I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 457: Are you talking to me about international influence?

Chapter 457: Are you talking to me about international influence?
When Chen Xiao opened Deng Xiang's palm.

The carriage fell into silence.

Deng Hu looked at his son's hand that was easily opened in disbelief, as if he was seeing it for the first time in decades of life.

But then, before anyone could react to this scene, Deng Xiang screamed in pain.

"my hand!"

"Let... let go quickly!"

Deng Xiang roared loudly.

Chen Xiao gave him a cold look and then said:
"Mr. Deng clearly knew that I was a policeman, but he tried to kill Mr. Hu in front of me. Do you know that I can sue you just for this one thing?"

Deng Xiang gritted his teeth: "I didn't do anything to him, but I, you almost broke my hand!"

Chen Xiao took out his other hand and patted Deng Xiang on the head three times:
"Don't worry, I won't break your hand. After all, you didn't offend me. But, I have to warn you. There are people outside the world, and your three-legged cat's skills are just an appetizer for me. ”

"Don't be aggressive in front of the police. If your old man doesn't teach you this, I will teach you."

After saying that, Chen Xiao let go of Deng Xiang's hand.

Deng Hu squinted at Chen Xiao, then smiled and said:
"I don't know how to teach my children. I would like to thank Officer Chen for teaching me a lesson for this lawless bastard!"

Chen Xiao shook his head indifferently: "You're welcome."

"Then Officer Chen, can you tell me the reason why you appeared in this car?"

"Originally, I wanted to observe you, but then I realized that it was not necessary, so I was too lazy to pretend. So next, you two should be mentally prepared, I may have to have a good chat with you."

Chen Xiao understood the reason, and Deng Hu nodded simply: "Consultant Chen said it earlier. This incident has made this old guy like me feel very uneasy."

"The commotion is all caused by Mr. Deng and has nothing to do with me."

Chen Xiao said casually and looked out the window.

No one knew what Chen Xiao was looking at. Seeing that Chen Xiao had no intention of paying attention to them, Deng Hu also remained silent.

But when he looked at his son Deng Xiang, his eyes showed deep anger and helplessness.

I don’t know how much time passed, but at an intersection, Mr. Hu asked:
"Officer Chen, shall we go to the Criminal Police Team or continue back to Shenghai?"

"Go back to... you Shenghai!"


Mr. Hu cooperated very well and asked the driver to drive to Sheng Hai's company, while Chen Xiao looked out the window the whole time.

Finally, the car arrived at Shenghai.

Deng Hu and his son also got out of the car at this time, and were then welcomed into the building.

Chen Xiao also followed.

But when Deng Hu and his son were walking at the front, Chen Xiao didn't walk so fast. Instead, he looked at his phone while walking.

It wasn't until he entered the elevator that Chen Xiao put the phone in his hand back to its original place.

The elevator went all the way to the floor where the conference room was located. Mr. Hu had already informed the company beforehand.

The conference room was empty without anyone around.

Deng Hu and Deng Xiang, father and son, looked at each other and heard Chen Xiao say:
"Sit down, you two."

Deng Hu looked at Deng Xiang and signaled. After they both sat down, Chen Xiao continued:
"I won't talk around in circles with you two anymore. You two must have seriously thought about why I came to you along the way."

"After all, I have told you that I am from Jiang Province, and this time I am a member of the provincial capital's first task force." Chen Xiao's eyes also fell on the two of them as he spoke.

Deng Xiang said nothing, while Deng Hu smiled and said:

"We did think a lot along the way, but to be honest, we really don't know why the police in Jiang Province were looking for our father and son. Moreover, they used this method to trick us back into the country." Deng Hu added He said: "I hope Officer Chen will be clear about the fact that I am not from this country. Therefore, sitting in front of you now are two international friends."

"Well, please also ask Officer Chen to consider international movies when representing the police..."

Before Deng Hu could finish speaking, Chen Xiao had already grabbed a piece of paper from the conference table, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into Deng Hu's mouth.

"Don't use this to pressure me, otherwise, I can stop representing the police at any time!" Chen Xiao said coldly.

Deng Hu tore off the paper ball in his mouth with a face full of embarrassment, gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't represent the police, then we have nothing to say!"

"You don't understand what I mean. I'm telling you that I can switch between the police and non-police identities at any time, but you can't. As long as I ask you, I represent the police. Do you understand?"

Deng Xiang clenched his fists suddenly.

Regardless of whether the Deng family is becoming increasingly lonely or not.

But today is definitely the biggest humiliation they have ever encountered.

The person who humiliated them claimed to be a police representative, but acted like a rogue!
Deng Hu took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, and said seriously:

"Well, I can tell you responsibly now that I still haven't understood what you said. Please tell me which thing it is specifically!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Very good, first question, have you ever been to the provincial capital of Jiang Province?"

Deng Hu shook his head directly: "I haven't been there."

"I haven't been there either." Deng Xiang replied subconsciously.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "Let me ask again, have you been to the provincial capital of Jiang Province? This is the last chance. If your answer is still no, if it conflicts with our investigation results, it will be a false confession. ”

Deng Hu smiled: "Is it possible to record a confession in a place like this? Does it have legal effect?"

Chen Xiao curled his lips indifferently: "I think your final answer will be the same whether I take you here or take you to the police station."

Deng Hu felt something inexplicably, and his brows could not help but frown subconsciously.

"Tell me, have you been there?"

Deng Hu looked at Deng Xiang, who replied honestly: "I think about it, I think I went there once many years ago. At that time, I was an award guest, and I went to present an award to a teacher from Dongdong University in Jiang Province."

"What is that teacher's name? Do you still remember?"

"I don't remember this. For our Deng family's career at that time, how could we keep paying attention to a small thing like awarding an award and showing off?"

"That's reasonable. Did you leave Haicheng in 1995?"

"I can't remember clearly. It's been eleven years, and we're doing business, so we must be running around."

"Have you ever been to the provincial capital of Jiang Province in July 1995?"

"I don't remember." Deng Hu shook his head directly.

Regarding their denial, Chen Xiao was not surprised.

Chen Xiao was very sure that when he told him that he was from Jiang Province, Deng Hu and his son should have known why he came.

The time spent along the way was enough for the father and son to come up with countermeasures.

However, Chen Xiao also had his trump card. After lightly tapping the table with his fingers a few times, he shouted out the door:

"Mr. Hu, please come in. Next, you should talk about business cooperation!"

As soon as these words came out, Deng Hu and his son immediately looked stunned.

That way seems to say: No more? Is this gone?

(End of this chapter)

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