Chapter 467 Old fox, little fox!
The waiter looked up.

When his entire face was revealed in front of everyone, everyone could clearly see that hideous and terrifying face.

"Thank you, everyone, I am the person you are looking for. My name is Xiang Xian."

"Also called...Lin Zuming!"

The waiter said, his eyes showing the calmness after no resistance.

As for the police ambushing in these four rooms, they were all informed by Lin Xi.

Lin Zuming, who had come back from the dead, just looked at Liu Dayou and the policemen in front of him silently, with a smile in his eyes.

But suddenly, he seemed to understand something when he looked at everything in front of him.

There was a hint of realization in his eyes, and then he grinned.

At this time, Liu Dayou rushed forward excitedly and said with a smile:

"My sister-in-law caught this guy, let me handcuff him!"

With that said, Liu Dayou rushed forward.

But the next second, as soon as Liu Dayou stretched out his hand, another pair of hands had already grabbed his arm, and then pressed Liu Dayou hard to the ground.

Liu Dayou's mind went blank.

Angry voices suddenly came from all around:

"Lin Zuming, you are at the end of your rope, do you still want to resist?"

"Lin Zuming, there are police everywhere here, you can't run away!"

The police were also confused.

But at this moment, Lin Zuming said with a ferocious smile:
"I tell you my name just because I want you to use your brains. Who am I, Lin Zuming? What kind of dilemmas have I not experienced?"

"You use this kind of occasion to test me? Do you think I'm stupid? This is Haicheng, not any city in Jiang Province!"

"Still surrounding me? Having so many police from Haicheng is enough to give your Jiang Province task force face!"

As he spoke, Lin Zuming took out a dagger and put it on Liu Dayou's neck.

"I advise you not to move around. If you move around, I will be the first to kill the person who wants to take the credit!"

Liu Dayou was pushed to the ground, his face full of shame.

He actually doesn't want to take credit for himself.

He thought that if the police in Haicheng caught Lin Zuming, wouldn't Haicheng get part of the credit?

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi had put so much effort into this case. If the credit was given to Pan Huiping, it would be fine for him, but it would be unbalanced for him to give it to others.

But now, instead of helping, he has become a bargaining chip for Lin Zuming to be checked and balanced by the police.


It's such a shame.

"Kill me, I don't have the shame to live anyway."

Lin Zuming glanced at Liu Dayou in surprise, as if he didn't believe that these words came from Liu Dayou's mouth.

But the next second, when a force grabbed his wrist, Lin Zuming grinned vaguely.

With a "bang", Lin Zuming was kicked and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Xi pinned him to the ground in the same way and said softly:

"on purpose?"

"I can plan all this. Does Officer Lin think I won't get to know you two? Your husband has good intentions, and I should reciprocate."

With that said, Lin Zuming looked at the closed door and said again:

"Thank you, Officer Lin, for giving me this last bit of dignity. Don't let her know, never!"

Lin Xi dragged Lin Zuming up. When the other police saw this, they naturally didn't dare to make any more mistakes!

"Bring him back to your police force first. Someone from our provincial capital will bring him back for questioning later."

"Don't worry, Officer Lin won't have any problems again!"

"Officer Lin is so skilled. That blink of an eye just now shocked us."

Lin Xi smiled and shook his head: "Thanks to everyone's help, otherwise it would be difficult for me to do anything if there were children in the room."

"I understand, we as police officers must first protect the safety of the people!"

After the police finished speaking, they took the people away first.

Lin Xi looked at Liu Dayou, who was blushing, and said, "You go to the room to accompany Ayu, I have to go with them."

"Sister-in-law, I just..."

Lin Xi whispered: "Everything is under your control, Brother Chen."

Liu Dayou was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Xi did not explain, but said with a smile: "Think about it yourself. Your brother Chen knows everything about the people around him. He knows who will do what and when."

After saying these words, Lin Xi left the hotel with the police.

Liu Dayou stood there and thought for a while before he suddenly realized.

But after realizing it, Liu Dayou felt even more ashamed.

When he opened the door and saw Ah Yu, Liu Dayou immediately put on a smile and started playing with Ah Yu.

Ten minutes later, the police car escorted Lin Zuming back to the police station and temporarily locked him in the interrogation room.

Lin Xi and Lin Zuming sat opposite each other.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not speak. It was not until the door of the interrogation room was pushed open by Chen Xiao that Lin Zuming said with a smile:

"Consultant Chen, hello."

Chen Xiao glanced at him, and then asked Lin Xi: "Is there any accident?"

"He saw what you were trying to do, and then he gave you a good beating. But it wasn't really a beating. He just felt embarrassed."

"You have a strong psychological endurance. If you take him to have a good meal later, he will be fine."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, and then sat in front of Lin Zuming:
"Should I ask, or should you take the initiative?"

"I don't like the feeling of being interrogated, so I'd better take the initiative to confess."

"Because of your cooperation, I can grant you a request later. But this request cannot involve Ah Yu."

Lin Zuming nodded: "I have already met her. I think she is not old enough to guess who I am. So, if you two think that my cooperation is okay, let Su Qiu and Xiaohe come and meet me." ”

"Well, if they are willing, I will bring them."

Chen Xiao responded, Lin Zuming took a deep breath and said:
"Let's first talk about why I faked my death and went abroad. I think that boy Shen Shuming must have never told you about this issue."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, foxes in this world, whether old or young, always have endless little thoughts.

"In the year of my death, which was the millennium, I offended someone, and that person was so powerful that our Lin family couldn't deal with it."

"But he is more or less a person with clear grudges, so as long as I die, the Lin family will be in peace."

"Of course, I also spent a lot of effort to hide it from that person. I think if he hears that I am alive again, he will definitely be furious."

Chen Xiao nodded: "When I found Shen Shuming, I was always curious about this issue. I think even if I catch you, it won't be a big blow to the Lin family. After all, the current Lin family is your brother Lin Zuyao."

"But now that you say it, I really understand Shen Shuming's ulterior motives."

Lin Zuming sneered: "That boy and Xiaohe were childhood sweethearts. I watched him grow up. What he wants to do is already under my control, so he may not succeed this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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