Chapter 450 Who is the first!
When Chen Xiao and Shen Shuming returned to the lounge.

Lin Xi also ended his questioning with mother and daughter Su Qiu and Su He.

He even sent them away politely.

Watching several people leave, Lin Xi said:
"Su Qiu's attitude towards Gao Qinfang is very vague. But I think she should know that Gao Qinfang exists, but for some reasons she did not admit it immediately."

Chen Xiao had already expected this result.

He patted Lin Xi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's getting late, let's go eat first."

Lin Xi smiled and nodded.

From the relief on her face, Chen Xiao could also tell that the two of them had gained a lot from their trip to Haicheng regarding the Jinguang Tomb Case.

After Pan Huiping learned that the two of them had arrived at the criminal police team cafeteria, she immediately followed them and paid for their meals.

After sitting down together, Pan Huiping, who already understood the case, couldn't help but ask:

"How's it going? Did you two find out anything?"

"A total of thirteen people's footprints were found in Jin Guanghou's tomb. The footprints of six of them overlapped with those of six deceased people, which means that there were seven more people present in the tomb at that time."

"Judging from the clues we have so far, someone from the Lin family is highly suspected. In addition, someone from the Deng family is also highly suspect."

As Chen Xiao said, Lin Xi couldn't help but his eyes lit up:
"Are you sure?"

"Shen Shuming told me that Deng Shuhui's brother Deng Xiang is a person who is very good at leg skills. This characteristic is consistent with our previous investigation!"

Lin Xi nodded heavily: "That means that among the seven people, we have identified two now, and there are five people left. It seems that one of these five people must be found before we can open the gap and defeat them one by one!"

Chen Xiao took a sip of the drink, thought for a moment and said:

"Whether I can defeat one of them depends on Shen Shuming. But I don't know why, after talking to Shen Shuming, I had a very strange feeling."

"What strange feeling?" Lin Xi asked subconsciously.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know why, but I always feel that Lin Zuming makes me very uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Pan Huiping was full of doubts.

Even Lin Xi couldn't help but said: "Is it because he has died of illness?"

Chen Xiao paused and then said:

"Perhaps, judging from the current situation, he should have been responsible for many things back then. The main suspect in a case is no longer alive. This feeling can't be comfortable."

Chen Xiao also maintained a rigorous attitude when speaking.

He didn't say the murderer, but the suspect.

Because of the current situation, Lin Zuming is indeed the main suspect.

Lin Xi understood what Chen Xiao meant and said, "Shen Shuming should cooperate as soon as possible, right?"

"This matter cannot be rushed. If it is too urgent, people with ulterior motives may be alerted." Chen Xiao said, not forgetting to remind Lin Xi:
"Remind Group Liao to temporarily stop arranging people to go abroad to contact Deng Hu, Deng Xiang and his son."

Lin Xi said hello, and when she was about to make a call, Chen Xiao said again:
"Let him summon Ye Jiadong's daughter again, and we will have a video chat with her. Although the suspect has appeared, we can even make a general deduction about the case that year."

"It's just that we should make more preparations for the next thing. It is best to find out why Ye Jiadong is involved!"

"Okay, I'll contact Team Liao."

Lin Xi immediately called Liao Cheng and did not shy away from Pan Huiping.

Soon, Lin Xi’s call ended.

Pan Huiping put down her chopsticks and said, "I'll go and get busy if I have nothing else to do. If you need help, just let me know."

Chen Xiao was not polite either. After saying hello, Pan Huiping left.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi also left the canteen and took their computers to the lounge to wait. While waiting, Chen Xiao sat on a chair and sorted out the case.

As he said, the facts of the case have been deduced so far.

The fact that the Golden Light Tomb was stolen was most likely due to the curse of the Lin family.

Lin Zuming formed a team.

In terms of professionalism, this team should be headed by Ye Jiadong.

As for the people brought by Lin Zuming himself, their responsibilities should be more to protect Lin Zuming and kill people to silence them.

Thinking of murder and silencing.

Chen Xiao suddenly felt that there was no reason for the Wu sisters to appear in the ancient tomb.

The two sisters are also small shop owners who sell groceries on the street.

One has nothing to do with things like tomb robbing.

Erye has no access to people like Lin Zuming.

Third, they are far away in Haicheng, and it is more difficult to contact Ye Jiadong, Jiang Pinggui and the Wang brothers who are in Jiang Province.

Chen Xiao's thoughts were once again stuck on the Wu sisters.

The existence of these two sisters was too inconsistent with the entire incident.

And the more he thought about it, the more complicated the case became, so much so that Chen Xiao had to shake his head, trying to get the two sisters out of his mind.

However, the facts of the case have been grasped, and everyone should be taken into consideration at this time.

Missing one of them may cause errors in subsequent investigations.

Lin Xi was also very quiet beside him, and seemed to be doing some thinking work.

When she saw Chen Xiao frowning, she couldn't help but said:

"Husband, are you worried about the two sisters Wu Qing and Wu Xue?"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Lin Xi; "It seems that we both have the same thinking."

"Yes, since the case has been investigated so far, many people can find a possible reason for their appearance. For example, Jiang Pinggui works for Ye Jiadong. Brothers Wang, we can also think that they may have contact with Ye Jiadong, or even with Jiang Pinggui There are relationships."

"After all, they are all from the provincial capital!"

"But what about the Wu sisters? Although they are from Haicheng, Ye Zuming is also from Haicheng. But realistically speaking, there is no possibility of intersection between them!"

Chen Xiao nodded heavily, but he couldn't answer Lin Xi's words because the two people's worries were all in one place.

The lounge became quiet again.

Just thinking about it, the couple suddenly raised their heads at the same time.

However, Lin Xi took the first step and shouted:
"Husband, we overlooked one thing!"

Although Lin Xi didn't say anything clearly, Chen Xiao asked in great surprise:
"Who knows about the Golden Light Tomb first, right?"


Lin Xi agreed with certainty: "Jinguang Tomb is an ancient tomb that has existed on Jinguang Mountain for who knows how many years. When we knew about it, it had already been excavated by archaeologists, so that we ignored the hidden characteristics of Jinguang Tomb itself. !”

"So who discovered this hidden ancient tomb first? It's not very likely that it was Ye Jiadong!"

Chen Xiao already had a smile on his face and said word by word: "Some people say that there is a big tomb on Jinguang Mountain, and when the big tomb is opened, it will turn into a river of blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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