I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 446 Behind the case is a commercial war!

Chapter 446 Behind the case is a commercial war!
Su He?

Chen Xiao didn't know this person.

But it doesn’t matter who the person is, how tall they are, how much they weigh, or what they look like.

As long as her surname was Lin, she must go and meet her!

But before meeting, Chen Xiao still suppressed his mood and asked:
"The Su He you are talking about is related to Shen Shuming, right?"

The young man nodded: "Yes, she and Shen Shuming are childhood sweethearts. I know everything about them."

"Then tell me carefully."

The young man looked at Chen Xiao, then at Pan Huiping, and said, "Then if I provide you with what you want to know, is it considered a meritorious service?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao smiled and narrowed his eyes, and asked Pan Huiping in a low voice: "How did this guy get in?"

"Drunk driving caused two deaths and six injuries. After committing the crime, he ran away and found someone to blame. When I finally found out, I knelt down with snot and tears and begged for forgiveness."

Pan Huiping said, Chen Xiao understood and said to the young man:
"I am also a policeman. If you really provide valuable clues in the case I am investigating, I will definitely help you get meritorious service. Well, I promise you!"

The young man was immediately overjoyed: "Su He was originally named Lin He, and she was the daughter of the Lin family. But later, her father died of illness, and the power in the family was taken away by her uncle."

"After her uncle took charge of the family business, he used means to remove Su He's mother from the management. In the end, her mother was so angry that she directly severed all relations with the Lin family. From then on, Lin He took her mother's surname. "

"Su He and Shen Shuming are childhood sweethearts, and their relationship has always been very good. If nothing unexpected happens, Shen Shuming and Su He will definitely get married."

"At that time, the Shen family and the Lin family would join forces, but no one expected that Su He's father would die of illness at that time. Without her father's blessing, it would be difficult for Su He to become a member of the Shen family just by relying on the Su family. Daughter-in-law.”

"But as far as I know, the relationship between Shen Shuming and Su He is very good until now. Shen Shuming also took many projects from his father for the Su family. Maybe those projects can't improve the status of the Su family, but Shen Shuming and Su He The relationship between He should not have changed."

Having said this, the young man said with surprise;

"Comrade police, I know all of this. It should be useful to you! I don't know if what I provided is a great service."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "It's very useful to us! However, I want to know when Su He's father passed away. Do you have any memory of this?"

"It's been several years. I can't remember exactly how many years. But if you ask my dad, he will definitely know!" The young man said quickly, and then seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise:
"By the way, comrade police, I have something else to offer!"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "You say."

"I can't guarantee that what I said is the truth, because it's what I heard from hearsay. I heard people say that Su He doesn't seem to be her father's biological daughter! She's the seed of her mother's old lover!"

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed: "You even know this kind of thing?"

The young man gritted his teeth and seemed a little hesitant, but finally made up his mind and said:

"I was quite interested in Su He at first, but I couldn't compete with Shen Shuming, so in the end I had to quit on my own."

"Quite sensible, but in the story you heard, did it say that her father was cursed, or that there was always something wrong with the entire Lin family?"

The young man shook his head: "I've never heard of this."

Chen Xiao hummed, then stood up to leave. But as soon as he turned around, the young man hurriedly shouted: "I'm not a police comrade, can you really help me get meritorious service? If possible, I hope you can hurry up!"

Chen Xiao turned around and glanced at him indifferently: "I'm sorry, I came to Haicheng from other places to investigate the case, but I'm not a policeman."

The young man's eyes suddenly widened.

But Chen Xiao and the others ignored him and left directly.

Drunk driving caused two deaths and six injuries, and a hit-and-run accident was blamed on someone. Chen Xiao could not help such a person.

Chen Xiao didn't feel any guilt for lying to him.

After leaving the detention center, Pan Huiping was not in a hurry to drive.

"Want to meet that Su He?" Pan Huiping asked.

Chen Xiao nodded: "We need to meet her, but we need to understand the current situation clearly before meeting her."

After saying that, Chen Xiao thought for a moment and then said:
"Judging from the news we just received, Shen Shuming's appearance seems to be more than just a coincidence."

"But the purpose of this coincidence is questionable."

"There are only two possibilities for his appearance, either it is a coincidence, or it is because of the girl named Su He." Lin Xi agreed.

Chen Xiao: "If he is just for Su He, then what is he asking for? Although he is a rich man, the Shen family's manor is entrusted to him to take care of, which means that Shen Shuming should not be a brainless person. ”

"Since you have a brain, you can predict risks. If his appearance excludes the possibility of coincidence, then there are only two remaining situations."

"One: He appeared to cover up something. Judging from the news we just got, we are looking for people with the surname Lin. But in view of the existence of Su He, if Shen Shuming and Su He still have a deep relationship, Then his cover-up will also extend into two possibilities.”

"Both of these possibilities are based on the same basis, that is, there is indeed a shadow of the Lin family behind the Jinguang Tomb Case, and this matter is related to Su He and even Su He's parents. Therefore, Shen Shuming appeared at this time , may be taking advantage of the opportunity to mislead us.”

"Furthermore, his appearance may be just to remind us of the Lin family. He also has no good impression of the Lin family, and he is most likely a very qualified heir to the family."

"Since he is the heir to the family, everything he does may be of interest. For example, the current Shen family and Lin family may also have a competitive relationship."

"He wants us to find a way to get to the bottom of the Lin family, so that the Shen family will have the opportunity to take advantage of the Lin family's misfortune to realize their interests. In other words, he did all this just to vent their anger on Su He and his daughter!"

After listening to Chen Xiao's analysis, Lin Xi thought for a moment and said:
"That means that no matter what, Shen Shuming may know what happened to the Lin family!"

"Yes, otherwise how would he know our whereabouts? And judging from the current situation, there are many people watching our whereabouts. Even the real mastermind behind the scenes is also watching us!"

Hearing this, Pan Huiping couldn't help but look wary: "Can't you?"

"It's completely possible! Otherwise, there is no way to explain the meeting between Shen Shuming and us at the airport! What's more, the news of the Jinguang Tomb Case itself leaked out from Haicheng first!"

As he spoke, Chen Xiao looked out the window at the high-rise buildings in Haicheng and said:

"For us, what we are investigating is just a murder case caused by tomb robbing. But the essence of this case has probably become a commercial war!"

(End of this chapter)

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