I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 426 The answer is correct, their point of contact!

Chapter 426 The answer is correct, their point of contact!
Along the way, Chen Xiao was looking through the account books left by Jiang Pinggui during his lifetime.

Especially regarding the accounts of 94, he looked at every transaction.

After reading each month's bills, Chen Xiao will also summarize each number.

Only after he knows that his calculations are correct and the general ledger filled in is correct, he will open the accounts for the next month.

Guo Zhengchang, who was in the passenger seat, was still staring at Chen Xiao's actions at first.

But then I listened to the computer’s voice just settling accounts, and couldn’t help but ask:
"How about I arrange for an accountant to calculate the account book for you?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "It's just a bricklayer's annual account book, there's no need to use finance."

Seeing what he said, Guo Zhengchang stopped talking.

The car kept moving.

By the time they drove to Ye Xiu's town, Chen Xiao was almost finished.

It is now less than twenty minutes' drive from Ye Xiu's home.

Chen Xiao looked at the account book and frowned.

After calculating so many accounts, Chen Xiao didn't think there was anything wrong.

Every income is consistent with the annual income.

When Chen Xiao finished his calculations, the car was almost at Ye Xiu's house.

Even Guo Zhengchang woke up.

Seeing Chen Xiao closing the account book, Guo Zhengchang asked: "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Guo Zhengchang knew what case Chen Xiao was investigating.

But he didn't know what exactly Chen Xiao was checking.

Chen Xiao shook his head. Just when he was about to speak, Luo Dali, who was leading the way, stopped the car.

Seeing this, Guo Zhengchang smiled and said, "If you find nothing, let's leave it alone. We have to walk to Xiaoxiu's house."

Chen Xiao calmed down, opened the car door and got out of the car, then ran towards Luo Dali.

Today is the day when the betrothal gift and engagement letter are issued. Chen Xiao is Luo Dali's eldest brother and brother.

Those betrothal gifts should also be brought to the woman's family with the help of the brothers.

Together with Xiao Jidaoman Liu Dayou and the others, they carried things and walked towards Ye Xiu's house step by step.

Before anyone could reach the door, lively firecrackers had already been set off.

Luo Dali was holding flowers, and Ye Xiu was wearing a red dress.

This girl, who never puts on makeup, also put on some makeup today.

Standing in the crowd, you can easily see who is having a happy event.

Chen Xiao carried her things through the thick fog after the firecrackers were set off, and when she ran quickly into Ye Xiu's house, the people at her house who arranged to entertain the guests were already blowing away the smoke.

But as soon as Chen Xiao sat down, Ye Xiu came over with tea in person.

"Brother Chen Xiao, drink tea."

Chen Xiao smiled nonchalantly and said, "We are our own people, so you don't have to worry about me. There are so many relatives coming to your house. Let's entertain others."

Ye Xiu shook his head: "But this is the first time Brother Chen Xiao has come to my house."

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Ye Xiu meant.

Ye Wei died in the Xiaofeng Village case, and Chen Xiao and Ye Xiu also met in the Xiaofeng Village case.

For Ye Xiu's family, Chen Xiao was the one who helped Ye Wei find out the truth and give her justice.

However, Chen Xiao didn't want to mention this today, and said seriously: "One code means one code, you and Dali are the biggest today, listen to me... go and get busy."

"Well, then Brother Chen Xiao, sit down and call me if you need anything."

Ye Xiu went to work.

Chen Xiao looked at the tea in the cup and didn't think he needed anything.

Instead of entertaining him, it is better to entertain Guo Zhengchang well. This is a good elder who is caring and dedicated.

After all, Guo Zhengchang has really put his heart and soul into Luo Dali and Ye Xiu's future good life.

After the guests met, the engagement ceremony began.

From the moment he saw Luo Dali standing with Ye Xiu with a happy face, the smile on Chen Xiao's face never stopped. From time to time, he would cheer and cheer.

From time to time, I looked at the betrothal gifts.

Although the betrothal gift is nothing compared to the current conditions of the Luo family.

But in this area, the Luo family can be considered a wealthy family.

Especially the neatly arranged betrothal gift cash.

Many people can't take their eyes away when they see it.

Chen Xiao was also watching, and he couldn't help but remember that when he and Lin Xi were engaged, it was much shabby compared to the scene in front of him.

"Fortunately, my wife is not here." Chen Xiao sighed in his heart, but the next second, his brows suddenly frowned.

Standing next to Chen Xiao is Xiao Ji.

As Chen Xiao's most caring and right-hand man, Xiao Ji immediately noticed the change in Chen Xiao's expression.

"What's wrong, Brother Chen? Did something go wrong somewhere?"

Xiaoji mistakenly thought that there was something wrong with the engagement ceremony.

Chen Xiao quickly shook his head: "No, it's good. I thought of something. You can talk to them later."

With that said, Chen Xiao walked out of the hall.

An engagement ceremony is not like a wedding.

Chen Xiao had thoughts in his mind. He didn't want to miss this feeling, so he walked out quickly.

After opening the door and getting in the car, Chen Xiao opened the account book again.

He still started from the beginning, but this time he didn't count every detail.

When he turned to the accounts for September 94, Chen Xiao's eyes instantly shrank.

The accounts may be okay.

The general ledger is also correct!

But the recording method is wrong!

Jiang Pinggui is literate and can write, but his handwriting is not pretty.

Although he remembered the previous monthly accounts in detail, every entry seemed to be written with a natural and relaxed attitude.

Only this September's accounts, he seems to have deliberately written them very neatly!

It’s like I’m afraid I’ll write something wrong!
At first, Chen Xiao didn't react when he saw it. It wasn't until he saw the neat piles of betrothal gifts that he realized it later.

Yes... It is undeniable that some people are used to being messy when keeping accounts, while others are used to being neat.

But I remember that the accounts for the whole year are very random and scattered every month. Why is every line of the September accounts aligned to the left?

In fact, every word seems to be written very seriously!

There are still many traces of omissions and alterations in the previous accounts due to writing errors.

Not in September!
So, is there another possibility for the September account?

For example, the bookkeeper was mentally prepared, so he made a false account?

This fake account was not made for others to see. It was probably Jiang Pinggui who made it for his wife.

He didn't want his wife to know what he was doing in September 1994!
Thinking of this, Chen Xiao immediately called Lin Xi.

The latter immediately answered the phone: "Hello, husband!"

"There is a problem with the bill. I suspect that in September 1994, Jiang Pinggui remembered that it was a fake account!"

Chen Xiao said the business directly without any twists and turns.

Hearing this, Lin Xi asked in a shocked tone: "But didn't Jiang Pinggui's wife say there was no problem? How did you tell the fake accounts?"

"There are obvious differences in bookkeeping habits, not to mention that men work outside and women take care of their children and parents at home. How can a woman be 100% sure that a man must have done what he said?"

"Then you can take the photos now, and I'll ask Team Liao and others to compare them."

"Don't worry about the account book. I'll bring it over in the afternoon. Now, we should figure out what to do next! Because September 1994 is the date when Ye Jiadong's warehouse was built!"

"This is the connection between Jiang Pinggui and Ye Jiadong!"

(End of this chapter)

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