I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 458: He who catches mice is a good cat!

Chapter 458: He who catches mice is a good cat!
Chen Xiao walked out of the conference room.

Don't say that the Deng family and his son didn't know what Chen Xiao was doing.

Even Mr. Hu from Shenghai is like this.

Originally, the cooperation was just a cover, and the purpose was achieved by tricking Deng Hu and his son into returning to China.

But now let them continue to talk about cooperation?
How to talk?
Mr. Hu looked helpless.

Chen Xiao, as if giving up the shopkeeper's hand, chose a secluded place alone.

Hmm...the rooftop of the building.

Chen Xiao leaned against the balcony, admiring the night view of Haicheng.

Perhaps it was the neon lights in Haicheng at night that made Chen Xiao's eyes blurry.

Or maybe Chen Xiao's mind has drifted far away and is no longer in the sea of ​​lights.

He is thinking.

Think about a very realistic problem.

The question is no longer about whether Deng Hu and his son are suspects.

But how can we make them unable to argue.

But in the past eleven years, footprints alone are not enough.

Because footprints are not the only ones.

There are so many people in this world with exactly the same foot size.

As for footprints, what kind of shoes you wear will leave what kind of marks.

As for the photo of Deng Xiang and Ye Jiadong, it’s nothing.

None of this is ironclad evidence.

This irrefutable proof is too difficult!
It is no exaggeration to say that it is difficult to reach the sky.

However, at this moment, Chen Xiao had an idea that he thought he shouldn't have for the first time.

He took out his mobile phone and called Lin Xi.

Lin Xi was just like the words the couple used to tease before. After answering the phone, Lin Xi asked:

"Is it true that Deng Hu and his son are willing to die and refuse to admit it?"


"This is not unexpected, and it is also expected. Why are you so upset?"

Although Chen Xiao only said two short words, Lin Xi had already felt his emotions.

Chen Xiao paused. He originally wanted to express his inner thoughts, but in the end he did not tell Lin Xi.

Because when he arrived at Shenghai Building, Chen Xiao used an ability that he had not used for a long time.

That ability is called - the power of thief!

He saw some information, some important information.

But thinking about the information, he still couldn't confirm anything, so Chen Xiao hesitated.

Lin Xi waited quietly.

I waited for almost two minutes.

Finally, Lin Xi spoke first:

"Husband, is there something that makes you feel inappropriate to tell me?"

This sentence pulled Chen Xiao out of his thoughts.

Looking at the bright lights in front of him, Chen Xiao slowly narrowed his eyes:
"Daughter-in-law, you go to Captain Pan and ask her to investigate the information of everyone on the same flight as the Deng family and his son."

Lin Xi was surprised: "Other people investigating the flight?"

"Yes, I have a very strong feeling that there might be one or two people on the flight that we have never found?"

"You suspect... Zhang Duo is also up there?"

"I'm not sure, but I need to check it out!" Chen Xiao said, and Lin Xi immediately responded with a hello and hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao still didn't tell Lin Xi that he borrowed his thief ability. In his opinion, he has better reasons to eliminate the existence of such abilities.

And this is not to guard against Lin Xi, but because he doesn't want to add other things to Lin Xi's thinking at this critical time.

Chen Xiao stood on the roof of the building, holding his mobile phone and thinking in his mind:
"Just now I clearly checked the special information on Deng Xiang and Deng Hu's mobile phones. Although the information cannot be verified who it is, my intuition tells me that the people who came to Haicheng together are definitely not just the father and son."

"It's a pity that there is not much valuable information in that information. Their daily communication should not only use mobile phones. If I can get their computers, or find their emails, will there be more valuable information?" The information is there?”

"But to implement it to this point, some special talents are needed. I don't know if Pan Huiping knows these talents..."

In Chen Xiao's mind, there are not many people who know computers.

Even he himself is not good at this ability.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and was about to call Pan Huiping.

But when opening the call record, Chen Xiao inexplicably saw Xiao Ji's name!
"Yes, why did I forget about Xiaoji? When he was investigating the case of the Leigongshan female corpse, Xiaoji had been responsible for investigating the Sacred Heart Church. It was precisely because of the investigation that he met a netizen with great computer skills!"

After reacting, Chen Xiao immediately dialed Xiao Ji's phone number.

"Hey, Brother Chen, what's wrong?" Xiao Ji immediately answered the phone and asked.

"Xiaoji, do you still have contact with your internet friend who is very good at computer skills?"

"Oh, you're talking about the black cat, right? We've always been in contact!"

Chen Xiao, no matter it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

"It's good to have contact. Can you invite him to come to Haicheng?"

"Okay, it just so happens that we have been wanting to meet. I'll contact you."

"Okay, then you contact him now and I'll wait for your news."

Chen Xiao said and hung up the phone temporarily.

Then he continued to wait on the rooftop.

Several minutes passed before Xiaoji finally called:

"Brother Chen, Black Cat agreed. But there are no flights today, and we won't be able to arrive in Haicheng until noon tomorrow at the earliest."

Chen Xiao did not hesitate: "Okay, then you will come from Dongzhou when you book the flight."

"no problem."

After the two of them finished the phone call, Chen Xiao did not stay on the rooftop anymore, but went back to the conference room.

Opening the door, there was indeed the sound of communication inside.

Even Chen Xiao didn't know what Mr. Hu was talking about, and both parties even took out their computers.

When Chen Xiao saw that Deng Xiang was indeed using a computer and that his hands on the keyboard were very smooth, he felt more secure.

When Mr. Hu saw him coming back, he immediately stood up.

However, after Chen Xiao signaled him to do his own thing, he sat on a chair minding his own business.

Mr. Hu didn't mind Chen Xiao's presence and just talked about his own topics.

After hearing this, Chen Xiao finally understood why the two parties were able to chat.

This is the same principle as sinning less than one’s family.

The Jinguang Tomb Case is the Jinguang Tomb Case, which has no direct relationship with the Deng family's own business and Sheng Hai's cooperation.

If the Deng family has someone besides Deng Hu and his son who can take charge of the family business, and the plan for Sheng Hai is also excellent, then the cooperation will still have a certain probability of success.

Deng Hu and his son ignored Chen Xiao and explained the advantages of the plan they proposed.

Chen Xiao had been listening. I don’t know how long it had passed, but Mr. Hu finally looked at Chen Xiao with an inquiring look on his face.

Chen Xiao stood up, looked at Deng Hu and his son, and asked with a smile: "Both presidents Deng, have you finished talking?"

Deng Xiang turned his head to the side, and Deng Hu replied with a smile:

"Officer Chen, is there anything else you want to say?"

"I have to ask you two to go to the criminal police team, now!"

(End of this chapter)

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