Chapter 437 A bowl of hot rice!
Qu Ruogu was taken away by Lin Xi.

Chen Xiao looked at their leaving figures, but there was no optimism in his heart.

During his investigation, he found that one of the criminals who robbed Jinguang Tomb on the night of July 95, 7 had legs and feet that were different from normal people.

And this person is definitely a practitioner, and the explosive power of his legs and feet is much stronger than ordinary people!

The ability that Qu Ruogu showed just now is the use of leg strength!
Furthermore, his deformed foot should be the same as the other foot that is not exposed.

This means that both feet are deformed, and they are not born with deformities!
For Chen Xiao, Qu Ruogu and the suspect with leg and foot problems have begun to overlap.

However, when Qu Ruogu followed Lin Xi, his face and eyes were full of anger and shame.

Even if Chen Xiao saw a trace of panic in his eyes, Chen Xiao would not waver in his suspicion.

Liu Dayou did not observe so carefully. He was still in excitement:

"Brother Chen, we are so lucky! Qu Ruogu's legs and feet have obviously been trained, but he usually shows off his bad feet to others. This is obviously a problem!"

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand to signal him not to speak. Liu Dayou became puzzled, but he didn't ask too much.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Chen Xiao also stayed at Qu Ruogu's residence and entered the latter's bedroom.

In the bedroom, he saw a lot of medicines, especially potions for relaxing muscles and activating blood circulation.

Looking at the potions, Chen Xiao seemed to understand something, and then looked at some of Qu Ruogu's work notes.

The notebook is brand new, but there is a lot written in it.

It’s all about the records after the resumption of archaeological work on the Jinguang Tomb!

After reading those records, Chen Xiao let out a long sigh.

He had doubts about Qu Ruogu.

But most of the suspicion stems from Chen Xiao's suspicion of everyone involved.

Although doubts about Qu Ruogu have reached their peak.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao felt that Qu Ruogu might have nothing to do with what happened back then.

After reading the notebook, Chen Xiao found some work summaries.

However, in tonight's work summary, Chen Xiao saw something very unexpected.

That is, this work summary, which is to be handed in at first glance, is belittling a person both covertly and overtly.

If Chen Xiao remembered correctly, the first archaeological team member who spoke to him in the ancient tomb was the person Qu Ruogu disparaged in his summary.

This allowed Chen Xiao to refresh his understanding of Qu Ruogu.

Because in the notes, the person who was belittled often appears, it can be seen that Qu Ruogu has left many things to him.

But in the work summary submitted, this person was belittled again and again.

Chen Xiao was wondering if this person might have said something to him after they parted ways in the ancient tomb.

So much so that Qu Ruogu put on small shoes for others.

Chen Xiao didn't think much about it.

He hopes that he is a rational person and a pragmatic person.

If Qu Ruogu really had no suspicion, he wouldn't insist on being suspicious.

After coming out of the bedroom, Liu Dayou asked: "Brother Chen, did you find anything?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Let your sister-in-law go and ask. We will know after asking."

Liu Dayou said nothing and didn't ask any more questions.

But when the two of them walked out of the house, they saw an unexpected figure.

Ayu stood in front of the gate, under the moonlight.

The brilliance of the bright moon made her eyes look particularly bright.

But Ah Yu was still holding a bowl of rice in his hand at this moment. There were a lot of vegetables on top of the rice, which was steaming.

"Brother, you said you would come to my house for dinner in the evening. Now that you are back, I left this for you. Eat it as soon as it is warmed up!"

Chen Xiao was stunned.

He has always considered himself a man of his word. Except for that time when Liu Dayou was forgotten in Xiuzhou, everything he said was fulfilled.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao felt a little guilty.

Because it was already late at night, but Ayu brought him a bowl of steaming food.

what does this mean?
It means that Ayu has been waiting for him, just because he casually said that he would have dinner at Ayu's house in the evening!
Chen Xiao took the bowl of rice and asked:
"Has Ayu been awake all this time?"

"not sleepy."

"Did you cook the food tonight?"

"Yes, my sister said it tasted better than yesterday's."

"Then let me try it!"

Chen Xiao sat on the threshold and took big mouthfuls of rice.

Ah Yu's eyes turned into crescent moons with laughter.

Chen Xiao finished eating quickly, without even leaving a grain of rice behind, and the bowl was clean.

"Brother, do you still eat? If you still eat, I will serve it to you when I get back!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I'm full."

In response, Chen Xiao asked again: "Ayu, do you think the most important thing in the world is eating?"

"Of course, my mother-in-law told me that if you have food in your belly, you don't have to panic when doing things! When my brother is doing something, he has to eat well to do better!"

Chen Xiao hummed heavily: "Listen to Ah Yu, I will eat well before doing anything from now on."

"Well, then Ah Yu is back home."

"Go on, don't run, walk slowly, don't fall."


Ayu still ran home with a smile on his face.

Liu Dayou saw A Yu for the first time and couldn't help but sigh:

"Brother Chen, is this girl waiting until now just to heat up a bowl of rice for you?"

"Yes, I can't make any promises easily in the future. Even if I make one, I must always remember it."

Chen Xiao said seriously.

It seemed that he was responding to Liu Dayou, but in fact he was telling himself.

But the phone also rang at this time.

Chen Xiao originally thought it would be Lin Xi, but he didn't expect it to be Dai Hong'er!
After picking up the phone, Dai Honger immediately asked excitedly:
"Mr. Chen, are you awake?"

After Dai Hong'er returned to Dongzhou with Chen Xiao, she went to Shencheng the next day to find the way to break the situation that Chen Xiao said.

It had only been two or three days since she went to Shencheng.

Could it be said that Dai Hong'er has already found a way?
Chen Xiao was surprised, but still replied seriously: "No, did Miss Dai call me at this time because she found the method I didn't tell you?"

"I think I found it, but I want to test it, so I will just say two words. You can see if I found the right one!"

"Okay, you say."


When he heard these two words, Chen Xiao exclaimed!

She even couldn't help but sigh, this woman is simply a business wizard!
"It's exactly the same as the method in my mind! Miss Dai, you are really surprising!" Chen Xiao praised sincerely.

Dai Hong'er laughed excitedly when he heard this: "I knew I was right, otherwise Mr. Chen would not let me go to Shencheng! And after my on-the-spot investigation, I finally found the way to break the situation you mentioned !”

Chen Xiaogang wanted to respond, but Dai Hong'er was the first to say, "You don't need to say anything, you are already a god in my heart! So just wait for me, I will send you a plan tomorrow!"

"I will send you all the early plans and later plans on how to break through the shell of copycats and build the brand!"

"it is good!"

Chen Xiao simply replied with one word, and Dai Hong'er hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone, Chen Xiao said to Liu Dayou without concealing his emotions: "Dayou, I really want to make a lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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