Chapter 447 A single lineage!
The Jinguang Tomb Case was caused by Huang Zhaozhong.

Huang Zhaozhong's purpose is to let the police investigate Wan Yide.

And he confidently felt that Wan Yide must be the person who committed a major crime.

Once Yide is caught and imprisoned, Huang Zhaozhong can sit back and relax.

However, as the case develops, the situation changes.

When Shen Shuming also entered the case.

Then the war is no longer about Huang Zhaozhong and Wan Yide.

Most likely, it is the Shen family represented by Shen Shuming, and the Lin family, who may be the mastermind behind the Jinguang Tomb case!
Chen Xiao doesn't like to be suspicious, but when investigating a case, for every person who approaches him, he will more or less not think too highly of that person.

Therefore, Shen Shuming seemed to have some labels in his heart.

But the most urgent task now is to understand the facts of the case.

As for the war in Haicheng's business world, who lives and who dies has nothing to do with him.

Follow Pan Huiping to the Criminal Police Team of Tiangu District Branch.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a young girl walked into the criminal police team.

After the police took her to the inquiry room, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi walked in together.

After sitting down, Chen Xiao took a look at Su He.

This is a very delicate looking girl.

She sat on the chair, although her eyes were full of doubts.

But she wasn't in a hurry, she seemed very quiet.

Lin Xi opened his notebook, looked at Su He, smiled and started asking: "Hello, Su He. My name is Lin Xi, from Jiang Province Police."

Su He looked around and nodded: "Hello Officer Lin, I don't know why you called me here..."

Chen Xiao said nothing. Lin Xi was a member of the task force, and it was the most reasonable arrangement to leave the inquiry to her.

The main thing is that maybe women talk to women better.

Lin Xi didn't beat around the bush and asked, "When we call you, it's actually just a few questions. After we finish asking, Miss Su will know why we are here."

"Okay, Officer Lin, you ask."

"Miss Su changed her surname to her mother later, right?"

"Yes, when I was young, due to some changes in my family, my mother took me back to my grandpa's house, so I changed my surname to Su."

"Miss Su, do you still remember how old you were back then?"

"Why don't you remember this? It was only six years ago." Su He replied.

Chen Xiao, who was sitting aside, already had some understanding after hearing this.

Six years ago, we just entered the year 2000 of the millennium.

That was five years before the Jinguang Tomb Case!
As Chen Xiao thought about it, Lin Xi asked again: "According to our understanding, your grandfather Lin Xiao first came to Haicheng with his family elders when he was young, right? And the ancestral home of the Lin family is our Jiang Province, right?"

Hear the question.

A light flashed in Chen Xiao's eyes.

Neither he, nor Lin Xi, nor the entire task force has yet determined whether the Lin family is originally from Jiang Province.

Because they had only just learned of Su He's existence.

Although through Su He, it was possible to find out which Lin family it was, and Pan Huiping had already gone to check.

But Lin Xi's question about whether it was true or false had some tricks.

You guessed it right, then Su He wouldn't think too much about it. But if he guesses wrong, Su He will definitely correct it.

Because at this time, Su He was also guessing why the police were looking for her!
Sure enough, Su He shook his head and said:

"The ancestral home of the Lin family is indeed in Jiang Province, but Lin Xiaoxian followed his father to Haicheng. Therefore, the foundation of the Lin family was built by the old man, and then passed on to Lin Xiaoxian, then Lin Zuming, and now Lin Zuyao."

Listen to Su He's answer.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi suddenly had another realization in their hearts.

That's why Su He called everyone in the Lin family by their first names in his answer!
Such a title shows that the relationship between Su He and the Lin family is not very good, or even very bad.

With the understanding, Lin Xi would find it easier to ask.

"Then what did the old lady of the Lin family do to make a fortune? Do you know this?"

"The old lady used to be a blacksmith, and after coming to Haicheng, he started by opening a blacksmith shop. Later, it gradually developed from a small workshop into a business. After the old lady passed away, the Lin family's business was all handed over to Lin Xiaoxian. ”

"Although I don't like the Lin family very much. I think they are realistic and mean, and they can ignore family ties for their own interests. However, every generation of the Lin family, in my grandfather's words, is an outstanding person from generation to generation."

Su He couldn't help but talk too much.

When she was talking, neither Chen Xiao nor Lin Xi interrupted.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Xi keenly captured Su He's feeling of hatred and powerlessness.

"Such a family is really rare. It is said that only three generations can be rich, but the third generation of the Lin family still controls this ship. It is really impressive."

Lin Xi praised, and the unwillingness in Su He's eyes became more obvious:
"The reason why their family is like this is because there is absolutely no emotion that can influence them. They are all a group of money-making machines, including Lin Zuming!"

"But God has opened his eyes. Lin Zuming only lived to be more than thirty years old before he died. If he had not died, the Lin family's career would not have fallen into the hands of Lin Zuyao, the adopted son!"

Lin Xi's eyes narrowed: "Is Lin Zuyao an adopted son?"

"Yes, Lin Xiaoxian never had any children after getting married, and later he adopted Lin Zuyao. However, not long after adopting Lin Zuyao, Lin Zuming was born. Moreover, the Lin family is a single generation of three generations. When it comes to my generation, Lin Zuming only has one daughter."

"On the other hand, Lin Zuyao's adopted son has given birth to a litter at home, and I don't know how many illegitimate children there are outside." When Su He said this, his face was full of sneers.

Such a sneer was completely different from her temperament just now.

But maybe what happened to the Lin family was the deepest pain in Su He's heart.

After all, she was born into the Lin family, but was eventually kicked out of the Lin family.

And when Su He was growing up, neither Lin Xiaoxian nor Lin Zuming should have given her any love.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Lin Xi.

He wanted to see what Lin Xi would ask next.

After Lin Xi thought for a while, he actually heard the key point of Su He's words.

That is the third generation of the Lin family!
This is in line with the cursed characteristics of the Lin family.

After all, how many wealthy families with financial resources are descended from a single generation?

I wish I could have more children, the better!
Just when Lin Xi was about to inquire further, Pan Huiping suddenly opened the door to the inquiry room.

She looked a little unhappy, walked up to Chen Xiao's ear and whispered:
"My superiors talked to me and talked a lot. In addition, Su He's mother and Shen Shuming are also waiting outside."

After Pan Huiping said this, she turned around and left the inquiry room.

Her meaning was very clear, that is, if you want to ask something, hurry up and ask it, otherwise Su He would have to leave.

Lin Xi also understood.

But when she was about to speak again, Chen Xiao took the lead and said:

"Miss Su, your mother and your boyfriend Shen Shuming are already here. Let me take you to meet them!"

(End of this chapter)

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