Chapter 440 Found her!

Liao Cheng asked.

The other members of the task force also looked at Chen Xiao at this time.

But Chen Xiao closed his eyes and leaned his head on the chair.

This action stunned everyone.

After waiting for three to five seconds, someone finally couldn't help it anymore.

Although this time is very short, in a quiet conference room, three or five seconds can sometimes seem quite torturous.

"Consultant Chen, by closing your eyes and leaning on your head, are you implying something?"

"Consultant Chen, is it too hard?"

"Consultant Chen? Consultant Chen?"

The people in the task force were confused and shouted softly.

But Chen Xiao stood up directly at this moment, frowned and said:
"Please wait for me for a moment. I may have missed something and I need to make a phone call to confirm."

Everyone was completely puzzled.

Even Lin Xi seemed to be full of suspicion.

However, no one followed Chen Xiao out. After Chen Xiao walked out of the conference room, he leaned against the wall and thought for a while.

"Yes, I must have missed something!"

"Huang Zhaozhong is a very self-centered person. This comes from the fact that during his career, he earned greater profits due to his quick wit many times."

"It is precisely because of this experience that Huang Zhaozhong regards himself as the smartest person at all times."

"In his eyes, no one can be a forever friend, so he has other thoughts about Wan Yide."

"But he would be like this, wouldn't Wan Yi De be like this? Wan Yi De is also a successful businessman, wouldn't he vomit out everything he can say or can't say after drinking?"

"Is there another possibility that Huang Zhao is loyal to Wan Yide's words, and Wan Yide wants to use these words to trick another person? In fact, their so-called brothers are all made of paper, but you are the one who Test me, I’m just testing you!”

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Xiao no longer hesitated to call Huang Zhaozhong.

The latter answered the phone immediately, his tone as polite as ever:
"Mr. Chen, why are you calling me at this time? Do you need me to do something?"

Chen Xiao did not beat around the bush and said directly: "If I remember correctly, there were four people in total that night when you and Wan Yide had dinner, right?"


"Who else is there besides you?"

"One is called Fu Shun and the other is Hou Yuan."

Two more surnames that have almost nothing to do with the case.

After Chen Xiao paused, he said, "You care so much about your brothers. You should have collected information about them over the years and even have some clues? Show it to me and I will help you figure it out."

Huang Zhaozhong coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said:
"Yes, but Mr. Chen must make sure that he can only watch it by himself."

"Okay, just send it to my email."

After making the call, Chen Xiao went to the car and got the computer.

Not long after, Huang Zhaozhong sent Fu Shun and Hou Yuan's information.

Chen Xiao clicked it immediately.

Sure enough, he was right about Huang Zhaozhong.

To be a brother with him really requires a hundred and twenty minds.

Otherwise, if he is not careful, Huang Zhaozhong will silently record how many people he stole from his wife.

Chen Xiao flipped through the information on the two of them, but finally stopped at the name of his wife named Hou Yuan. "Deng Shuhui!"

After searching for so long, Chen Xiao finally found a surname related to the case!

In a previous life, the investigation into the Jinguang Tomb case was only restarted in 2017, and six suspects were arrested.

Among the six suspects, there are two people named "Deng"!
Although Deng Shuhui is Deng Moumou.

But will there be two Dengs in Deng Shuhui’s family? !

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao called Huang Zhaozhong again.

"Mr. Huang, are you familiar with Hou Yuan's wife?"

"We were acquainted before, but after Wan Yide and I turned against each other, we had little contact with them. His wife is from the Deng family, and Hou Yuan is similar to Wan Yide. They both made their fortunes through his wife's family. "

Chen Xiao hummed, and his tone became more serious and asked: "Then when Wan Yide raised his head while speaking that day, was his face facing Hou Yuan?"

"Ah? Why raise your head?"

"Didn't I ask you if he raised his head after he told him about the Golden Light Tomb?"

"Yes! Let me think about it, it seems... it seems that his head is tilted... yes, it is tilted towards Hou Yuan!"

At this moment, Chen Xiao suddenly felt much safer.

"What kind of business does Deng Shuhui's family do?"

"In the beginning, I started an antique business and later opened an auction house. However, the Deng family immigrated abroad in the past two years. Hou Yuan has been cooperating with Wan Yide in the past two years. The relationship between the two is very good."

"Then what is the name of the person in charge of the Deng family?"

"Before, the old man of the Deng family, Deng Zhong, was in charge. Before immigrating, the old man of the Deng family handed over the family business to Hou Yuan's two brothers-in-law, Deng Yu and Deng Yue."

These few words have already made Chen Xiao understand something.

Especially after hearing that the Deng family had immigrated, Chen Xiao became even more suspicious.

However, Chen Xiao did not explain much to Huang Zhaozhong. He just warned him seriously before ending:
"Mr. Huang, you are a smart person. After the call is over, you will definitely think about the reason why I made this call. But I don't care if you can guess the reason, I hope you won't do anything smart."

Huang Zhaozhong was indeed what Chen Xiao expected.

He has been thinking about the reason why Chen Xiao asked Deng Shuhui, and even thinking about it, he started to make guesses about Jinguang's tomb.

Just after hearing Chen Xiao's instructions, Huang Zhaozhong made a decision in just a moment:
"Don't worry, I am the best at making choices. Now that I have chosen to cooperate with Mr. Chen, I will not be swayed easily."

"Okay, then you go about your business."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiao began to sort out all the information.

Deng Shuhui's father and brother all have single names.

The Deng family is in the antique and auction house business.

Two years ago, the Deng family immigrated to a foreign country!

This made Chen Xiao begin to suspect that Wan Yide's temptation that night was probably aimed at Hou Yuan.

But later Wan Yide and Hou Yuan entered a better sweet period, so that the two are still working together to this day.

So could their cooperation be due to that test?
Did the Deng family immigrate because of such worries?
Chen Xiao was not sure, but he felt that this news needed to be told to Liao Cheng.

Only Liao Cheng, who represents the police, can find out more information!
Just when Chen Xiao was about to return to the conference room, the cell phone he had just put away rang again.

Chen Xiao picked it up and took a look. When he saw that it was Pan Huiping calling, he was subconsciously surprised.

"Hey, Captain Pan, have you found it?"

"I found him. He is indeed from Haicheng. His name is Gao Qinfang, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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