Chapter 461 Fire!
The ancients said: You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

It can be said that Deng Xiang is not as experienced as Deng Hu in handling things.

It can even be said that Deng Xiang sometimes seems to be lacking a nerve in his mind.

But he definitely has a sense of precaution!

And when he was on guard, Lin Zuming, the leader, didn't notice at all.

But now that Chen Xiao raised this issue, Deng Xiang was suddenly stunned.

He seemed to have little memory of the photos Chen Xiao mentioned.

It wasn't until two seconds later that Deng Xiang's expression changed drastically.

However, he immediately calmed down and continued to pretend to be indifferent:

"What picture? I don't know what you're doing?"

Chen Xiao grinned: "It's not necessary, right? I've made it so clear, what's the point of pretending anymore?"

Deng Xiang's face turned gloomy, and Chen Xiao also lost his patience.

"Isn't it clear enough? On the night of July 1995, 7, the tomb of Jinguang Hou on Jinguang Mountain behind Jinguang Village, the provincial capital of Jiang Province!"

Deng Xiang's eyes suddenly condensed, but Chen Xiao did not stop speaking:
"Just now we have restored your previously deleted data on the computer you brought. There is a photo in the data. You, your father Deng Hu, Lin Zuming, Ye Jiadong, Wang Shiji, Wang Shidu, Jiang Pinggui, Wu Qing, Wu Xue !”

Chen Xiao read the names one by one.

Deng Xiang clenched his fists and stared at Chen Xiao: "So you deceived my father and I into returning to China just for the sake of the Jin Guanghou tomb case 11 years ago?"

"Otherwise? Could it be that you have done something else in the provincial capital?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Deng Xiang took a deep breath: "It's been 11 years, and you still haven't given up!"

"So many people died at once. No matter how many years have passed, we still have to find out!"

Deng Xiang snorted coldly: "Haha, I do have such a photo, but what does having a photo mean?"

"Then why is Lin Zuming holding the abandoned baby found next to Jin Guanghou's tomb in his arms?"

Deng Xiang's fist did not loosen for a moment.

His eyes kept spinning, as if he was thinking of some sophistry.

In the end, Deng Xiang just raised his head and closed his mouth without talking.

Seeing Deng Xiang's reaction, Chen Xiao understood what kind of strategy he wanted to adopt to fight.

Chen Xiao stood up indifferently.

When he walked to the door, Chen Xiao said: "Now you and your father are already suspected. If you two don't explain clearly why you know Ye Jiadong and the other six people, then you won't be able to go back."

"You can continue to remain silent, but whether the Deng family can persist without you two depends on fate."

Deng Xiang slammed his fist on the table and shouted:

"What on earth do you want!"

What does Chen Xiao want?
Deng Xiang doesn’t know?

No, Deng Xiang knew exactly what Chen Xiao wanted.

But when he asked this, there was only one explanation. He still wanted to fight to the death!

Chen Xiao didn't bother to answer. After closing the door of the inquiry room, he didn't even go to Deng Hu to inquire.

Wu Liuxian had also arrived at the criminal police team at this moment. After seeing Chen Xiao, he asked:
"Brother, have you found the whereabouts of Master Duo?"

Chen Xiao nodded and took Wu Liuxian to identify the photo.

When looking at Zhang Duo's figure in the photo, Wu Liuxian's expression became gloomy:

"He was indeed involved in the Jin Guanghou tomb case, but where has he been so many years after the case?"

"The captured Deng Xiang refused to tell the truth, so I decided to leave him alone for a while. In addition, a person has appeared now. I am waiting for news from Xiaoxi." Wu Liuxian didn't originally want to ask who it was, but Chen Xiao took the initiative and asked:

"Do you know a man named Xiang Xian?"

In Chen Xiao's thinking.

This Xiangxian must be a very important role.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to send an email with the content "Coming" to Deng Hu after the investigation into the Jinguang Tomb case was resumed.

What's coming?
Could it be that danger is coming?

Although it is impossible to be sure, Chen Xiao feels that it is very likely that it means this!
But after Wu Liuxian heard this, he shook his head: "I have no memory of this person."

Chen Xiao nodded silently and then asked:
"Is there someone with you?"

"Yes, Ah Yu is curious about everything in big cities. It just so happens that Dayou can chat with anyone, so he stayed in the hotel with Ah Yu."

Chen Xiao said.

Just at this time, the text message on the phone rang.

Chen Xiao took a look and saw that it was from Lin Xi: "The person has been found."

After seeing this news, Chen Xiao felt much safer. He originally thought that Xiang Xian might have been hiding.

But now it seems that there are not many surprises under the deadlock.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Xi, who had not slept all night, returned to the criminal police team with a strong sense of exhaustion.

Also arriving together was the extremely curious Xiang Xian!

But at the first sight of Xiang Xian, Chen Xiao's eyes were filled with surprise.

Xiang Xian's face is red and white, his eyes are extremely small, and the corners of his eyes are stuck together!

Chen Xiao looked at Lin Xi, who nodded slightly, as if to say it was just what you guessed.

"I'm sorry, officer, did I scare you?" Xiang Xian held up the hat on his head in embarrassment.

After helping him up, Xiang Xian also explained:

"There was a fire a few years ago, and more than a dozen people died. Fortunately, I saved a life. However, it looks a bit scary now, so I won't take off the hat. It's too ugly."

Chen Xiao nodded, took the initiative to reach out his hand, and asked:
"It's okay, sir, please come inside."

Chen Xiao invited Xiang Xian into the inquiry room.

After sitting down, Xiang Xian straightened his clothes and asked seriously:
"Officer, can you tell me now what you called me for?"

"Mr. Xiang should know Deng Xiang, the young president of the Deng family, right?"

Without any hesitation, Xiang Xian said, "I know him. He and I often communicate by email. Well, to be honest, I sent him an email a few days ago."

"Really? What did the email say?"

"I just wrote two words. This is the secret code between me and Mr. Deng. Because my company needs to rely on Deng, and I happen to be cooperating with another company, and the two have a hostile relationship."

"They wanted to take action against Deng, so I sent him this email."

Chen Xiao showed a look of surprise on his face: "I see, then it seems that the two of you are family friends?"

"That's not true. We are both immigrants. Later, after we met by chance and learned that we were compatriots, we established a deep friendship." As he spoke, Xiang Xian sighed deeply:

"Hey, if it hadn't been for Mr. Deng, I might not have been able to save my life even if I had escaped from the fire. Because of my compatriot status, all my treatment expenses were paid for by Mr. Deng in advance before local compensation."

"More than a dozen people died at once. The fire was very serious."

"Yes, who would have thought that living in a star-rated hotel would encounter a situation like a fire! Looking back now, when I was submerged in the sea of ​​​​fire, it was really painful!"

(End of this chapter)

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