I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 434: Skeletons, sweeping away the chaos of thinking!

Chapter 434: Skeletons, sweeping away the chaos of thinking!

Why did Chen Xiao agree on Qu Ruogu?

the reason is simple.

He had just met Qu Ruogu.

Now the archaeological department of the provincial capital called and said that Wu Liuxian's father might have been found.

It was obvious that Qu Ruogu had already guessed who Wu Liuxian was the moment he saw them.

However, Qu Ruogu did not tell him face to face, but later informed the police about the incident.

The intention was even simpler. Chen Xiao had made him unhappy just now.

However, Chen Xiao didn't pay too much attention to this matter. Compared to Wu Liuxian finding his father, these were minor matters.

After talking to Lin Xi on the phone, Chen Xiao looked at Wu Liuxian, who was still a little lost, and shouted:

"Brother, slow down."

Wu Liuxian didn't seem to hear it.

Liu Dayou took two steps forward, patted Wu Liuxian on the shoulder and said:

"Brother, what's going on with you? You're still in a state of disbelief."

"I was thinking about something, what's wrong?"

"Brother Chen is calling you."

Wu Liuxian looked over.

Chen Xiao walked up and said, "I just received a call from my wife. She said that the archeology department in the provincial capital called them and said that an unknown male corpse was found in an ancient tomb in the early years."

Wu Liuxian obviously didn't think about the possibility of his father, and looked confused when listening to Chen Xiao's words.

"The male corpse is around fifty years old. His right hand... has six fingers!"

Wu Liuxian's eyes widened for a moment: "Six fingers on the right hand? Six fingers!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Wu Liuxian became excited all of a sudden. He grabbed Chen Xiao's wrist and opened his mouth to speak but couldn't utter a clear word.

Chen Xiao patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Although his characteristics are very similar to your father, let's calm down before seeing anyone."

Wu Liuxian nodded heavily.

But Chen Xiao could tell that Wu Liuxian was in a panic.

Such panic is very understandable for Chen Xiao.

He has met many families whose relatives have disappeared.

For those family members, their thoughts have always been the most conflicting.

They want to hear about their missing relatives but are afraid of hearing about them.

Because many times there is no news, which may be the best news!

Chen Xiao returned to Jinguang Village with Wu Liuxian and Liu Dayou.

Lin Xi is waiting.

After meeting, Lin Xi said: "I have prepared the car, let me take you there."

"it is good."

Chen Xiao said something, and then looked towards the village. Soon he saw Qu Ruogu, who could not walk very neatly, at the door of a house.

The moment he saw the other party, Chen Xiao frowned.

He didn't know what Qu Ruogu meant by doing this.

But for Wu Liuxian, or for the male corpse suspected to be Wu Liuxian's father, this may be good news.

Lin Xi drove and Chen Xiao sat in the passenger seat.

A group of four people went to the provincial capital.

The distance was only thirty kilometers, and it didn't take long to drive to the door of a hospital. On the way to the morgue, Lin Xi said as he walked:

"According to the feedback from the archaeological department, it is said that the body was discovered in 99. The location is also in an ancient tomb, but you must be mentally prepared. The body was already in a skeletal state when it was discovered."

"Furthermore, the deceased did not carry identification, so the identity of the male corpse has always been an unsolved mystery. In the end, the skeleton was sorted and placed in the morgue of the hospital."

After saying that, Lin Xi glanced at Wu Liuxian's six fingers and asked Chen Xiao, "Did you just meet Professor Qu from the archaeological team?"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Lin Xi couldn't help but murmured: "Why didn't Professor Naqu say it directly in front of you? This person is so strange."

The few people said nothing more and soon arrived at the door of the morgue.

Because they had told people in advance, a few people went in without any hindrance.

The hospital staff helped them find the cabinet where the six-fingered skeleton was stored. After opening it, they saw the bones inside.

When Wu Liuxian saw the skeleton, his eyes immediately focused on the fingers of his right hand.

There are indeed six!
However, people with six fingers in this world are relatively rare, not extremely rare.

The staff also said at this time: "If you want to confirm the identity of the deceased, it is best to do an appraisal."

Lin Xi just nodded, but Wu Liuxian was already observing carefully.

Chen Xiao also deployed his abilities on the side to perform a data appraisal on the skeleton.

The deceased should be around fifty years old, and his height should be less than 1.7 meters.

After Chen Xiao finished his observation and was about to say something to Wu Liuxian, the latter said:
"Can I be alone with him for a while? I know what the appraisal you are talking about is, and I also know that no one can be sure of my relationship with him until the appraisal results come out, but there is a voice in my heart telling me that we are inseparable. "

After hearing what he said, Chen Xiao nodded and motioned with his eyes to Lin Xi and Liu Dayou to follow him out.

Waiting out of the morgue.

Lin Xi couldn't help but ask: "You asked me to investigate Professor Qu just now. Do you suspect that there is something wrong with him?"

"I'm interested in how his leg was broken."

In front of Lin Xi, Chen Xiao didn't need to hide anything.

At this time, Lin Xi also remembered that Chen Xiao once told him that there was a person in the Jinguang Tomb Case who was very powerful in his legs and feet.

After thinking about it, Lin Xi replied: "I asked around a little, and it seems that Professor Qu's broken leg is not a secret. It seems that there was an archaeological work back then, and when Professor Qu was leading the team to do the work, a girl who had just entered the tomb accidentally touched Something hit, and then the whole stone beam fell down."

"Professor Qu pushed the girl away in an emergency, but one of his legs fell under the stone beam. Fortunately, the stone beam was not particularly heavy, otherwise Professor Qu's legs would probably have to be amputated to save his life. ”

"Does the Department of Archeology of Dongdong University still have information about Professor Qu's previous student days? If so, it would be best to check."

Lin Xi nodded: "This is not difficult. I also asked people to do it, but there are too many things to do right now. In addition, according to your previous portrait, the seller has been looking for it. But after checking several times After that, we couldn’t find anyone who could match him in Jiang Province.”

At this point, Lin Xi had nothing to say.

Chen Xiao also knows that many things take time to find the answers.

But after today's trip to the ancient tomb, Chen Xiao had a lot more things in his mind.

While standing at the door of the morgue waiting for Wu Liuxian, Chen Xiao kept thinking about what Lin Xi had just said, always feeling that he could do something.

But after thinking about it, Chen Xiao still felt chaotic in his mind.

Until Chen Xiao and Lin Xi talked about their guesses in the tomb.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm thinking that we may have made a mistake among the six people who died. That is, the Wu sisters may not be in the same group as Ye Jiadong and the others."

Lin Xi looked at him in surprise and asked, "How do you say that?"

"Jiang Pinggui was most likely pregnant with the poison before he entered the tomb. The Wang brothers were killed not long after they dug the robbery hole, and Ye Jiadong was killed by the agency at the entrance of the tomb. Only the Wu sisters died. It’s the most reasonable, because there are many poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants in the dark and damp tombs.”

"Besides, they are both from Haicheng!"

As soon as Chen Xiao finished speaking, the chaos in his mind immediately became much clearer, and his tone couldn't help but become excited:

"Yes, you are from Haicheng, and you are from Tiangu District. Why didn't I think of asking Captain Pan for confirmation?"

(End of this chapter)

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