I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 481: When I am caught, you save my husband again!

Chapter 481: When I am caught, you save my husband again!
The headless male corpse was sitting in front of Chen Xiao.

Whether it was the vehicle the male body was in or the clothes on the male body.

Everyone is undoubtedly telling Chen Xiao that this male corpse is Zuo Shu!
However, Chen Xiao still found it hard to believe it.

Zuo Shu, who had an argument with him last night, would now be missing his head.

Looking at Chen Xiao's face, Li Hui didn't understand that much yet, so he just asked expectantly:
"Mr. Chen, can you confirm his identity?"

Chen Xiao took a deep breath: "As expected, it should be the person I know."


"Zuo Shu, the boss of Shencheng Changheng Real Estate, a local from Shencheng."

As Chen Xiaozheng was talking, the forensic doctor said:

"Captain Li, let's put the body down for autopsy first? Judging from the external observations, there is not much useful information available for the time being."

The latter happened to get up when he answered the phone, and asked worriedly:

Chen Xiao made up his mind, and then Li Hui also came over:
"Mr. Chen, we have to verify the identity of the deceased at that time. After all, his identity document, communication equipment, etc. were not found at the scene. So, why don't you contact the relatives of the person you mentioned to see if it is him? ?”

Not surprisingly, Zuo Shu's number was switched off.

The bruise on Zuo Shu's abdomen was caused by the last kick he gave!
Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao smiled.

Then, Chen Xiao called Guo Qing again.

"If I tell everything in such a hurry, will it look like I'm already prepared?"

However, only some appearance detection will be done at the scene, as well as some object extraction from the car and the appearance of the deceased.

Chen Xiao couldn't understand, and at this time the forensic doctor also discovered bruises on Zuo Shu's abdomen.

Chen Xiao watched silently.

"Wait a minute, let me see what this is for!"

He watched with his own eyes as the forensic doctor unfastened Zuo Shu's seat belt and was then lifted to the ground.

Li Hui nodded, and Chen Xiao also stepped aside.

Until the forensic doctor extracted a hair from the deceased's body.

"Brother, calling so early, could it be that Zuo Shu is acting like a monster again?"

He was wondering if he should take the initiative to deliver it to his door?
As soon as this idea came up, Chen Xiao rejected it in his heart:
"No, no, no, I don't need to worry. We can't be sure right now that it is Zuo Shu, and if it is Zuo Shu, just find out when the time comes and I will cooperate."

The hair is not long, but it is similar to Chen Xiao’s!

As for Chen Xiao, I am even more certain.

Seeing this scene, and then looking at Zuo Shu's headless body, Chen Xiao suddenly thought:
"Is it designed for me? What is the purpose? What is the plan?"

With such bruises, both the forensic doctor and Li Hui, the criminal police captain, could confirm that the deceased had fought with someone before his death.

"No problem. I'll try to call him first and then ask someone to notify his family." Chen Xiao did not refuse. After speaking, he walked aside and dialed Zuo Shu's number.

"He might be dead." Chen Xiao said calmly. Guo Qing was stunned for two seconds and then shouted:
"What did you say? Zuo Shu...is dead?"

"Well, Zuoshu's car was found at the foot of a mountain less than three kilometers away from my home. There was a male corpse in the car. From his height to his clothes, he should be that of Zuoshu, but his head was cut off."

After saying that, Chen Xiao paused and replied: "If nothing else, he should have had his head cut off while he was still alive." "Oh no! Cut off his head while he was still alive? This is so cruel. Come on!"

Guo Qing exclaimed, extremely shocked.

Chen Xiao also replied: "It's not important how he died now. What's important is that he can't be contacted on his mobile phone. Now the police want to determine his identity as soon as possible, so you can go to his house later and notify him. Also... I'll call Qin Fei again, he should still be the criminal police captain over there."

"No problem, I'll go right away." Guo Qing agreed immediately.

After finishing the call with Guo Qing, Chen Xiao called Qin Fei, who had replaced Xie Wensheng in the police force.

The latter seemed shocked when he received the call, but when he heard that Chen Xiao needed him to notify his family, he did not refuse.

In addition to the Longding Group, Qin Fei was also the beneficiary of the Yanghu Phantom case.

Otherwise, the nickname of the acting captain who takes over Xie Wensheng's job may not be taken away so quickly.

After notifying the two of them, Chen Xiao also put down his cell phone. After thinking for a while, he made a call to Lin Xi.

The latter was on his way back to Dongzhou. When he answered the phone, he said happily:

"Are you up so early? I'm on my way home. I should be home in half an hour!"

"Well, wife... I'm going to say something next. You just listen quietly and don't be anxious, you know?" Chen Xiao deliberately spoke in a relaxed tone to prepare Lin Xi mentally.

Hearing this, Lin Xi's tone immediately became tense: "What happened?"

"Zuo Shu is dead. He died at the foot of Niushou Mountain."


"Don't be nervous. I'm at the scene now. The forensic doctor has just extracted some things from the car and Zuo Shu's body. As expected, the hair found on Zuo Shu's body should be mine."

"In addition, there are bruises on Zuo Shu's abdomen, which were left when I fought with him last night, so you should understand what I mean, right?"

Lin Xi was now an experienced criminal police officer and immediately knew the meaning of Chen Xiao's call.

"You mean that the person who killed Zuo Shu might want to pin the suspicion on you?"

"It's very possible! Because he and I had a conflict before his death, and almost half of the villagers in Songshanping saw my fight with him! In addition, if the hair found on his body is definitely mine, then I He must be the number one suspect in Zuo Shu’s death!”

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Lin Xi immediately said: "Then don't worry, I'll be at Songshanping in an hour at most, and I'll ask them to drive faster."

"My wife, I am also a detective. I was at home all night last night!"

"I know I'm not in a hurry, but who can prove that you were not present? My parents' confessions cannot be used as evidence at that time!"

"Of course I know this, but don't forget who I am!" Chen Xiaoxiao said.

Lin Xi on the other end of the phone paused after hearing this, and then asked in surprise: "Have you been prepared?"

"Of course, you must have the intention of harming others and the intention of guarding against others! As early as when Zuo Shu came, I was on guard against him, but I didn't expect that someone would actually throw dirty water on me, the big boss of Dong'an! "

Lin Xi's tone also became more relaxed:

"I understand what you mean, but since you want to find out the purpose of those people, everything should be the most normal reaction. I am your wife, and I will definitely rush back as soon as possible if something happens to you!"

"Okay, then wait until I'm caught and you come back to save my husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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