Chapter 449 The man with leg skills!

"Lin Zuming, he is a sick man!"

"Just like his father Lin Xiaoxian, he has been soaked in medicine jars since he was a child."

"My father once said personally that every time I see Lin Zuming, I always feel that he will die at any time, but like his father, he can never die!"

"But fortunately, when he was seriously ill in the millennium, Lin Zuming still couldn't recover in the end."

"If he is still alive, don't talk about my family. I'm afraid many people will not dare to have any idea of ​​​​the Lin family."

Shen Shuming spoke in detail about Lin Zuming whom he understood.

Chen Xiao also heard a piece of information he wanted to confirm from his words.

That is, the Lin family seems to have encountered some kind of indescribable curse as previously guessed.

Both Lin Xiaoxian and Lin Zuming have been sick since childhood.

It’s just that Lin Zuming passed away at the turn of the millennium.

Combining this information, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of the memories of his previous life.

A total of six criminals were captured in the previous life.

The footprints of thirteen people were found inside the tomb.

If Lin Zuming is among them, then it seems that there will be no problem in catching six people in the future!

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Xiao decided not to think about it for now.

"Since Lin Zuming is dead, why don't you think I can help you solve your trouble?"

Chen Xiao asked back.

Shen Shuming took a deep breath and said:
"For me, I didn't know there was any opportunity. Even before I knew what case you were investigating, I didn't think there was a chance."

"Until I heard that something was missing in the tomb robbery case you investigated, and it also had the surname Cursed Lin!"

Hearing this, a coldness flashed across Chen Xiao's eyes.

Even Shen Shuming in Haicheng knew this information!

And how did they know?
I wish I could beg my grandpa to sue my grandma, but the people in Qu Ruogu have spoken out!

Chen Xiao sneered in his heart, looked at Shen Shuming and said, "Young Master Shen must have spent a lot of effort to get this news, right?"

Shen Shuming shook his head: "Just asking a question, how much effort can it take?"

Shen Shuming said it very easily, Chen Xiao didn't want to talk about it at this time, and then asked:

"So based on the information you received, you determined that the Lin family's problem lies in the tomb of Jin Guanghou in the provincial capital of Jiang Province, right?"

"Yes, but when I heard about the Lin family when I was a child, my great-grandfather was still there. At that time, I just listened to the story. I remember my great-grandfather told me that the old man of the Lin family told him personally."

"The Lin family has been passed down for many generations. Although they are now scattered all over the world, they are the origin of the Lin family. A long time ago, their family offended a wizard. The wizard placed a curse on their family, causing the Lin family to die. Tortured for generations.”

"I heard this story very much when I was a child. At that time, my great-grandfather and the old lady of the Lin family were also very ordinary people. They did not often get along with each other in intrigues and deceptions as they do now."

"It's just that when I grew up, I lost interest in this story. Until I saw the post on the Internet. When I saw the post, I was purely interested because of Mr. Chen."

"Because it happened in Jiang Province, and you are from Jiang Province. But I didn't take it seriously at that time, until I noticed that something was not right with the Lin family at that time."

"So I started to think about it, and after checking, I found out that it was Mr. Chen who was investigating the case!"

Chen Xiao has been listening quietly.

Hearing this, he could feel that Shen Shuming was a person with a particularly strong sense of opportunity. Absolutely attentive!
Otherwise, how could Shen Shuming do so many things with just one post?

And in such a short period of time, Shen Shuming was sure that this might be his chance to eat up the Lin family.

Chen Xiao thought quietly for a few seconds, and then asked the most important question:
"According to what you mean, the thing should be that there may be some kind of curse in the Lin family, so that the Lin family wants to break the curse. So what happened in Jinguanghou Tomb, right?"

Shen Shuming nodded, but then shook his head: "I think as a person who has received higher education, you should not believe in any curse. I think there may not be any curse in the Lin family, just because their family's genes are like that."

"But it has been like this for generations. If it were my grandfather, father, and great-grandfather, they might also believe in some kind of curse."

Chen Xiao shrugged: "That's not the point. The point is that I want to confirm the suspicion of the Lin family, rather than participate in the business competition between you two."

Shen Shuming was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"Unfortunately, I really don't have any evidence. Everything comes from the legends I heard from my elders."

Chen Xiao was not surprised by this result, so he asked another question:
"Do you know a woman named Gao Qinfang?"

"Gao Qinfang? Never heard of it."

"Is there any other woman outside Lin Zuming?"

Logically speaking, Chen Xiao should not ask this question, but Lin Xi should ask Su Qiu.

But Chen Xiao also understands the characteristics of some wealthy families.

When faced with this kind of thing, they may choose to hide it because of their own face and the face of their family.

The relationship between Shen Shuming and Su He is ambiguous.

The two are childhood sweethearts.

The Shen family and the Lin family are apparently family friends.

Therefore, it would not be too abrupt to ask Shen Shuming this question.

After hearing this, the latter just grinned:
"As a man, even if you marry a fairy, I'm afraid you'll get tired of it over time, right?"

Shen Shuming's meaning is self-evident, and Chen Xiao also asked:

"Then there is no illegitimate child outside the Lin family?"

Shen Shuming was stunned: "Mr. Chen, I really don't know how to answer you for this kind of question. But as far as I know, it shouldn't be obvious."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "I'm just asking casually, oh by the way...Deng Hu, have you ever heard of Wan Yide and these people?"

If we talk about the several questions Chen Xiao asked, which ones are the most important?

The question asked at this moment is definitely one of them.

After Shen Shuming recalled a little, he nodded and said: "I don't know what you are talking about, but I have heard of Deng Hu, and he has a very good relationship with Lin Zuming! And Deng Hu, in layman's terms, is Lin Zuming's number one fan. "

As he said this, Shen Shuming suddenly thought of something and replied: "Oh, by the way, Deng Hu's son Deng Xiang is a martial artist! In his early years in Haicheng's circle, he was known to be good at fighting!"

"Where can I hit it?"

"I heard that he learned all his kick skills from somewhere. It is said that no one who came out of the army can handle a whip kick!"

"So fierce! How is the relationship between your Shen family and Deng Hu?"

Shen Shuming replied: "Deng Hu has always wanted to cooperate with my family in the early years, but then they suddenly went abroad. In recent years, Deng Hu has retired, and it is his son Deng Xiang who is in charge of the family business."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but smile and put his arms around Shen Shuming's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Then I have something about the Deng family, you should be sure of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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