Chapter 448 The intimidation of a name!

Su He's mother.

Even Shen Shuming came to the criminal police team at this time.

The meaning was obvious. They naturally heard that Su He was taken to the criminal police team.

As for whether it is to clarify the situation, or whether there may be other meanings, it is worth thinking about.

However, no matter how he thought about it, Chen Xiao felt that this was somewhat intentional.

So Chen Xiao felt that there was no need to hurry up and ask, it would be better to open up and have a good chat with them.

Lin Xi also understood what Chen Xiao meant at this time, so he also smiled and said:
"Miss Su, your mother and probably your boyfriend Shen Shuming have come to our police force. In order to prevent them from misunderstanding, why don't we change to the lounge to chat?"

Su He did not refuse, but she said meaningfully:

"I might want to correct you two, Shen Shuming is not my boyfriend."

Lin Xi smiled slightly and did not respond.

After opening the door of the inquiry room and letting Su He out first, Lin Xi asked Chen Xiao:

"You want to have a frank chat directly?"

Chen Xiao nodded:

"The biggest feature of this case is that it does not have the characteristics of previous cases."

"The person who died in this case did not die because someone insisted on killing him! The entire case so far has involved so many people and spanned so long that it is unprecedented among all the cases we have encountered. A very special case.”

"So I don't think we need to decrypt them one by one according to conventional thinking!"

After Lin Xi thought for a moment, he nodded slightly.

Her reaction meant that she also recognized Chen Xiao's words.

Soon, a group of people met in the police break room.

As soon as Shen Shuming saw Chen Xiao, he immediately walked over:

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to disturb you, it's just..."

Shen Shuming originally wanted to explain something, but Chen Xiao didn't want to hear these explanations at all.

"It's okay. We call her Miss Su just to understand some things. It has nothing to do with her."

Shen Shuming pretended to be relaxed and relaxed, and Lin Xi also walked up to Su He's mother Su Qiu:
"Ms. Su, please sit down."

Su Qiu originally had a lot to say, but when she saw Lin Xi smiling and being polite in return, she had an expression on her face that she didn't know how to take back.

"Ms. Su, sit down. What do you want to drink? But the only tea in the criminal police team is tea. Of course, it may be much lower quality than what you usually drink."

Lin Xi asked with a smile.

Su Qiuqian smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, police officer. We are not here to drink tea. We just heard that Xiaohe was called over by you all of a sudden, so we thought something happened."

"Really?" Lin Xi glanced at the men in suits and briefcases behind Su Qiu and said with a smile:
"Are these lawyers? Ms. Su kind of regards our place as a place for filming movies."

Su Qiu immediately winked at those people. After the latter left the lounge, Chen Xiao also said to Shen Shuming:

"Master Shen, how about we change places to chat?"

Shen Shuming was stunned for a moment, but nodded.


Chen Xiao smiled and took him to the yard of the criminal police team, stretched out his hand and said:
"Master Shen, would you like to have a cigarette?"

Shen Shuming looked surprised: "Don't you, Mr. Chen, don't smoke?" "We are all men, and men have tobacco and alcohol to talk to each other. But it is not appropriate to drink at this time, so it's okay to smoke one now and then."

Shen Shuming smiled bitterly and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

Chen Xiao blocked the wind with his hands and let Shen Shuming light it, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Well, for non-smokers like us, the taste of cigarettes is indeed quite bitter and choking."

"If Mr. Chen is unwell, it's better not to smoke. Besides, is there anything we can't talk about directly between you and me?" Shen Shuming said with a smile.

Chen Xiao pursed his lips: "Really? Then Master Shen, why don't you tell me how we met at the airport by chance two hours ago?"

When Shen Shuming was about to speak, Chen Xiao stared straight at him:
"Young Master Shen, I hope this is an honest conversation. I don't want to hide anything. Besides... your Shen family's business plans have nothing to do with me. I am not a businessman now, just a detective."

"I came to Haicheng to investigate only one thing, and that is the case."

Hearing this, Shen Shuming's eyes flashed with shock.

But soon, Shen Shuming smiled and said: "Sure enough, when dealing with a detective of Mr. Chen's level, there is no room for luck."

"Um, so what do you mean?"

"I want to eat the Lin family! But I have no chance, until the news on the Internet brought me an opportunity I had never had before. Of course, these are not enough for me to take risks."

"Otherwise, if you don't defeat my opponent in time, I will suffer a surging attack from the opponent."

Shen Shuming said with a smile, and Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes:
"It seems that your family has high hopes for you!"

"No way, the times are changing too fast. I have a hunch that this time point is like being at a corner. If you are not bold enough and continue to walk in such a straight line, then it is very likely that you will be walking in a straight line. There is no way.”

"So I want to go in a new direction, but before that I need to prove that I have the strength. This proof is to eat the Lin family!"

Shen Shuming's impression on Chen Xiao has always been that of a gentle and polite young man.

But at this moment, Shen Shuming's eyes were filled with ambition.

This performance also means that Chen Xiao's guess is not wrong at all.

Shen Shuming does know something!
However, Chen Xiao was still not in a hurry. Instead, he asked specific questions:
"But our police are not absolutely sure now, and you were able to find me on time. Don't the Lin family know?"

Shen Shuming grinned.

When he smiled, Chen Xiao understood instantly:

“So this is what business war is like!”

Shen Shuming shrugged: "As long as there are enough benefits, his people are also my people, and my people can also be his people."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "I also have some properties. It seems that I need to discuss it with you when I have some free time."

Shen Shuming immediately shook his head: "Mr. Chen, there is no need to deliberately promote me. To be honest, I have also learned about Mr. Chen. Although it seems that you are very lucky. You met Mr. Guo from Jiang Province, so you With today’s achievements.”

"But in fact, if you think about it carefully, Mr. Chen is the real genius. The words "home appliances going to the countryside" have directly revitalized an entire industry. It's scary to think about it!"

Chen Xiao grinned: "Then let's stop flattering each other. I feel comfortable listening to your words, but you just don't know if my words are what you want?"

"I feel good now too."

"Then let's talk about the Lin family, especially Lin Zuming! If it weren't for the chance encounter you created, I might not know this name yet!"

As Chen Xiao said, Shen Shuming's eyes showed deep fear.

That's right, when talking about Lin Zuming, Shen Shuming, who also has an inscription in his name, is full of fear!

(End of this chapter)

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