Chapter 482 The storm is coming!
After ending the call with Lin Xi, Chen Xiao returned to Li Hui.

The latter is still busy.

Seeing that Chen Xiao was so helpful, he thanked him with a smile on his face:

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Chen. I didn't expect to bother you again this time."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Yes, as long as Captain Li doesn't think I'm causing trouble for you."

"Where! There has been a murder, what does this have to do with you!"

"Who said it doesn't matter? Chen Xianzu's case was caused by me, and the person who died now has a huge relationship with me. Captain Li doesn't doubt it?" Chen Xiao asked with a smile.

Li Hui suddenly smiled bitterly:
"A murder occurred. This is beyond our control. It just happened to be a coincidence that Mr. Chen knew the deceased."

Li Hui was still saying polite words, Chen Xiao thought for a while and said:
"Did you see the large bruise on the deceased's abdomen?"

"Well, you can tell it at a glance. It should be left behind when he fought with someone during his lifetime. Therefore, we must first investigate what he did before his death and who he met. The person who caused him to be injured is very important!"

"The reason why he came to Dongzhou now is actually to find me."

"Mr. Chen, do you know what this means?"

"Many people in the village saw it."

"Let's get down to business. I know you haven't finished what you said, because the relationship between you and me is not just acquaintances, you are also a criminal police officer."

Li Hui was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a surprised look on his face: "Mr. Chen, do you mean that you caused the injury to the deceased's abdomen?"

Li Hui couldn't help but closed his eyes, patted his forehead and said, "Mr. Chen, you really gave me a big problem."

"That person is standing in front of you now." Chen Xiao replied.

Li Hui's face became more solemn:
"Then your parents can't provide you with an alibi."

"Yes, as a qualified criminal police officer, Captain Li also knows that even if my parents testify, they can only serve as a reference."

"at home."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, he is an acquaintance I met in Shencheng. Before that, we met in another case. Later, there was a conflict between me and him because of a business."

"That is to say, the deceased and Mr. Chen had a dinner together last night and drank more than two bottles of white wine. After drinking, a conflict broke out between the two of you. As a result, a large bruise was left on the deceased's abdomen. do you mean this?"

"Then where was Mr. Chen last night?"

"Yes, from the perspective of a criminal police officer, I have to take you back to the team for questioning."

"Before his accident, that is, he was having dinner at my house last night. You must have been able to detect very strong alcohol in his blood. At that time, he and I drank more than two bottles of white wine each!"

"Your analysis is not wrong, that's all."

Li Hui nodded: "Mr. Chen, it seems that you really gave me a big problem this time. From the perspective of our understanding, I would never think that you would kill someone, so I would like to ask you when the conflict broke out that night, Who else saw it besides your parents?"

Li Hui narrowed his eyes:

"Who can testify?"

"My parents, but after my parents fell asleep, they couldn't tell if I was home or where I was because they found me in the yard on a recliner this morning."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Of course I know, I will definitely become a suspect."

"It should."

Chen Xiao's tone was always calm, but Li Hui was extremely worried.

The current Chen Xiao is not to mention Songshanping or Lanshan County.

Even if it's the entire Dongzhou, whoever catches him will have a big problem?

But what can he do?
Chen Xiao was unable to provide an alibi.

And there is indeed a grudge against the deceased.

Furthermore, the injuries on the deceased were also caused by Chen Xiao.

No matter what, he had to take Chen Xiao back to the police force.

After thinking about it, Li Hui could only say in a deep voice: "Let's go, Mr. Chen." Chen Xiao nodded, but when he saw his parents, he couldn't help but said:

"Let me tell my parents so that they don't worry."

"no problem."

Li Hui agreed.

Just looking at Chen Xiao walking towards Lao Chen's back, Li Hui became thoughtful.

Reason told him that Chen Xiao would never be the murderer.

But as a criminal police officer, he couldn't make such a judgment.

Even when looking at Chen Xiao's back, a question came to his mind.

If Chen Xiao is really the murderer, how should the case be investigated?
Just the fact that there are conflicts and struggles is not enough to explain all the problems.

The more Li Hui thought about it, the more his head hurt.

Chen Xiao walked up to his parents easily and said:
"Mom and Dad, something happened. I need to go to the police station with Captain Li."

Chen Xiao went to the police force, which was a normal thing for Chen and his wife.

Lao Chen couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Look, this is the child of their old Chen family!

As long as there is a case, the police must have someone from the Chen family to turn to.

But the next second, Chen Xiao said: "That car was the one that drove to our house last night, and the person who died in the car was also the one who had dinner at our house last night."

"What!" Lao Chen's face changed drastically, and his mother also looked in disbelief:

"How could he die!"

"Who knows? When I kicked him, many people in the village saw it, so I had to go to the police with Captain Li to cooperate with the investigation."

Lao Chen: "They won't suspect that you did it, right?"

"It's normal to doubt me, but don't worry, you and mom, I'm the detective of Dongzhou, so things like cases are not a big problem for me." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Mom wanted to say something, but Lao Chen stopped her immediately:
"Don't cause trouble for the child. Who in Dongzhou can investigate the case as well as Chen Xiao now! Let's just wait for the news quietly!"

After saying that, Lao Chen also asked Chen Xiao: "What do you need from the two of us?"

"Don't do anything, just wait for news at home."

"Then have you told Xiaoxi?"

"I've called her and she will be here soon."

"Okay, let's go home then."

Lao Chen also knew very well that he couldn't help when encountering this kind of thing.

After watching them leave, Chen Xiao got into the police car.

Upon seeing this, Li Hui began to make arrangements.

"Two people went to Shencheng to investigate the grudge relationship between Mr. Chen and the deceased who was suspected of being Zuo Shu."

"Two more people will go to Songshanping to investigate the conflict that broke out between Mr. Chen and the deceased last night, and try to record more information."


The subordinates got the order, and Li Hui got into the police car.

After looking at Chen Xiao, Li Hui said with a smile on his face:
"Mr. Chen, shall we return to the police force now?"

"Go back and do whatever you have to do."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Chen." Li Hui started the car, looked outside the car, and smiled at Chen Xiao in the car:
"Mr. Chen, I don't know why I feel like a heavy mountain is weighing me down. And look at the sky today, does it sound like a rain is about to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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