Chapter 463 He lied to all of you!

"The case of Jin Guanghou's tomb was done by us!"

Deng Xiang weakly admitted his crime.

Because the photo was taken from him.

It was also restored from his computer.

He once took this photo just to prevent the Lin family from falling into disarray.

He also thought about whether this photo would become fatal to him.

After careful consideration, he chose to delete it.

He felt that it had been completely deleted and logically it would not be restored.

But now that this photo has been found, Deng Xiang doesn't know how Chen Xiao did it.

All he knew was that it didn't matter how he found it.

The important thing is that they did it. Even if they don’t admit it now, they will have to admit it sooner or later.

Otherwise, the price paid may be even heavier!
Chen Xiao looked at Deng Xiang and felt a little relieved:

"Now that you admit it, let's talk about it. Where is Zhang Duo? Where are the remaining people?"

Deng Xiang raised his head and looked at Chen Xiao with red eyes:
"Before I answer you, can I tell you something? It's been so long, and we only left footprints back then. How could you find us so accurately?"

"Have you not noticed the posts on the domestic Internet?"

Deng Xiang shook his head: "What post?"

After Chen Xiao took a deep look at Deng Xiang, he replied:

"Someone posted on the Internet a while ago and revealed the case of Jin Guanghou's tomb, and insisted that the people who died in the case died unjustly, rather than because of the evil deeds of the tomb robbers."

Deng Xiang immediately frowned: "Who is it?"

"I can't tell you this. Now that I've told you the reason, it's your turn to answer my question."

For Chen Xiao, it was really hard for him to tell Deng Xiang the reason.

But when Deng Xiang asked, Chen Xiao suddenly felt that this question might have some impact on Deng Xiang.

At the beginning, Huang Zhaozhong posted just to save himself.

In fact, he had no idea what happened in Jin Guanghou's tomb.

I just used the Internet to make up some content based on guesswork.

This kind of thing happens on the Internet, especially in future generations.

Chen Xiao is just taking advantage of this to try his best.

But unexpectedly, Deng Xiang actually showed surprise and doubt in his eyes at this time.

His eyes moved many times under the impact of emotions.

Although he quickly regained his composure, Chen Xiao silently remembered his change.

"What, you don't want to talk anymore?"

Chen Xiao asked back, and Deng Xiang took a deep breath and said:
"Lin Zuming is dead, he was the one who took the lead."

"I know, I was asking where the others are?"

"In the same year, we all went abroad. What we were afraid of was that the incident would come to light. Zhang Duo and his son squeezed into the circle of wealthy businessmen through our connections with the Deng family, and they did well by helping others with their feng shui."

"Wan Qi and Ke Changtai are both members of my Deng family, and they are also in my family's company now."

Until this moment, Chen Xiao knew the names of all the suspects.

Lin Zuming, Deng Hu, Deng Xiang.

Zhang Duo, Zhang Duo's son.

Wan Qi, Ke Changtai.

There are seven people in total, but Lin Zuming is dead, so there are six people left.

In previous lives, all six of these people had been captured and brought to justice. In other words, it may be a little troublesome to catch them, but they will all be found in the end.

Chen Xiao was silent for a moment and then said:
"Then tell me in detail what happened back then."

"You have all checked this, haven't you found out the reason?"

"What we have found out and you speaking out are two different things."

Deng Xiang exhaled a long breath:

"The initiator of the incident was Mr. Lin, also known as Lin Zuming."

"At that time, our Deng family was completely dependent on him, so we relied on them for everything."

"When we need him, he will take action. When he needs help, we will take action."

"In the Lin family, they have always believed in a curse, that is, their ancestors offended others, which caused the Lin family to have a single lineage and become frail and sickly from generation to generation."

"Originally, I thought it was superstition, but after researching it, I found that it actually makes sense. Otherwise, why is the Lin family so wealthy and powerful, so small in number?"

"When it comes to Lin Zuming's generation, they have no descendants. I think the Lin family is worried, so they are asking around."

"Finally that year, a man from Jiang Province came to Haicheng. He said that there might be a way for the Lin family to break the curse on a mountain called Jinguang Mountain in the provincial capital of Jiang Province."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask:

"That person's name is Wu Yuanzhong, right?"

Deng Xiang squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xiao: "It turns out that you have even found someone. In this case, why are you asking me so many questions?"

"Wu Yuanzhong has died a long time ago, and he died in another ancient tomb in 98."

When Deng Xiang heard this, his eyes narrowed even more: "Did Zhang Duo ask him to go to that ancient tomb?"

Chen Xiao also showed the same expression:
"Okay, it wasn't until this moment that I suddenly understood that Wu Yuanzhong's death might also be Lin Zuming's plan to silence him!"

Deng Xiang nodded: "Zhang Duo is Lin Zuming's man. There were so many people in the tomb at that time. Except for those of us who knew the truth, they all had to die and no one could survive!"

"So, sisters Wu Qing and Wu Xue were brought by Ye Jiadong?" Chen Xiao asked.

Deng Xiang grinned: "It turns out there is something you haven't found out!"

Chen Xiao became interested: "Then tell me."

"They are actually Zhang Duo's people!"

"Since they are Zhang Duo's people, why do you want to kill them?"

"If you don't kill them, will you kill us? We can only open the big tomb by offering blood sacrifices all the way to the door!"

A strange light flashed in Chen Xiao's eyes and he said:

"In other words, Ye Jiadong was the one you deliberately asked for a blood sacrifice. And he also wanted to gain something through you, right?"

"Yes, from the beginning Zhang Duo and Wu Yuanzhong said based on the records of the tomb and ancient books that the tomb required blood sacrifices for seven people. Especially after the robbery cave was opened, blood sacrifices were required before entering the tomb!"

"So Mr. Lin took his illegitimate daughter, a baby girl who was under one month old. Later, we followed this method. When Ye Jiadong died at the door of the tomb, we had no danger along the way."

"Finally we arrived at the main tomb chamber and found the sacrificial plate. To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that there were such mysterious things in the world."

"There is a skull placed in that sacrificial plate, but there is not much left of the skull. Zhang Duo asked Mr. Lin to take it out and bury it properly so that the curse can be broken."

"And he said that the skull is probably the ancestor of the Lin family!"

"Although we were very jealous of the treasures in the tomb at the time, we were not particularly short of money. Moreover, sometimes the manpower was poor and we couldn't move anything even if we really moved it, so in the end everyone gave up on stealing other things. thing."

"As for the migrant workers Ye Jiadong hired and the two gangsters, they were destined to die from the beginning!"

Deng Xiang said and sneered at Chen Xiao.

This smile was undoubtedly telling Chen Xiao that it was at his hands that the Wang brothers died!
Chen Xiao listened to his words, tapped his fingers on the table, and said quietly:

"It seems like legends are just legends and they don't have any effect."

Deng Xiang frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't Lin Zuming die later? This means that the curse has not been broken. Furthermore, Lin Zuming lied to all of you, don't you know it?!"

(End of this chapter)

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