Chapter 476 Presumptuous guy!
On the way back to Dongzhou.

In Chen Xiao's mind, Zuo Shu looked like him again and again.

He didn't understand why Zuo Shu wanted to go where he had been.

Xiaofeng Village, Qingxi City, where Yu Gui’s parents live.

There is also a food street in Dongzhou.

Lobster base in Songshanping.

These were only what Guo Zhengchang found after he learned that Zuo Shu had gone to Xiaofeng Village. As for where Zuo Shu had been earlier, Chen Xiao had no idea.

And where he went, it seemed to be unimportant right now.

The important thing is, what does he want to do?
In Qingxi, Chen Xiao started sending home appliances to the countryside.

The food street in Dongzhou is Guo Zhengchang's investment to support Chen Xiao's lobster base.

"As for going to work? You are a good friend that Chen Xiao asked Xiao Ji to invite over. As a friend, how can I let you work for me, right?"

After saying that, Xie Wensheng asked excitedly again:

Black Cat seems to be really afraid of going to work.

As for the lobster base, this was Chen Xiao’s decision to make money while also giving back to the village.

Chen Xiao was thinking, should he go meet Zuo Shu?
With ideas in mind, Chen Xiao and others returned to Dongzhou.

"Chen Xiao, you invited Miss Song to come to Dong'an, right? Are her accommodation arrangements in place?"

"Xiao Ji, please speak for me. I don't go to work. If someone asks me to go to work... I will go home to find mommy!"

"Brother Chen Xiao, if I don't go to work, I won't be beaten to death!"

Black Cat was still very cautious: "After transferring your company, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Xiao was not eager for quick success and said with a smile:
"Black Cat, Mr. Xie misunderstood what I meant. This company belongs to me. As for what this company does, I will ask Mr. Xie to take you around later."

"When can I go to work? Can I go to work today?"

Zuo Shu seems to want to go through Chen Xiao's business journey.

If this is the case, then Zuo Shu's purpose may be related to Chen Xiao's business matters.

After Chen Xiao introduced Black Cat to Xie Wensheng, Xie Wensheng was immediately overjoyed:

"It turns out that Miss Song is also a computer genius! No wonder Chen Xiao brought you to see me!"

Now Zuo Shu is still in Dongzhou.

A nineteen-year-old girl who is good at computers is considered a genius in everyone's eyes, let alone in Xie Wensheng's eyes!
But Black Cat followed Chen Xiao to Dongzhou to make friends!
Therefore, when she heard Uncle Xie in front of her asking when she could go to work, her expression changed drastically.

"No, absolutely not! After the transfer, I will ask Xiaoji to take you for a ride. It will be as exciting as you want!"

As for his family, Chen Xiao didn't ask, and Black Cat himself didn't say anything about it.

Black Cat's real name is Song Zhuoxuan. He is the same age as Xiaoji, both 19 years old.

When entering the Dong'an Building, Chen Xiao temporarily put aside the matter about Zuo Shu and took the black cat to see Xie Wensheng.

Black Cat breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I won't go to work no matter what!"

"Okay, whatever you say will be whatever it is." Chen Xiao agreed happily.

Xie Wensheng pulled Chen Xiao aside with a puzzled look on his face: "What do you mean? Such a powerful little girl doesn't come to Dong'an to work? What does this have to do with starving me for three days and three nights, preparing a table of delicious food and not letting me use my chopsticks? the difference?"

"Brother Wen Sheng, don't be impatient. Didn't you see Mao Mao's reaction just now? She really doesn't like going to work!"

"Then let me communicate with her! We in Dong'an are short of such talents right now, and a girl at such a young age has such abilities. It would be a pity for such talents if she encounters unkind people and is led astray!"

Xie Wensheng said that he was going to chat with Black Cat. Chen Xiao grabbed him: "I can bring her to Dongzhou, just because I want her to stay in Dongzhou. When such a talent was in Haicheng, Captain Pan was interested, but later I forced her to stay in Dongzhou." Blocked."

"The kitten is young, and her characteristic is that she loves to play. A large part of her characteristics come from playing, so we can't use force or force, we have to guide and arouse her interest!"

"Then how can we arouse her interest? For those who want to work, the conditions and office environment we offer in Dong'an are simply a paradise. But for those who don't like to work, this is a prison!"

Chen Xiao said confidently: "It's very simple. We are in the early stages of construction in Dong'an, and there are many technical flaws. When you take the kitten around later, ask her to help us check for loopholes and so on. "

Xie Wensheng suddenly realized: "I understand, it stimulates her sense of accomplishment and her desire to win!"

"Yes, our company has also recruited a group of technical talents with good abilities. While arousing Black Cat's desire to win, we can also test the true level of those in our company!"

Xie Wensheng chuckled: "I like the way a boss like you behaves, okay... leave the little girl to me, and I'll let her experience the enthusiasm and challenges of Dongzhou!"

After the two of them talked, Chen Xiao also went to see Dong'an's current progress.

Although the time was short, due to the strong official support, Dongan's speed was extremely fast.

Surveillance systems have been deployed around the entire Phoenix Street, and in a while, all aspects of Hongshan District will be covered by visual surveillance.

After feeling relieved about Dong'an, Chen Xiao did not get involved in Xie Wensheng's talent recruitment plan.

Because at this time, he received a call from his father Chen Lie.

Since Chen Xiao was reborn, his relationship with Lao Chen has eased a lot.

Because he has been born in two lifetimes, Chen Xiao will no longer have to wait for his parents to call before he thinks of asking for concern. So now, he will take the initiative to contact his parents from time to time to ask about the current situation at home.

As time went by, his parents took the initiative to call him less and less.

Chen Xiao walked out of Dong'an Building with his mobile phone.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?"

"Chen Xiao, where are you now?"

Lao Chen asked with a smile, seemingly in a good mood.

Chen Xiao replied: "I just returned to Dongzhou today."

"You're back to Dongzhou, so why don't you come home? We have a guest at home, and he visited our lobster base in the afternoon. He said he is your friend!"

Chen Xiao's eyes condensed for an instant.

Visited the lobster base.

And you said you were friends with him?

If it had been before, it would have been difficult for Chen Xiao to guess who it was.

But now, Chen Xiao is almost 100% sure that it is Zuo Shu!

It’s just that Zuo Shu has Chen Xiao’s contact information.

In Shencheng before, the two of them had stayed with each other.

But Zuo Shu didn't inform him and went directly to his home to visit.

Such behavior seemed very presumptuous in Chen Xiao's opinion.

However, Chen Xiao didn't say much to Lao Chen, fearing that he would worry too much, so he pretended not to know and asked:

"My friend, did he say his last name?"

"He said his surname is Zuo. As long as he tells you this surname, you will know who he is!"

Sure enough, it's Zuo Shu!
Chen Xiao immediately got in the car and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go home now. Please help me entertain him!"

(End of this chapter)

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