Chapter 459 Black Cat!

Chen Xiao has the authority to summon Deng Hu and his son.

When the latter two heard what Chen Xiao said, although there was deep displeasure on their faces, they did not dare to say anything.

They knew very well that the father and son were going to be dealt with badly by Chen Xiao that night.

Chen Xiao made a call, and soon Pan Huiping arranged for a police car to come over.

After Deng Hu and his son got in the car, Chen Xiao didn't say anything else along the way.

Until he arrived at the police force, Chen Xiao only gave an explanation and did not conduct any interrogation of the two people.

Standing outside the inquiry room, Chen Xiao was observing Deng Xiang through the window.

Compared with Deng Hu, Deng Xiang's forbearance and disguise ability are much worse, and he is completely inferior to his father.

However, after Deng Xiang stayed silent in the inquiry room for a while, he fell asleep on the table.

Soon, Lin Xi also inquired and found Chen Xiao and handed him a stack of information.

"The flight information is here. I just took a look. There are a lot of Chinese people. Deng Hu and his son were traveling in first class, and the people traveling with them seemed to have little contact with them."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly and opened the information page by page.

Regardless of their names or ages, except for Deng Hu and his son, no one looked familiar.

"I have an idea, but Team Pan must cooperate."

When Chen Xiao was checking the information, Lin Xi expressed his thoughts.

Hearing this, Chen Xiao asked: "Do you want to visit those people one by one in the name of the police?"

"Yes, the name can be changed, the age can be changed, and the appearance can be changed, but there will be traces of it." As he said that, Lin Xi seemed to feel that his analysis was not so reasonable, so he added:
"When you asked me to check the flight, I thought about it seriously. Deng Hu and his son arrived too fast, don't you think?"

Chen Xiao nodded without hesitation:
"Yes, the speed of their arrival is indeed beyond my expectation. Although Shen Shuming gave an explanation that the country where Deng Hu and his son are located is also a neighboring country, but from the beginning of the design to lure them back to the country to their arrival in Haicheng, everything happened Not even twenty-four hours.”

"Quick! The more carefully you think about it, the faster it feels!"

Lin Xi echoed: "It is for this reason that I think everyone on the flight should see it with their own eyes. I wonder if there are other reasons why they arrived so fast!"

"For example, Zhang Duo is missing, and there are a few remaining people!"

Chen Xiao felt that Lin Xi's thinking was becoming more mature.

You can even clearly feel her growth!
"Then you go talk to Captain Pan first and see if she can arrange for the police to assist you in this matter." Chen Xiao agreed with Lin Xi's suggestion, and the latter immediately went to investigate.

Before leaving, he told Chen Xiao that the family identification of A Yu and Su He would not be available until the evening at the earliest.

Chen Xiao was not surprised by this time.

He feels that when noon arrives, many things may turn around!
As for where the connecting flight is?
Chen Xiao couldn't give a rough idea, everything came from his heart.

This night.

Chen Xiao didn't do anything.

Not even in the morning.

It was not until noon that Deng Hu and his son began to protest.

They knew very well that the summons could not exceed twelve hours, so as this time approached, the father and son continued to put pressure on the police.

But Chen Xiao remained unwavering and only said that once the twelve hours were up, he would release her immediately.

Time is still passing by waiting.

Lin Xi has been looking for the people on the flight and has not returned yet.

Finally, at around eleven o'clock, Xiaoji called.

He has arrived in Haicheng, and the black cat will land in twenty minutes!
After receiving the call, Chen Xiao immediately drove to the airport.

When he arrived, Xiaoji happened to receive the black cat.

Chen Xiao was waiting at the exit, only to see Xiao Ji and a girl dressed in quite unconventional clothes walking side by side. The girl wears heavy makeup and an afro.

Those apparently long but slender legs were wearing a pair of rainbow stockings.

Standing in the crowd, he attracted quite a lot of attention.

If it weren't for Xiao Ji by his side, Chen Xiao would never have imagined that the girl dressed like this could be a computer expert.

Of course, Chen Xiao is sure that her Audition will be great.

Xiaoji walked up to him with the black cat. After calling Brother Chen first, he immediately introduced:

"Brother, this is the black cat I told you, a particularly powerful hacker!"

Chen Xiao was not a person who judged people by their appearance, so he withdrew his appraising gaze, and extended his hand politely:

"Hello Chat Noir."

"Hello Brother Chen Xiao, I heard Xiao Ji say that you are a very powerful detective, right?"

When he first heard the black cat's voice, Chen Xiao admitted that he was stunned for a moment.

In real life, apart from children, this was the first time he heard the sound of milk from an adult!
"That's right, but now I really need your help, so thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work. I just happened to want to come to Haicheng for a while. Now it's just right, I don't have to spend my own money!"

Chen Xiao laughed: "That's necessary. I asked you to come all the way from Hong Kong City, and I'll pay for all your expenses during this period!"

"Hehe, thank you first, Brother Chen Xiao. Well, but you shouldn't be worried that Xiaoji will be led astray by me, right?"

The black cat blinked his big eyes and asked with a smile.

Chen Xiao has no such worries at all.

After all, the current black cats are just at the forefront of the trend, not deviant.

"What I'm worried about is that he will lead you astray."

"Haha, then feel free to leave him to me for training!"

Black Cat should be a very chic girl.

There was no coyness in speaking.

Soon after the group got into the car, Black Cat also took the initiative to talk about the business:

"Brother Chen Xiao, you called me here to borrow a computer to decipher something, right?"

"Yes, there are two computers that I want to check. But what exactly I want to check, I actually don't know."

Black Cat had a puzzled look on his face, and Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Anyway, I'll give you a computer, and then I'll check those computers thoroughly."

"Then I understand, especially the deleted things are more important, right?"


Black Cat didn't ask any more questions, and Chen Xiao drove all the way back to the police station.

He took Black Cat and Xiao Ji to a lounge, where the luggage of Deng Hu and his son were placed.

In this lounge, surveillance has been on since Deng Hu and his son entered.

And according to Chen Xiao's request, no one came in.

This was not done to hide the luggage, but to let Deng Hu and his son understand in the end that no one had touched the luggage.

Now, Chen Xiao also called the police from the criminal police team as witnesses.

Taking out the computer from the suitcase, Black Cat took out a few lollipops from his pocket and asked with a smile:
"Do you want to eat?"

Chen Xiao shook his head, but Xiao Ji took one without noticing anything, and then watched the black cat operate it with a look of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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