Chapter 435 Patted the leg!

Chen Xiao indeed forgot about Pan Huiping.

The latter is the criminal police captain of Tiangu District, Haicheng.

The Wu sisters are also from Tiangu District, Haicheng.

Although no one knows where the woman selling the goods is from.

But how many areas appeared in the whole case?
Only Jiang Province and Haicheng, just two places!

No information about that woman could be found in Jiang Province, so what about Haicheng?
Will there be any surprises?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Xiao immediately called Pan Huiping.

It’s just that Pan Huiping didn’t answer the phone!
Seeing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think that Pan Huiping might be busy, and his matters were not urgent.

However, what he didn't expect was that Liu Dayou also picked up the phone at this time and asked:
"Brother Chen, do you want to fight Team Pan?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"Then I'll call her privately. She seems to have been catching up on some sleep today. If there's an emergency, her boss will also make a private call."

Liu Dayou explained a lot before making the call.

The phone rang for about ten seconds before Pan Huiping answered:
"Hey, Dayou, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed.

Lin Xi couldn't help but look sideways and asked, "Husband, what's going on? Captain Pan has a private number, but you don't?"

"Who told him to have a big character in his name!"

"Oh~~." Lin Xi deliberately lengthened his voice, and Liu Dayou said hurriedly:

"That Ping... Captain Pan, I, Brother Chen, have something to do with you."

Chen Xiao gave Liu Dayou a threatening look, and then took the phone:

"Hey, Captain Pan, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

"It's okay. Do you have anything urgent to do with me?"

"I need you to help me find someone here. See if she is from Haicheng."

"Okay, you can send me her information later and I'll have someone compare it."

"There are only portraits, and it's just a sketch I drew. I'm not sure it's 100% accurate." Chen Xiao told the reason. Pan Huiping was silent for two seconds, but she didn't hesitate:
"Okay, you can send me the portrait, but because there is little information, it may take some time. Well, I'll try to get someone to work overtime tonight."

"It's troublesome."

"You're welcome."

The two ended the call just like that.

But Chen Xiao did not hang up, but handed the phone to Liu Dayou.

After the latter took it, he stepped aside and said with a slight blame: "What's going on with you? You haven't eaten until now, right? Didn't I tell you..."

Listening to Liu Dayou's distant voice, Lin Xi's eyes became more and more strange.

"Husband, please don't tell me that the situation is what I suspect, right?"

"Don't ask me, I was shocked myself. The only thing I know more than you is that I felt there was something wrong with them in Haicheng."

"No, I don't look down on your brother. Dayou is now a good friend of mine. But, but this is too incompatible... The most important thing is, Captain Pan, doesn't she like... like Zhang Ju?"

Chen Xiao also smiled bitterly: "She has given up a long time ago, but bystanders mistakenly thought that she has not let go. Captain Pan, how should I put it... I can only say that she is a very bold woman who dares to love and let go!"

Lin Xi said nothing, only silently gave a thumbs up.

Not long after, Liu Dayou returned after making a phone call.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi did not gossip about what happened between him and Pan Huiping, but waited silently for Wu Liuxian outside the morgue.

The latter also stayed inside for a long time, and then came out silently. But Wu Liuxian had just come out, and when Chen Xiao was about to take him away, several policemen suddenly walked towards him.

"Hello, this is Officer Lin and Consultant Chen. We are from the Criminal Police Team of the Longhu District Branch of the provincial capital. Who is Wu Liuxian?"

Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Wu Liuxian also looked at Chen Xiao in surprise.

But Chen Xiao soon expressed with his eyes not to worry, and then took the initiative to negotiate:
"Do you have anything to do with him?"

"We received notification that the provincial archaeological team discovered a male corpse while conducting development work on an ancient tomb in 98. Now, we need to take Mr. Wu back for questioning."

"Don't worry, it's just a routine inquiry."

Chen Xiao took a deep breath.

As a police consultant, Chen Xiao knew very well that he could not stop him when faced with this kind of thing.

And blocking in this case will only make things worse.

What's more, they are reasonable and consistent!

Especially since Wu Liuxian was suspected to be a relative of the male corpse, the police had reason to do this.

Chen Xiao exhaled the deep breath and walked up to Wu Liuxian.

"Brother, I invited you here. It's my responsibility that something like this happened."

Wu Liuxian is a very calm person.

He also understood the current situation very clearly.

"It seems that it was you and Professor Qu who triggered this series of things, but if you think about it calmly, brother, maybe it was not because of the confrontation, but because my six fingers had already attracted Professor Qu's Notice."

"Besides, if I didn't know you, I might really panic if something like this happened to me. Now that I know you, there's no need to panic. As a matter of fairness, I have an obligation to cooperate with the police inquiry, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Okay, brother, just cooperate. Just answer whatever they ask."

Wu Liuxian smiled and then patted his leg. Chen Xiao immediately understood what he meant!
After watching Wu Liuxian leave, Chen Xiao said: "Let's go back to Jinguang Village. Oh, by the way, the archaeological team is also stationed in the village, right?"

Lin Xi immediately knew what Chen Xiao meant, and Liu Dayou rolled up his sleeves at this moment:

"Brother, it's in the village. I'll take you there."

Lin Xi suddenly said in a deep voice: "What are you two doing? Professor Qu is a public official!"

Chen Xiao grinned at Lin Xi, and then whispered a few words in her ear.

When Lin Xi heard this, his expression changed: "Okay?"

"Why not give the opportunity they bring to your door a try? It's better to try and make mistakes than to skip it."

Lin Xi said no more, and Liu Dayou didn't understand what the two of them said, and said angrily:

"That Professor Qu has the nerve to be a professor, but why didn't he ask some questions that he shouldn't have asked in person, and he actually did something behind his back! He only needs to say so many things directly in front of us, sometimes in the morgue, sometimes in the criminal police team , I must ask him for an explanation!”

Liu Dayou was very angry.

He finally met a good friend who hit it off instantly.

How can you not be angry that you were taken away by the police just like that?
Chen Xiao didn't explain anything and just drove to Jinguang Village silently.

Not long after returning to the village again, Chen Xiao parked the car directly in front of the house where Qu Ruogu stayed.

Liu Dayou was about to knock on the door, but Chen Xiao stopped him.

When he walked to the door, Chen Xiao raised his hand and knocked twice, and asked politely:

"Professor Qu, are you awake?"

"No, I'm waiting for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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