I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 475 Follow my footsteps and follow my path?

Chapter 475 Follow my footsteps and follow my path?

In life, parting is normal.

After Chen Xiao and Lin Xi left Jinguang Village, they took her to the task force in the provincial capital.

Liao Cheng is also on his way back.

Lin Xi himself was also a member of the task force and could not return to Dongzhou until all matters were settled in the provincial capital.

So Chen Xiao needs to take Xiaoji and Black Cat back first.

But before going back, Chen Xiao asked Xiaoji to take Black Cat for a stroll in the provincial capital, while he went to visit Guo's house alone.

The case of Jin Guanghou's tomb is a case of great concern to the province.

Lin Xi was able to participate, and Zhang Xian played a big role.

But even without Zhang Xian, Guo Zhengchang originally wanted to bring Lin Xi in through his own connections.

Chen Xiao put down the plan and said with a smile: "Now Mr. Guo can really relax and have a good rest. I think that the entire Guo family and Guo Qing can be at the helm in the future."

Guo Zhengchang smiled and nodded: "Yes, when I saw this plan, if someone hadn't told me the whole process, I would have suspected that he hired someone to do it."

Seeing Chen Xiao getting out of the car, Guo Zhengchang didn't wait to say anything more and said with a smile:
"I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Come... come to the study with me to chat."

After reading all the plans, Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up:
"Guo Qing's thinking is becoming more and more mature. If we follow this layout, we at Longding should not have any major problems in the next few years!"

Chen Xiao heard this and took the plan with a serious expression.

However, according to the plan issued by Guo Qing, it is very likely that Chen Xiao will receive benefits much earlier.

in his career.

At present, the only money coming in is the project of bringing home appliances to the countryside.

After sitting in the study, Guo Zhengchang picked up a piece of information:

As before, Guo Zhengchang waited in front of the door early when he heard that Chen Xiao was coming.

"I know the results of the Jin Guanghou tomb case. Several leaders in the province have praised Xiaoxi very much!"

As for Shencheng Longding, it is impossible for Chen Xiao to see any profits in a short period of time.

Chen Xiao grinned and said, "Mr. Guo has been paying attention, right? It seems that Shencheng has completely stabilized!"

Due to emotions and reasons, Chen Xiao should pay a visit to the old man who cared about him extremely.

After reading carefully, the surprise in Chen Xiao's eyes became more and more intense.

After making a phone call to confirm that Guo Zhengchang was in the provincial capital, Chen Xiao walked to the door of Guo's house.

Encountering some familiar faces on the road, Chen Xiao could only nod in greeting.

"What I'm giving you is Shen City's plan for the next few years. This was made by Guo Qing. I've been keeping it until you come back to see it."

When I first met Guo Qing, Guo Qing was still a gangster and eager for quick success.

Chen Xiao said this from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and allowed Guo Zhengchang to lead him to the study.

But after going to Shencheng, encountering a blow, and seeing Chen Xiao's methods, he gradually began to become rational and calm down.

Guo Zhengchang also felt pleased. After taking the plan from Chen Xiao, he said:
"It does seem to be making progress, but let's put the matter in Shen City aside for now. What are your plans next?"

Chen Xiao's mind is still on solving the case and assisting Lin Xi's career.

But apart from this one thing, Chen Xiao now also has a lot of plans in business.

It was this matter that Guo Zhengchang asked about.

"With the current situation in Shen City, it seems that I don't need to be distracted. So, next I want to properly handle the affairs in Dongzhou."

Guo Zhengchang suddenly asked: "That project you collaborated with Dai Bingquan's granddaughter?" "Yes."

Guo Zhengchang nodded: "I haven't seen Lao Dai's granddaughter for many years, but every time I mention that girl, Lao Dai's face lights up with pride. It's just that there seems to be a problem with the Dai family, and Lao Dai has lost control. Na."

"At first, I didn't feel much about working with her because of the Dai family. But then I got in touch with her. To be honest, she is definitely a rare talent."

"Her business sense, vision, and foresight are all top-notch!"

Chen Xiao did not hesitate to praise Dai Hong'er, which made Guo Zhengchang couldn't help but ask:

"Is it because of a mobile phone that you appreciate her so much?"

"It starts with a mobile phone, but it is by no means limited to one mobile phone. When she and I proposed cooperation before, the plan was already extremely detailed."

"It's just that the cooperation between me and her requires huge funds to support, and the price is mired in mud, so I gave up. But now with Qiu Watson's capital injection, this worry completely disappears."

As Chen Xiao said, Guo Zhengchang frowned:
"Then the cooperation between the three of you is currently dominated by Qiu Huasheng, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded without hesitation: "Yes, after all, he paid for it."

"Qiu Huasheng is a foreign Chinese. If your career becomes bigger and stronger, the situation you and Dai Hong'er will be in then..."

Chen Xiao knew what Guo Zhengchang was worried about, and smiled with certainty: "Don't worry, Dai Hong'er and I will never allow that to happen. By then, it will no longer be that we need Qiu Huasheng, but that Qiu Huasheng still wants to This industry depends on us!”

Guo Zhengchang lost his worries and said with a smile: "As long as you two are prepared for future risks!"

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Guo Zhengchang: "Mr. Guo, the study is not breathable. How about I accompany you for a walk outside?"

How could Guo Zhengchang's study be airtight?

Chen Xiao noticed that Guo Zhengchang was feeling a little uncomfortable after sitting for a long time.

The latter nodded happily and walked slowly on the top of the mountain with Chen Xiao.

It wasn't until lunch was ready and Chen Xiao had another meal with Guo Zhengchang that he called Xiaoji and Black Cat and prepared to return to Dongzhou.

Just when Chen Xiao was about to leave, Guo Zhengchang suddenly mentioned someone to him.

"Chen Xiao, do you know Zuo Shu?"

Zuo Shu?

Of course I know Chen Xiao!

An equally well-known real estate businessman in Shenzhen.

But Zuo Shu was once a policeman, and he came from the same family as Xie Wensheng's father, Xie Yanshi.

In order to find out the case of the Phantom of Yanghu, Chen Xiao met Zuo Shu.
In that meeting, Zuo Shu revealed his intention to Chen Xiao, which was that he wanted the two parties to cooperate to win the land king in Yanghu.

But in the end Chen Xiao rejected Zuo Shu's proposal.

First of all, Long Ding could eat the piece of land unilaterally. Furthermore, he and Zuo Shu were not familiar with each other, so there was no reason to give him half of the piece of fat meat that was about to be obtained.

Now that he heard this person again, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask Guo Zhengchang:

"Why did you suddenly mention him?"

"He came to Dongzhou and seems to be very interested in your business."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown: "He came to Dongzhou? Is he still interested in my business?"

Even if Guo Zhengchang said it himself, Chen Xiao was still extremely shocked.

Guo Zhengchang hummed: "Pay attention to him. Before he came to Dongzhou, he went to Qingxi! After returning from Qingxi, he has been staying in Dongzhou."

"He not only went to meet Yu Gui's parents, but also went to your hometown, Songshanping. He saw the food street I was building and the lobster base you built!"

Chen Xiao's eyes tightened: "Is he going to follow my footsteps and take my path?"

(End of this chapter)

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