Chapter 465 Missing!

Chen Xiao suddenly raised his voice.

Deng Hu's eyes widened instantly.

However, in the blink of an eye, Deng Hu said with a ferocious smile:

"It's a pity that I'm controlled here by you now, otherwise I could hand you a knife and ask you to wipe your neck and go see Mr. Lin."

As he spoke, Deng Hu pointed at the wall with bright eyes and said:

"Look, I forgot. You can also commit suicide by hitting the wall! There are so many ways to die, but there is always one way to see Mr. Lin!"

Chen Xiao couldn't tell what Deng Hu meant.

The word "joking" is almost written directly on his face.

However, Chen Xiao never cared about his opponent's teasing, but slowly stood up and said:

"Do you know why I'm still here talking nonsense to you?"

Deng Hu frowned: "You have your plan, and I have my ending. These were already determined when Deng Xiang said it, so I don't know what you mean when you ask."

"Let me tell you this, I am not a policeman, I am just a criminal investigation consultant hired for the Jin Guanghou tomb case in the provincial capital of Jiang Province. In Jiang Province, especially in Dongzhou, Jiang Province, the credit I have accumulated and the impact I have created The power is completely enough for me personally.”

"So, it doesn't really matter whether I have any merit in this case, but..."

"But what?" Deng Hu's eyes were complicated, but he tried his best to hide his panic.

Chen Xiao patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "You and I both know it, but if you want to pretend, I will let you pretend. The reason why I am still here to accompany you and your son to talk nonsense is because I want my wife to Take all the credit this time.”

Deng Hu's expression changed instantly.

This change has solidified some of Chen Xiao's inner thoughts.

His hand fell on Deng Hu's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Tell me, what was the deal between Wu Yuanzhong and Lin Zuming back then?"

After saying that, Chen Xiao thought briefly and then added:
"It is said that the old lady of the Lin family established herself in Haicheng by forging iron tools, and my father is obsessed with iron tools. I think one of the conditions should be an iron tool."

"However, that iron tool can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. What really moved him should be the clues in the ancient tomb that later led to his death, right?"

Deng Hu looked at Chen Xiao.

Wu Liuxian was also looking at Chen Xiao.

Deng Hu's face was full of shock.

Wu Liuxian thought for a moment and then closed his eyes silently.

As for what he was thinking, and why he was touched and painful, his twitching cheeks already explained everything.

Chen Xiao walked up behind Wu Liuxian and said:

"Brother, Deng Hu's reaction has actually told you the answer, so..."

So why Chen Xiao didn't say anything, Wu Liuxian opened his eyes and said: "Thank you, brother, I have got the answer I want."

After saying this, Wu Liuxian walked out of the inquiry room first.

Soon, only Chen Xiao and Deng Hu were left in the entire inquiry room.

Chen Xiao looked at the latter and said: "From what I know, you Deng family are really loyal. But I am very strange, why are you so miserable after going overseas? Logically speaking, if you are an old fox in the business world, If you want to take root overseas, you must make adequate preparations in advance.”

"You can't make enough money..." Deng Hu replied subconsciously, but the next second he said bitterly:
"Forget it, it's pointless to say these words to you. Since you sat down to talk to me, I also know what it means. Maybe you have laid a dragnet and caught his weakness."

"It's true that I was flattered by him, and I believed it at first. Even though I had experienced the same thing, I still believed it. But when he broke into my field of vision, I was shocked."

"How ruthless does a person have to be to do something like that to himself? And what makes me even more confused is, why did he come back now after he has obviously not taken care of it for more than ten years?"

Deng Hu let out a long sigh:
"Actually, you are not the only one who doesn't understand, I am the same. In my heart, he should also be an extremely decisive and cold-blooded person. However, something happened later, which made me know that as long as a human being has a weakness, he will always have a weakness. of."

"whats the matter?"

"Have you never thought about who collected Gao Qinfang's body for burial?" Deng Hu asked back, and Chen Xiao's expression suddenly changed:
"I see. It's a pity that I have been investigating Gao Qinfang, but I have never visited the place where she is buried. If I had gone, maybe I would understand."

"Yeah, it was only from that moment that I realized why he stopped fighting after going abroad and just maintained the status quo. I think maybe after experiencing that series of things, he had some other insights. "

After saying that, Deng Hu was silent for a few seconds and then asked:

"What dragnet have you designed for him?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Actually, I didn't do anything because I thought he would do it all. Of course, before you said this, I thought the probability of success was 50%, but now I think it's 99%."

Deng Hu sighed: "He is kind to me, so how he hurts the Deng family is nothing to me. Without him, there would be no Deng family, but he has been decisive and cruel all his life, why should he be confused this time!" "

Sighs lingered in the inquiry room for a long time.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything else. He looked out the window, as if he saw the hotel where Lin Xi and Ayu were staying.

Sitting area in hotel lobby.

There was a man wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses on his nose.

He often looked at the elevator entrance, but the people coming in and out always made his eyes under the sunglasses unchanged.

At this time, the elevator showed that someone else got off the elevator on the sixth floor.

The man looked over again, and this time, his eyes seemed to have changed.

In the elevator, Lin Xi was leading A Yu downstairs.

When the elevator stopped at the fourth floor, Ayu, who was being held by Lin Xi, suddenly frowned:
"Sister, I suddenly don't want to go to dinner."

Lin Xi asked: "Weren't you hungry just now? Your stomach was still growling."

"I'm still hungry, but I don't know what's wrong. I don't want to go downstairs. Sister... let's not go downstairs, okay?"

When Ah Yu said this, his expression was not very good.

But her eyes were also full of doubts.

She didn't like the feeling of hunger. Every time she felt like this, she wanted to fill her stomach quickly.

But today there seemed to be a voice in her heart that kept telling her not to go down!
Lin Xi also obeyed Ayu's wish at this time, and she pressed down on the second floor while the elevator was moving.

The elevator stopped, and Lin Xi took Ayu and finally sat back from the second floor to the sixth floor.

It was also after returning to the sixth floor that Ayu's not so good expression returned to its usual sunshine.

She smiled and held Lin Xi's hand tightly, but Lin Xi also noticed that another elevator was coming upstairs!
(End of this chapter)

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