Chapter 462 Le or Liao!

Xiang Xian said.

Although he was trying his best to smile in those small eyes, everyone could see that the smile was actually very far-fetched.

Chen Xiao looked into his eyes and fell silent briefly.

He thought he had discovered an important clue.

But now it seems that things are different from what I thought?
Xiang Xian is considered a commercial spy.

On the one hand, he cooperates with others, and on the other hand, he helps Deng to fight against others.

To take precautions, Deng Xiang deleted the email.

This is completely reasonable.

As for Xiang Xian's role as a commercial espionage, let alone Chen Xiao, as long as Xiang Xian does not endanger domestic enterprises, no domestic police unit can do anything to him.

Xiang Xian had already lowered his head at this time.

It seemed that he had touched a scar in his heart, which made him feel depressed.

Even at this moment, a few tears fell from Xiang Xian's eyes.

After Xiang Xian noticed it, he quickly wiped away the tears on the table and said apologetically:
"I'm sorry, officer, I couldn't control my emotions for a moment and made you laugh."

"It's not easy for Mr. Xiang these years, isn't it?" Chen Xiao changed the topic and Xiang Xian smiled bitterly:
"Although it is inappropriate to say certain things in front of compatriots, but you asked me this, I can only say that I think of foreign countries too much."

"Before immigrating, I always felt that the moon outside would illuminate my future brightly. But when I actually arrived in a foreign country, I realized how difficult it was."

"Of course, no matter how difficult it is, I feel that I can make a difference, but God seems to be punishing me for my disloyalty. It didn't take long for a fire to swallow me up."

“I originally thought that the essence of the business world was profit-seeking, but the cruel reality told me that if I appear on the scene to negotiate with friends, no matter how perfect my plan is, I will eventually lose the trust of others because of my face. "

Listening to Xiang Xian's painful words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but hand the tissue to him.

While wiping Xiang Xian's eyes, Chen Xiao said again:

"Life is indeed very realistic and cruel, but Mr. Xiang also has family here, and I believe they will give you enough warmth in your life."

Unexpectedly, Xiang Xian shook his head even more bitterly:
"I don't have a family. I was busy with my career and went through many ups and downs. Later I wanted to start a family, but I found myself like this."

"The psychological burden on Mr. Xiang is too great."

"Officer, there is no need to comfort me. After all these years, I am very strong inside!"

Chen Xiao smiled and Xiang Xian grinned.

Both of them looked harmless.

After a while, Chen Xiao stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiang, please sit down for a while. Someone will come to tell you that you can leave later."

"Okay officer."

Nodding to Xiang Xian, Chen Xiao opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, Lin Xi was waiting and took a nap.

Chen Xiao squatted in front of her, and Lin Xi woke up immediately.

"Have I slept for a long time?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Let's go, I'll take you back to rest."

"No, what's going on you asked?"

"Xiang Xian's answer was flawless and without any problems." Chen Xiao made an evaluation first, and then repeated all the latter's words.

After listening, Lin Xi also frowned:
"Did we feel wrong?"

"It's possible." Lin Xi's face was full of helplessness: "Now that Deng Xiang refuses to admit it, and Xiang Xian may have made a mistake, isn't this the only way to waste money?"

As a police officer, Lin Xi also knew that if he could not open a gap between Deng Hu and his son, the case would fall into a state of anxiety.

After all, all they have now is a photo of the six dead people.

Regarding that photo, it makes no sense for Deng Xiang and his son to resist stubbornly, but if he continues to resist stubbornly and refuses to speak, he cannot be punished, right?

While Lin Xi was struggling with it, Chen Xiao was writing and drawing on the chair with his fingers.

Lin Xi saw this and asked, "Are you writing those two words in the email?"

"Well, how do you think these two words should be interpreted?"

"Coming, it can mean people are coming, or danger is coming. And according to Xiang Xian's explanation, the content of these two words is also reasonable."

Chen Xiao stared at these two words, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind:
"You said it was coming. Does it read le or liao?"

Lin Xi's expression paused: "You mean polyphonic characters?"

Chen Xiao stood up and said to Lin Xi, "I'll talk to Deng Xiang again."

Lin Xi was a little confused for a moment, but she still regained her energy and lost the sleepiness she had before.

Chen Xiao went to the inquiry room, and Deng Xiang's face was obviously more haggard than before.

With the previous photo, the summons for the father and son could have lasted longer than twelve hours.

Seeing Chen Xiao again, Deng Xiang gritted his teeth and said:

"Chen, what do you want?"

Chen Xiao smiled: "I just want to see when you will reveal everything. The footprints you left at the scene completely overlap with those of your father. Plus that photo, I think you are a little bit different. The brain knows what those two things mean together.”

Deng Xiang's expression became increasingly ferocious.

Chen Xiao saw this and struck while the iron was hot:

"When you are now at this age, the Deng family must have a third generation. Although the Deng family is already in the sunset, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Through your computer, we have deciphered a lot of things."

"Think carefully about what I mean by this. Oh, by the way, Xiang is in our criminal police team now."

Deng Xiang suddenly raised his head and roared:

"A man named Chen can only kill people with a nod of his head, and no matter how big the deal is, he can't harm his family. Are you trying to kill us, the Deng family?"

Chen Xiao nuzzled: "It seems that if Xiang Xian is exposed, it will be a big blow to the Deng family! That's right, setting up informants is a despicable method that everyone has accepted, but if it is exposed, it will be frowned upon by thousands of people. Thousands of people abandoned it.”

"Chen, what does business matters have to do with the case you are investigating? I advise you not to do anything nonsense!"

"I'm not a policeman, so whether I will do anything random or not depends entirely on your cooperation."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao pointed to a slogan and said: "Mr. Deng, be strict if you resist, be lenient if you confess!"

The veins on Deng Xiang's neck popped out, and his eyes seemed to swallow Chen Xiao alive.

But Chen Xiao didn’t want to waste time with him anymore, so he shouted:

"Whether you say it or not! If you hesitate again, then even if you say it, I will punish you Deng family to death!"

In addition to being cold and stern, Chen Xiao's tone also had a strong sense of forlornness.

Deng Xiang's eyes were red, but he slumped on the chair helplessly and said:
"Yes! We did it!"

"On the evening of July 1995, 7, not counting the baby, thirteen of us went to Jinguang Mountain to rob the tomb of Marquis Jinguang!"

(End of this chapter)

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