Chapter 487 Three times without hexagram!

An entire village is helping Chen Xiao perjury?
When hearing the news.

Gao Bo, the director of the Lanshan County Bureau, was stunned.

Of course he knew Chen Xiao's reputation in Songshanping and even in Songtan Township as a whole.

Because the lobster base is within the scope of Songtan Township.

This base not only solves the unemployment dilemma of many people, but also provides many preferential conditions and support.

Many people are grateful for Chen Xiao's help.

So much so that someone even proposed the idea of ​​erecting a monument to Chen Xiao.

But even Chen Xiao himself did not expect that everyone in the village would tacitly agree to give him perjury at this time.

Gao Bo opened the records of Li Hui's foreign visits to Songshanping.

Almost everyone has the same words.

Police: "Chen Xiao had a conflict with someone last night. Did you see it?"

Villager 1: "What? Did Chen Xiao come back last night? I didn't hear about it!"

Police: "Did you hear anything when Chen Xiao had a conflict with someone?"

Villager 2: "I didn't hear that. I was born with bad ears. My mother-in-law always likes to call me deaf!"

Police: "You are a neighbor of Chen Xiao's house. Do you know that Chen Xiao came back last night?"

Neighbor: "I know, he even said hello to me and cleared my cigarette."

"Then when he had a conflict with someone last night, did you see him kick that person?"

"I haven't seen it, and I haven't heard of it. After Chen Xiao gave me a cigarette, I went home and tasted it happily. Don't tell me, the cigarette is really strong. I fell asleep after taking two puffs!"

Li Hui and Chen Xiao also have a relationship.

Deep down, I admire Chen Xiao even more.

But seeing Gao Bo looking at those records, he could only smile bitterly and said:

"Have you seen the high-level game? It's really outrageous to open the door for outrageous people. It's outrageous!"

Gao Bo closed the record:
"Tear all these records into pieces. It won't do any good but will only help."

Li Hui also calmed down and nodded: "I understand, but how should the High Bureau investigate this case?"

"Collect the traces first and preserve them. The city has already called me. They have set up a task force, led by Deputy Bureau Zhang of the Hongshan Branch to investigate the case."

"Deputy Bureau Zhang? Isn't he in Songshanping? And his relationship with Mr. Chen..."

"Maybe it's because of their relationship that this case was handed over to Zhang Xian."

Gao Bo said, and Li Hui didn't say much.

Regarding Chen Xiao's case, it is simply a hot potato for Li Hui.

So now it is left to Zhang Xian to investigate, and he is happy and free.

At the same time, Chen Xiao’s family in Songshanping.

Zhang Xian also left first when he received the call from his superiors.

As soon as he left, Lin Xi asked Xie Wensheng and Wu Liuxian to go back to Dongzhou first.

As for Songshanping, with her, Dao Nan and Liu Dayou here, there won't be any big problems.

Just after everyone left, Lin Xi looked at Liu Dayou and said;

"Dayou, your brother Chen always said that you are very good at divination. I have never seen it before, how about you make a divination for him?"

Liu Da nodded: "Okay!"

With that said, Liu Dayou went to clean his hands first.

After wiping his hands clean, Liu Dayou took out the old turtle shell he carried with him.

Lin Xi and Dao Nan both watched Liu Dayou swaying as he muttered words attentively, and listened to the tinkling sound of the copper coins in the turtle shell.

Soon, the copper coins in the turtle shell fell out.

Lin Xi was also subconsciously anxious and asked: "What hexagram?"

Liu Dayou did not reply, but quietly looked at the hexagrams. Lin Xi realized her impatience, so she could only wait quietly.

Finally, after Liu Dayou studied for a few minutes, his brows furrowed.

Seeing this, the knife man couldn't help but become anxious: "How long has it been, and you haven't said a word!"

Liu Dayou frowned and said, "No Gua."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xi asked.

Liu Dayou thought for a while and said: "My Taoism is limited, I will try again!"

Hearing this, Lin Xi knew what Liu Da meant.

The so-called no hexagram means that the few copper coins that fell out did not form any hexagram.

Chen Xiao also told Lin Xi that Liu Dayou's level was high and low, sometimes wrong and sometimes right.

So she was not in a hurry, waiting for Liu Dayou to make another prediction.

But when the copper coins fell, even Lin Xi couldn't help but said:

"This seems to be exactly the same as before, right?"

Liu Dayou scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, even you can see it, I'll try again!"

As he said that, Liu Dayou's face showed a little dissatisfaction.

But when he shook out the copper coin again, he was shocked to find that the appearance of the copper coin was still the same as before!
Liu Dayou was immediately dumbfounded!

"How could this happen! I've done fortune telling for Brother Chen before, but I've never had three consecutive fortune tellings like today!"

Lin Xi did not blame Liu Dayou, but said to him:

"Okay, since it doesn't show up in the hexagrams, let's just do our best and not rely on fate."

Liu Dayou put the copper coins away in distress.

The knife man didn't say anything to Liu Dayou, but looked at Lin Xi slightly apologetically:
"Sister-in-law, you also know that my mind is not spinning very fast, but if there is anything you want me to do, please inform me as soon as possible."

"Okay, you're all tired too, so take a rest first."

At this moment, Lin Xi actually didn't have many ideas.

Silently went to Chen Xiao's parents' room and started talking with them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Until then, Lin Xi’s mobile phone received a message from an unknown number:

"Pay attention to car marks and pay attention to the environment!"

When he saw these four words, Lin Xi suddenly became energetic.

Lin Xi knew whose number it was. After putting her phone away silently, she said to Mr. and Mrs. Chen:
"Mom and Dad, I have to go out for a while. You don't have to worry too much at home."

"Go ahead, we won't be able to help you even if we're worried, so don't worry about us and just work on the case!"

Lao Chen and his wife are very sensible about this.

He did not rush his daughter-in-law, nor did he go to the police to cause trouble for Chen Xiao.

They stayed at home quietly, waiting for news.

Lin Xi took Dao Nan and Liu Dayou and drove to Niushou Mountain, which was less than three kilometers away.

At the foot of Niushou Mountain is a cement road leading to Songtan Township and Lanshan County.

If people in Songshanping want to go to the county seat, almost everyone will take this road.

When he was about to arrive at the crime scene, Lin Xi was paying attention to the skid marks on the road.

But until we reached the crime scene, we didn't see any obvious skid marks on the road.

Lin Xi couldn't help but be surprised by this discovery.

As an excellent criminal police officer, Lin Xi could easily think of something like this anomaly.

She couldn't help but look around at the geographical location, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

When Liu Dayou and Dao Nan saw this, they couldn't help but ask: "Sister-in-law, where are you going?"

But Lin Xi didn't answer, and just walked towards an uphill road in Niushou Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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