Chapter 439 The cursed surname!

Chen Xiao listened to Lin Xi.

I didn't think about anything at night.

In his opinion, his thinking did need to pause for a while.

Because Qu Ruogu’s suspicion is not high!
The most important thing is that Qu Ruogu has witnesses to prove that he was always at work during the time when the Jinguang Tomb case occurred.

Therefore, Chen Xiao certainly could not keep an eye on Qu Ruogu, who did not have time to commit the crime.

A night's rest.

Let Chen Xiao wake up the next day with a clearer mind.

After washing up, Lin Xi said, "Ayu should get up and make breakfast. Let's go there quickly."

Chen Xiao nodded, but still said:
"Can Ayu survive if we are like this? In the past, she only had to support herself, but now she has to support both of us."

"You bought all the rice, flour and oil. As long as we don't burden Ah Yu financially. Besides, children are most afraid of being alone. Ah Yu is happier when we are here."

What Lin Xi said was right.

Anyway, just eating and drinking with the task force is just that, why not go and have fun with Ah Yu.

Sure enough, when they arrived at Ayu's house, the little girl had already made breakfast.

Seeing Chen Xiao coming, he happily called his brother and sister.

The three of them sat at the same table, eating breakfast and chatting.

But just after breakfast, Lin Xi was called over by Liao Cheng, and Chen Xiao was asked to follow him.

After the couple arrived at the meeting room of the task force, Liao Cheng came over.

"There will be a meeting later. Chen Xiao, please attend this meeting together. There is news about Haicheng!"

Regarding the news about Haicheng, Chen Xiao currently has to wait not only for the saleswoman, but also for Wan Yide.

And Liao Cheng's news about Haicheng is obviously about Wan Yide.

But after Liao Cheng finished speaking, he pulled Chen Xiao aside:
"You and Professor Qu must have vented their anger, right?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "I'm an easy talker. Things in the past are usually forgotten at that time, but that Professor Qu..."

"Professor Qu is still very capable, but his shortcomings are also obvious. He is not generous here."

Liao Cheng pointed to the position of his heart.

Chen Xiao just nodded, everyone has their own personality.

No matter what position a person is in, their character is always difficult to change.

Chen Xiao just hummed slightly and said, "Then did he talk about the tomb of Jin Guanghou?"

"Originally we thought he wouldn't say anything, but we didn't expect that after Xiaoxi finished questioning him, he immediately informed me of the matter."

Hear the words.

Therefore, Chen Xiao was speechless for a while.

"There's no need for him to be so cautious, right?"

Liao Cheng smiled bitterly and said: "But he is just that kind of person! Okay, let's continue talking about Jinguanghou's tomb. Qu Ruogu told me that something was stolen from the tomb back then."

"Keyou also knows that the development of Jinguanghou's tomb was of great significance to the entire provincial capital. A complete Jinguanghou's tomb and a stolen Jinguanghou's tomb have completely different influence in terms of publicity!"

"So when something like that was stolen, everyone who knew about it kept silent."

Chen Xiao didn't want to pay attention to the decision made back then. He only cared about one issue:
"What was that stolen thing?"

"I don't know." Liao Cheng shook his head.

Chen Xiao suddenly frowned.

He knew that Liao Cheng was not making fun of him, but that maybe no one knew what was lost, but was sure that something was stolen.

"Can't the archaeological department find out what it is?"

"Yes, it only says that there is an altar in the main tomb. There are many sacrificial plates placed on the altar, but one of the sacrificial plates is empty. The empty sacrificial plate has runes on it, and through the pair of talismans After deciphering the text, I suspect that there is something related to a curse." Although Chen Xiao had already expected such an answer.

But now that he heard it with his own ears, he couldn't help but be very curious about the netizen nicknamed "Totally Crazy" in later generations.

Who is that netizen?

Why did he directly reveal the secret of the Jinguang Tomb Case in later generations?
While thinking about it, a person suddenly appeared in Chen Xiao's mind.

It can't be Qu Ruogu, right?
Could it be that Qu Ruogu suffered some injustice in later generations, so he went completely crazy and revealed everything that happened back then?
As Chen Xiao thought about it, Liao Cheng said:
"what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing. Did Liao's archaeological team say what the curse is about?"

Liao Cheng's eyes suddenly became strange and he smiled:

"I can tell you, but don't mind it and don't feel any psychological pressure."


"The content of the curse seems to be directed at a surname. It is nothing more than cursing that surname to have a short life and a life of pain."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao was stunned and asked: "Chen?"

"No, it's Lin!"

Chen Xiao looked at Lin Xi subconsciously.

Although he believed in some metaphysical things, he also felt that those things were profound and mysterious.

But Chen Xiao still doesn't believe in the curse.

Furthermore, Lin Xi was living a good life, and no one from the Lin family he knew had a short life, so he smiled and said:

"What kind of psychological pressure can this cause? I'm afraid Xiaoxi won't care if he knows about it."

Liao Cheng nodded: "Then let's have a meeting and talk about the contingency."

Chen Xiao replied hello and sat next to Lin Xi.

Soon, Liao Cheng had people distribute the information to everyone.

The information is all about Wan Yide, a native of Haicheng.

Very detailed and thick.

From when Wan Yide started to make a fortune, to getting married and starting a family, everything down to the last detail was put on the table.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

If the authorities really want to investigate a person, they may not even be able to hide their underwear.

Chen Xiao watched carefully, while Liao Cheng spoke carefully on the stage.

After reading the information, Chen Xiao frowned.

Judging from the information collected by the police, Wan Yide and the ancient tomb have almost no involvement.

He doesn't even touch the antique business!
Chen Xiao turned back to the information page about Wanyi Defa's family history.

The latter made his fortune by reselling clothes!
Seeing the word clothing, Chen Xiao instantly thought of the Wu sisters.

However, judging from the data, there is no connection between the two for the time being.

At this time, Liao Cheng said: "Consultant Chen, to be precise, you passed the information about Wan Yide to our task force. However, we checked him carefully, but we couldn't figure out why he knew it at all. The case of Jin Guanghou’s tomb?”

Chen Xiao certainly has no answer to this question.

Even Chen Xiao was wondering if Wan Yide had heard about the tomb of Jin Guanghou from somewhere, so he boasted about it in front of Huang Zhaozhong and the others!

Just when Chen Xiao was hesitating whether to suggest that the task force directly question Wan Yide, his mind suddenly recalled a question he had asked Huang Zhaozhong that day!
"Mr. Huang, did Wanyide raise his head after he was drunk and said these words that day?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then what does it look like when he looks up?"

"That's it, lean back on the chair and close your eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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