Chapter 436 Deformed feet!

"No, I'm waiting for you."

Qu Ruogu's voice came from the door.

Liu Dayou, who was told the plan by Chen Xiao on the way, sneered at this moment: "Good guy, I knew it was him!"

Chen Xiao glanced at Liu Dayou and said, "It's a pity that we didn't bring many people with us this time. It would have been better if we brought Dali and Dao Man with us."

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I can handle him alone."

Chen Xiao sighed in his heart.

Except for being a bit enigmatic when doing professional things, Dayou is a bit hard to explain at other times.

Chen Xiao didn't say much, and Qu Ruogu also opened the door at this time.

But when he opened the door and saw that only Chen Xiao and Liu Dayou were there, he couldn't help but frown.

But before he could say anything else, Chen Xiao grabbed Qu Ruogu's shoulders and walked into the house. Upon seeing this, Liu Dayou immediately closed the door.

Qu Ruogu frowned and said in a deep voice: "Consultant Chen, what do you mean by your efforts?"

"Professor Qu really knows nothing about me. My shoulders would be broken if I exerted my strength."

"Really? Then it seems that Consultant Chen's limbs are quite developed!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao put a little force on his feet, and the floor tiles suddenly shattered.

Then Chen Xiao took out the money and put it on the table: "The floor tiles will be repaired tomorrow. You can't lose anything to the masses. After all, if you leave it to Professor Qu, I'm really worried that you will say that you have floored it as soon as you come here." It’s just bad.”

Qu Ruogu looked a little ugly and frowned: "Why do I feel like you are like a gangster!"

Chen Xiao was suddenly surprised: "Hey, don't say it, really don't say it... I used to be a gangster!"

Liu Dayou nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, I, Brother Chen, used to be a bully on Phoenix Street in Dongzhou, known as the leader of the policewoman's family!"

After saying that, Liu Dayou reacted: "I understand, Brother Chen! This old guy frowned when he saw that we were alone. He was sure that my sister-in-law would be worried about us making trouble and would come with her!"

Chen Xiao hummed: "After all, Jiang is old and hot. With the policemen from Xiaoxi's task force, Professor Qu naturally doesn't have to worry about what will happen to him. However, Professor Qu underestimated the relationship between Xiaoxi and I as a couple. "

"Yes, my sister-in-law is the best woman in the world. She will never stop my eldest brother from doing anything he does!"

Listening to the two people's words, Qu Ruogu's eyes became worried.

"Consultant Chen, did you misunderstand something? Yes, it was the unit I contacted, and then the unit notified the task force. I just received a call from the unit, saying that they asked your six-fingered friend to cooperate with the inquiry. ”

"You are a consultant to the police. You should know that it is just an inquiry and nothing will happen."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "Of course I know this, but I'm very curious about why Professor Qu didn't want to tell us face to face since he discovered it early. In that case, I will personally send my friend to the police station to cooperate with us. Inquiry."

"Look, the misunderstanding ends here. It was only after I came back that I remembered that I encountered a male corpse with six fingers during archeology in 98. Six fingers is largely hereditary, so I remembered ”

Qu Ruogu's explanation was very reasonable.

But Liu Dayou became irritated, rolled up his sleeves and said: "Brother, why are you talking nonsense to him? Aren't you just a consultant? You can be whoever you want. Now that our brothers have been wronged, we all have to accept this old guy's advice." Shi, just beat him to vent your anger on your brother!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Your sister-in-law fell asleep in the car anyway, so you can... fuck her!"

Chen Xiao grabbed Qu Ruogu's collar, raised his sandbag-sized fist and aimed to smash Qu Ruogu down.

Qu Ruogu never expected such a scene.

He did have some thoughts of his own.

It was also because Chen Xiao's repeated questioning in the ancient tomb made him very uncomfortable.

But he felt that Lin Xi would definitely follow.

As a police officer with a bright future, would he allow his family members to behave like this?
Furthermore, Chen Xiao himself is a consultant to the police!
How could he be so lawless?

Can you be so arrogant and unreasonable?
Can such a big... fist?
Qu Ruogu felt that the fist hit him, and he would lose half of his life even if he didn't die. At that moment, Qu Ruogu seemed to have unleashed his body's potential in a crisis, and he dodged Chen Xiao's punch!
Liu Dayou stood there, originally shouting.

But when he saw Qu Ruogu dodge with great flexibility, his eyes suddenly widened.

But the shock was no more than a blink of an eye, and a huge surprise appeared in Liu Dayou's heart.

Chen Xiao also squinted his eyes and looked at Qu Ruogu, and couldn't help but shout:

"Professor Qu, what a skill!"

Qu Ruogu always frowned, his face full of displeasure.

"Why, according to what Consultant Chen wants, I have to wait here to be beaten by you, right?"

With that said, Qu Ruogu straightened his clothes: "Consultant Chen, either you beat me to death today, or you wait and give me an explanation!"

Leaving these words behind, Qu Ruogu walked directly to the door.

Chen Xiao immediately raised his legs, but Qu Ruogu's broken legs also nimbly avoided it at this time.

However, Chen Xiao kicked off Qu Ruogu's shoes with her toes.

As soon as the shoes fell off, Qu Ruogu could only step on the ground.

Chen Xiao stared at the foot, his eyes showing horror little by little.

Qu Ruogu's feet were actually bowed.

Even, the bowed one is not distinctive enough.

His feet are more like the women with bound feet in ancient times!
Of course Qu Ruogu’s feet are not that exaggerated, they are just deformed!
Chen Xiao stared at Qu Ruogu's feet. Qu Ruogu noticed it and shouted as if he was humiliated:

"Consultant Chen is almost done!"

Chen Xiao grinned: "Professor Qu's legs and feet are obviously so flexible, why is it so awkward when walking?"

Qu Ruogu was too lazy to answer and just opened the door.

But after opening the door, he saw Lin Xi.

Qu Ruogu sneered: "Officer Lin, you couple are really interesting."

"I'm sorry, Professor Qu, but I need to question you now." Lin Xi also noticed Qu Ruogu's feet, so he said seriously.

But what Lin Xi said was very smart.

Instead of asking Qu Ruogu to cooperate with the investigation, he was asked to cooperate with the inquiry.

Qu Ruogu was immediately stunned and asked: "Interrogate me? What's the reason?"

"When it comes to the Jinguang Tomb case, after you join our task force, you will naturally know why I asked you. Moreover, you and the deceased Ye Jiadong have a teacher-student relationship, right?"

This sentence left Qu Ruogu speechless.

I could only walk out of the door silently.

Lin Xi looked back at Chen Xiao, a look of doubt flashing in her eyes.

The same is true for Chen Xiao.

When Qu Ruogu's true abilities of his legs and feet were tested, Qu Ruogu's suspicion undoubtedly increased a bit.

The moment Qu Ruogu's deformed foot was exposed, his suspicion reached its peak.

Because Chen Xiao could tell at a glance that it might be caused later, not innate!

It was just Qu Ruogu's reaction that made his original suspicion suddenly plummet!
(End of this chapter)

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