Chapter 460 The case will be solved!

Neither Chen Xiao nor the police officers who witnessed the incident knew what Black Cat was doing.

Even Xiaoji, a semi-experienced person, was a little confused after seeing the series of operations performed by Black Cat.

After a few minutes of operation, the black cat suddenly let out a strange cry.

"Wow, it's so exciting!"

Xiao Ji thought she had discovered something and asked quickly:

"Anything discovered?"

"Yes, there is, but I feel like it has nothing to do with what you want to investigate."

"How to say?"

"Because they are all pretty and sexy things. Do you want to watch them? Can they help you guys gain some knowledge?"

When I hear the word "Xiangyan", I understand everything.

So they all smiled and declined Black Cat's kindness.

Soon, the operation continued.

After Black Cat tinkered for a while, some deleted data was restored again.

She couldn't understand, so she asked Chen Xiao:

"It has recovered a little first. Brother Chen Xiao, do you want to check first or wait until everything is recovered before doing a check-up?"

"We'll see when everything recovers."

"it is good."

The black cat has one person and two hands, and his fingers can't stop tapping the keyboard just like in the movies and TV shows.

The eyes of the policemen who were watching were extremely bright.

Even when Pan Huiping arrived, seeing the black cat's methods, there was a look of longing in his eyes.

In today's era, computer talents are extremely scarce.

Such people are hard to find.

But now is not the time to talk about this, so everyone is silently watching the black cat's performance.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Black Cat did an inspection and said:
"I have the ability to recover all the data deleted from these computers, but I don't know if there is anything you want."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Thank you for your hard work. Xiaoji took the black cat to eat. It's better."

"I understand, brother!"

Xiaoji immediately took the black cat and left the criminal police team.

When Pan Huiping saw this, she was about to follow him and talk to him, but Chen Xiao quickly shouted:

"Team Pan, there is strength in numbers, why don't we check it out together?"

Pan Huiping stopped and looked at the black cat and Xiaoji who had walked away, and couldn't help but said a little depressed:

"How stingy."

Chen Xiao grinned, but Pan Huiping was not surprised. After sitting down, she and Chen Xiao checked the computer together.

Finally, Chen Xiao found some clues in an email.

This email was sent to Deng Xiang a few days ago.

According to the date, it was the second day after the provincial capital issued a notice to re-investigate the Jinguang Tomb case.

The content of this email is very short, just two words: Coming!
Looking at these two words, Chen Xiao paused.

These two words make people very alert.

Chen Xiao now also habitually sends emails, usually to inform about official matters or receive important information.

But the email only had two words, and the date was so close, which made Chen Xiao have to doubt the content of the email.

Just at this time, Xiaoji and Black Cat also came back from eating. The latter still had a cup of fruit tea in his hand and drank happily.

Chen Xiao glanced at the black cat and said, "Kitty cat, can you help me find the person who sent the email?"

"Human flesh? It shouldn't be difficult, I'll give it a try!"

Chen Xiao stood up and Black Cat started operating the computer again.

His face looked calm and calm, but it was obvious that Black Cat was very careful and constantly trying to search for more information.

Soon, Black Cat stood up again and clicked on a photo, saying:
"He should be the one who sent the email. His name is Xiang Xian. He is in his forties or almost fifty, but he looks so young."

When he heard the name Xiang Xian, Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed. He has an impression of this name!
He was the passenger on the same flight as Deng Xiang!

Chen Xiao immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lin Xi.

The latter happened to be on his way back and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Have you come into contact with a person named Xiang Xian?"

"I came into contact with him. Is there something wrong with this person?"

"Yes, he sent a very suspicious email to Deng Hu. After you contacted that person, what was his reaction?"

"He said he came back to China to play. When we found him, he happened to be in the scenic spot."

"Then if you contact him again, it's best to appear in front of him first and then take him back."

"it is good."

After informing Lin Xi, Chen Xiao once again looked at Xiang Xian's information produced by Black Cat Human Flesh.

Xiangxian's immigration time was not much different from that of Deng Hu and his son.

He is also the owner of a small business abroad and has cooperation with Deng.

But this time when they returned to China, Deng Hu and his son flew first class, while Xiang Xian flew economy class.

Chen Xiao checked the recovered emails again.

Chen Xiao discovered the connection between Xiang Xian and Deng Hu at other times.

The earliest contact can be extended to the time when both parties immigrated abroad, and the content of each contact is very short.

Deng Hu asked: How are you?

Xiang Xian replied: Well.

Deng Hu asked: Do you need help?

Xiang Xian replied: No need.

The connection between these emails is very suspicious.

But the content of the email actually means nothing.

While Chen Xiao was thinking about it, Pan Huiping suddenly stared at the photos in a document and stared intently.

"Chen Xiao, look!"

Chen Xiao quickly cast his gaze away.

It’s still a photo!
It's just that the photo was not taken deliberately, but was taken accidentally.

There are a total of twelve people in the photo... thirteen people to be precise!
Because in the hands of a man, there is a baby!
Among these thirteen people, Chen Xiao could recognize several at a glance!

Lin Zuming!
Deng Hu!

Ye Jiadong, Wang brothers, Wu sisters!
Jiang Pinggui!
Zhang Duo!

As for the one in his arms, it’s no surprise that it should be someone Chen Xiao knows—A Yu!
And the person holding Ayu is none other than Lin Zuming!

When he saw this photo, Chen Xiao was already 70% sure that the case would be solved!

Although there were a few people inside that he didn't know, there was no doubt that those people were Ke, Wan, and another Zhang!
Chen Xiao didn't know why Deng Xiang secretly took this photo.

But if you speculate carefully, this is probably Deng Xiang's method to gain leverage.

Because the Deng family relied on the Lin family to start their business.

If the Lin family's dirty information can be mastered, the Deng family will have a chance to save themselves at a critical moment!
Seeing this photo, Chen Xiao felt that he could go see Deng Xiang.

Standing up from the computer, Chen Xiao handed over the task of continuing the search to Xiao Ji, and then went to see Deng Xiang himself.

Open the door to the inquiry room.

Deng Xiang's expression could already be seen as he was holding back his anger.

So when he saw Chen Xiao, Deng Xiang said in a deep voice:
"What do you, the police, mean? Are you kidding us by bringing us here without asking a single question or saying when you will let me go?"

Chen Xiao didn't talk nonsense to him and just said:

"Deng Xiang, where were you on the night of July 1995, 7?"

Deng Xiang's eyes darkened slightly, but he still pretended not to care and replied:

"It's been too long, I can't remember."

"We have restored the data deleted from your computer, do you insist that I find that photo?!"

 There is something going on at home these days (my father is ill and hospitalized), so updates are not stable! If you are impatient for the update, you might as well take a look at my friend’s book!
(End of this chapter)

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