Chapter 466 You are as beautiful as me!
The elevator kept going up and finally stopped on the sixth floor.

However, the people who came out of the elevator did not go to any room.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Lin Xi listened to the gurgling sound coming from Ayu’s stomach and said with a smile:
"Wait a minute, I've already called the hotel to deliver the food, or I'll be here soon."

Ayu was very sorry and said:
"Sister, am I too willful?"

Lin Xi shook his head first, and finally asked seriously:
"Ayu, what made you uncomfortable when you went downstairs just now?"

Auntie pointed to her heart and said:

"I don't know what's wrong, but I always feel so uncomfortable inside."

"Are you feeling sick about your heart? If so, can my sister take you to see a doctor?"

"No, sister, I just felt very annoyed and bored. Later we went upstairs and it got better immediately."

A Yu said with a smile, but she didn't tell Lin Xi. The strange feeling emerged again at this time.

She didn't like Lin Xi's impression that she was such a troubled little girl.

Lin Xi didn't ask much when she saw what she said. Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door. Lin Xi immediately smiled and said:
"The food delivery guy is here."

With that said, Lin Xi went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Xi's eyes sharpened, but the waiter at the door lowered his head and said:
"Hello madam, this is what you ordered."

Lin Xi looked directly at the waiter who lowered his head and said during this moment:
"Please come in."

The waiter nodded, but never raised his head.

However, what he didn't expect at all was when he was about to push the dining cart into the hotel room.

In the room behind him, there were several rooms with their doors opened in succession.

Liu Dayou walked out, Pan Huiping walked out, and many plainclothes policemen walked out.

"Mr. Xiang, time is running out. I really want to know, after all these years, can seeing this make you feel more at ease?"

The waiter pushing the dining cart took a step forward at this moment.

He could tell that Lin Xi's voice was kept very low, as if he was deliberately not letting Ah Yu inside hear it.

Perhaps it was because of this tone that the waiter made a choice in a short moment.

"No wonder Zhang Duo told me that I had a narrow escape from death during this trip. It seems that everything was calculated by him."

As he spoke, Xiang Xian raised his head, with a smile in his small eyes.

Lin Xi was very wary, but when the person coming out of the room behind him was about to take action, Xiang Xian hurriedly said:

"Officer Lin, it's not wise to catch me face to face. Give me a chance and let me give the child a meal. This is it. Don't worry, I won't recognize her!"

Everything is urgent, and no one has much time to think about it.

But when Lin Xi hesitated, Ayu had already walked over.

Xiang Xian immediately lowered his head, and Ayu asked doubtfully: "Sister, isn't it ours?"

"It's for us, you...come in."

Lin Xi said and winked at Pan Huiping.

The latter nodded and said with a smile: "Ah Yu, do you mind if we eat together?"

"Of course I don't mind. Uncle, have you eaten?"

Liu Dayou also took a step forward: "I haven't eaten yet."

"Then let's go together." Ayu said with a smile.

The waiter always lowered his head and never raised his head.

Lin Xi glanced at him and said, "Come in."

"Okay ma'am."

The waiter walked into the room with a dining cart.

After a moment's hesitation, Lin Xi said to Ah Yu: "A Yu, sit down at the dining table and the waiter will set the meal for us."

Ayu nodded and sat in his seat obediently. The waiter raised his head slightly, but what he was looking at was not A Yu, but Lin Xi.

"Thank you." The waiter whispered, and then patiently placed the meals in front of Ah Yu one by one. He also carefully helped Ah Yu fill a large bowl of rice and put a piece of yellow croaker on it. In Ayu's bowl.

When Ah Yu saw this, she wanted to say thank you, but she didn't know that she still swallowed the words when she reached her lips.

She looked at the waiter, her brows furrowed, as if she didn't like it.

After the waiter took care of all this, he took a step back.

Lin Xi deliberately walked to him and asked, "Aren't you going out yet?"

"Let me watch her finish this meal, okay?"

"If I had known today, why would I do it in the first place?"

"When you are in the arena, you can't help yourself. This is the last time, and I hope it will be fulfilled. After it is fulfilled, it will be up to you whether to kill or scrape."

Lin Xi didn't say anything. After winking at Liu Dayou, he sat down next to A Yu:
"Ayu, let's eat."

Ayu nodded, but looked at the waiter who had his head lowered, and said:
"Sister, can you ask him out? I don't know why, but seeing him... makes me feel so bad."

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment.

The waiter also stayed where he was.

In the end, without waiting for Lin Xi to speak, he smiled and said:
"Okay guys, please take your time, I'm going out first."

The waiter seemed resigned to his fate, his laughter full of self-deprecation.

Just when he turned around, Ayu suddenly shouted:

"and many more."

The waiter stopped and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I...why do you keep your head down? My mother-in-law said that it is very rude to look at people with your head down."

"I'm sorry, I'm ugly, I'm afraid I'll scare you."

"If we despise you because you are ugly, then we are wrong. But if you keep your head down and don't look at others, then you are rude."

Ayu is a very stubborn and independent girl who also accepts death.

But Ayu is not a girl who likes to make things difficult for others.

At this moment, she was beyond Lin Xi's understanding and seemed to be a bit "difficult".

The waiter obviously didn't expect Ayu to say that, but after hesitating for a second or two, he still raised his head.

His face had long been ruined.

There are red patches and white patches, and the skin is full of adhesion marks, making it impossible to identify the clear facial features.

Ayu's eyes widened, she was frightened after all.

But she still remembered that face.

After the waiter met her eyes for a moment, he immediately lowered his head again and said:

"I'm sorry, girl, I scared you."

"It's okay, but your face...was it burned?"

"Yes, an accidental fire burned me like this. If it hadn't been for that fire, you and I would still be a bit alike, both equally beautiful."

"Oh, is it so?"

Ah Yu curled his lips as he spoke, and after his stomach growled again, he went to eat.

Lin Xi looked at the waiter coldly.

The latter took a deep breath, looked at Ah Yu deeply, and then walked towards the door.

Open the door and close it again.

When the door closed, the waiter stretched out his hands and said:
"Thank you all, I...please plead guilty!"

(End of this chapter)

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