I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 464 Do you really want me to ask him? !

Chapter 464 Do you really want me to ask him? !

"He lied to all of us?"

"Tell me clearly what's going on!"

Chen Xiao observed Deng Xiang.

He could tell that Deng Xiang was indeed shocked at this moment.

"You regard him as your master, but in fact he does not regard your lives as too important. Even the lives of all of you are not as precious as his illegitimate daughter."

Although Deng Xiang's mind is not very sharp.

But he still has thinking and analysis.

When Chen Xiao said this, Deng Xiang seemed to understand:
"You mean, the baby girl is not dead!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, he lied to you. He didn't sacrifice his own flesh and blood at all! He would rather risk everyone's lives than let his children die."

Deng Xiang's expression changed again and again.

From his expression, Chen Xiao was sure.

These people must be in danger inside the tomb.

After all, those dangers must still be fresh in Deng Xiang's memory.

Because he just said that he arrived at the main tomb chamber without any danger!

What is a near miss?

In fact, he was in danger, but he didn't lose his life.

"I knew the way Zhang Duo looked at him was wrong, and I knew there was something wrong!"

"Zhang Duo discovered a problem at that time? Then why didn't he tell you? Isn't it because you protected Zhang Duo for so many years that the father and son have the good life they have today?"

"MD, you bastard...my dad almost died at that time. It turned out that he, Lin Zuming, didn't cooperate! When I killed people, I didn't hesitate at all!"

Deng Xiang began to have emotional problems.

Chen Xiao couldn't let go of such a good opportunity, so he added fuel to the fire and said:

"But without the Lin family, where would you be, the Deng family? It's understandable that he loves his daughter."

"What the hell! Yes, he has helped our family a lot, but our family is also very loyal to him. Aren't we the ones doing all the swearing and hard work?"

"We put all our wealth on him. In the end, we were always worried about the outbreak because of the incident, so we left the country."

"If we didn't go abroad, how could the Deng family decline? After we went abroad, if it hadn't been..."

Deng Xiang paused as he spoke.

Chen Xiao asked: "If not what?"

Deng Xiang's face was full of ferociousness: "If he is alive, I will pull out his head and ask him why he still has the kindness of a woman in that situation!"

Chen Xiao stood up, stared at Deng Xiang, and said:

"It seems that your alliance is just a piece of loose sand. Everyone has their own calculations, but in the end it is the fool who is unlucky. He paid the price for his family and almost lost his life."

Deng Xiang blushed at Chen Xiao's words.

"Why, don't you think you are stupid? If you were not stupid, why would you trust Lin Zuming so much? If you had a brain, how could the Deng family have fallen into this state in your hands?"

"If it weren't for you, your father would have to come out again and have to worry about it when he gets old..."

"That's enough, that's enough for you!" Before Chen Xiao could finish speaking, Deng Xiang roared angrily.

Chen Xiao stopped, turned around and walked out.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Deng Xiang shouted:

"What are you going to do? Are you leaving now?"

Chen Xiao actually understood Deng Xiang's mood at this time. When everyone is in extreme danger and extremely doubtful.

Quietness is an extremely painful torture for him.

Compared to that kind of suffering, Deng Xiang would rather have Chen Xiao in this inquiry room.

But Chen Xiao ignored him at all and closed the door after walking out.

Lin Xi's face outside the door was full of relief.

"Husband, the case has been solved."

Chen Xiao also grinned: "Yes, the case has been solved."

"Then what to do next?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Lin Xi rolled her eyes at him and said: "I know what a lazy guy, leave it to me next, I'll notify Team Liao and they're coming."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "You haven't slept a wink all night. Now go back and give me a rest. I'll let you know when Team Liao and the others arrive."

Lin Xi was stunned: "Should I go to rest?"

"Yeah, go and have a rest, and leave the rest to me."

Lin Xi hesitated a little, and Chen Xiao put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her out:

"Go ahead, keeping your spirits up is better than anything else. Besides, there's nothing else going on in the case, right?"

Chen Xiao stared straight into Lin Xi's tired eyes, and the latter understood what he meant:
"Okay, then I'll go back and squint for a while."

Chen Xiao nodded, and Lin Xi also left.

After she left, Chen Xiao found Wu Liuxian.

The latter had been waiting in the criminal police compound. When he saw Chen Xiao coming, he sat down silently and proactively asked with a smile:
"Has the truth come out?"

Chen Xiao hummed, Wu Liuxian's expression paused, and he asked again:

"Did my father cause all this?"

"That's right, but I want to take you to see someone in person, and then let him tell you in person the conditions under which your father revealed the existence of the Golden Light Tomb."

Wu Liuxian let out a long sigh. He had imagined this answer countless times in his mind.

But now listening to Chen Xiao in person, he could feel that his mood was still very different from before.

Conjecture is often like ripples on a calm lake.

And when it was confirmed, it was like setting off a stormy sea.

He tried his best to control his emotions and followed Chen Xiao to the inquiry room where Deng Hu was.

At this moment, Deng Hu still didn't know what was happening in the outside world. The moment he saw Chen Xiao coming, he was in a very irritable mood and shouted:
"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"Deng Xiang has already told you everything about what happened to you on Jinguang Mountain in the provincial capital of Jiang Province 11 years ago. The person next to me is a descendant of Wu Yuanzhong, so Mr. Deng, let's talk openly about it, shall we?"

Deng Hu raised his head, as if he would not speak even if he was beaten to death.

Chen Xiao smiled: "It's not wise for you to do this. I don't need to use such provocations to provoke you. If you want to be sure, I can have someone bring the recording in the inquiry room."

Deng Hu's eyes finally showed doubts, and Chen Xiao directly asked someone to record it so that Deng Hu could hear it clearly and clearly.

And Deng Hu's reaction was completely within Chen Xiao's expectation.

So after Deng Hu finished listening, Chen Xiao said:
"Actually, I came to you with a question. What were the terms of the deal between Wu Yuanzhong and Lin Zuming back then? To put it simply, what did Lin Zuming give Wu Yuanzhong to tell him about the tomb of Jinguang Hou on Jinguang Mountain?"

Deng Hu lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then raised his head and said with a smile:
"Then ask Lin Zuming. That's a deal between them. How would I know?"

"Really? Do you really want me to ask Lin Zuming?!"

Chen Xiao's tone suddenly became louder, and Deng Hu was so shocked that he couldn't help but widen his eyes instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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