also smiled bitterly and said: "I was also worried that I would be late, so I didn't dare to delay along the way. I'll go say hello to Mr. Guo and your dad first, and then we'll go to Xiaoxiu's house."

Xiaoxiu's family is not from Dongzhou, so there is some distance between them.

But today is the engagement ceremony, and the man needs to go to the woman’s house to give a betrothal gift and an engagement letter!

Chen Xiao immediately found Guo Zhengchang.

Today, Guo Zhengchang was also dressed in formal attire. When he saw Chen Xiao coming, he immediately said:

"I have something to say on the way. Today is Dali's big day. If we arrive late, it will be a great disrespect to the woman's family."

Chen Xiao nodded, looked at the account book in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Then I will ride in the same car as you. I am on the way to Xiaoxiu's house to see if I can find some clues to the Jinguang Tomb case."

Guo Zhengchang also looked at the bag in Chen Xiao's hand and asked:

"Isn't the investigation of the case very difficult? You didn't encounter any resistance, right?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "It is very difficult, but there is no resistance."

Guo Zhengchang just hummed and got in the car.

And in order to give Chen Xiao enough room, Guo Zhengchang actually sat in the passenger seat.

"Just think carefully in the back. I will also take this time to catch up on my sleep."

Listening to Guo Zhengchang's words, Chen Xiao was moved, but instead of saying any kind words, he sat in the back row and silently flipped through the account books!
(End of this chapter)

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