I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 488 1 Everything starts with benefit!

Chapter 488 Everything starts with benefit!
Pay attention to car marks!

Pay attention to the environment!

Lin Xi knew that this message was sent to her by Zhang Xian.

But Zhang Xian had never been to the scene.

Of course, Zhang Xian should have seen the images taken at the scene.

However, Lin Xi felt that this information should be what Chen Xiao told Zhang Xian after Zhang Xian met Chen Xiao.

But it doesn't matter who discovered it first.

The words "pay attention to car marks" made Lin Xi have the same idea as Chen Xiao after seeing that there were no skid marks at the scene.

The vehicle may have been stationary when Zuo Shu was killed!
But there are four words in the text message: Pay attention to the environment!

Niushou Mountain is less than three kilometers away from Songshanping.

Songshanping is the closest village to Niushou Mountain.

After Zuo Shu left the Chen family, it stood to reason that he would drive out of the Niushou Mountain area soon.

But last night, Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu drank until nearly 22 o'clock.

Zuo Shu's death time was between 23:0 and : at night.

In other words, it took Zuoshu more than an hour to drive a distance of three kilometers?

This is impossible.

There is almost no possibility at all!
Therefore, Zuo Shu's car should have been parked here.

Why did he stop?

And why did it stop for an hour?

He should be waiting for someone.

Who are you waiting for?

Lin Xi didn't expect this question, and she didn't think Chen Xiao knew who this was.

But this person must be the first issue that the police responsible for handling the case should consider.

In Lin Xi's heart, this person would definitely not be Chen Xiao.

No matter which way he thought about it, Lin Xi would not think it was Chen Xiao.

She felt that this was something that she, as a wife, and even as a police officer, would not consider.

Because Chen Xiao didn't commit any major crime.

The fact that he did not commit any crime means that Chen Xiao will not have any clues.

Since there is no clue, there is absolutely no reason to kill Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu because of their intersection.

But why did Chen Xiao remind her to pay attention to the environment?
Apart from one road, there is only one mountain in the surrounding area.

The mountain is not high, but the plants are quite lush in today's season.

When Liu Dayou and Dao Nan saw Lin Xi climbing up the mountain, they looked at each other and followed.

Lin Xi found a branch and pulled the surrounding bushes as he walked.

Liu Dayou and Dao Nan learned from each other.

Although they didn't know what Lin Xi was looking for, let alone what Lin Xi was thinking.

But as time went by, Liu Dayou, who was pulling out a thorn, suddenly found something on the head of a thorn.

"Sister-in-law!" Liu Dayou shouted immediately.

Lin Xi heard the sound and came over: "What's wrong?"

"Look, there is a piece of cloth here, it seems to have been torn from the clothes."

Lin Xi immediately looked in the direction pointed by Liu Dayou's hand.

Just when he saw the small piece of cloth that had been torn off, Lin Xi's eyes instantly froze.

"Sure enough, I have a back-up plan! I'm pretty sure this piece of cloth is from Chen Xiao's clothes. I remember very clearly that I bought one for him with this type of fabric and the torn-off pattern."

"How is this possible! Brother Chen's clothes are on his body, he can't come to this mountain." Liu Dayou said subconsciously.

Lin Xi looked downcast: "Of course I know he can't come to this mountain. This dress is not something he wore recently, but was worn when he went home last time."

"How come the clothes are torn here?" The knife man asked, and then suddenly said in shock:
"Damn it, isn't it someone who stole Brother Chen's clothes?"

Lin Xi nodded: "It's really possible that you were right."

"This is really going to kill our Brother Chen. First we had a conflict with Zuo Shu, and now there are torn clothes and fabrics on the mountain. The most important thing is that this fabric belongs to Brother Chen!"

"And the hair I mentioned before, if it belongs to Brother Chen, wouldn't it be so yellow that it falls off your crotch? It's just shit!"

Lin Xi didn't speak, just stared at the piece of cloth in a daze.

Liu Dayou didn't say anything, and after thinking seriously for a while:
"Sister-in-law, you said you would wait twelve hours before. Now there are less than five hours left before the twelve-hour deadline. What is disadvantageous to Brother Chen now is that he had a conflict with the deceased last night. This can be Became the hypothesis of Brother Chen’s murder.”

"If the hair identification belongs to Brother Chen, it means that the first evidence has appeared."

"Now adding this piece of fabric is equivalent to completing the chain of evidence one more step!"

"Brother Chen and I have experienced so many cases, and now I can see some signs of many things. This guy probably didn't use any particularly shocking means to frame Brother Chen, and nailed Brother Chen's murder charge all at once. But I want to boil a frog in warm water!”

When Liu Dayou said the words "boil a frog in warm water", Lin Xi's eyes lit up:
"What you said is very possible. Today I have been thinking about what method the other party will use to shock us all at once. But now it seems that he is most likely to use one method to superimpose another method. Let Chen Xiao be tired of solving them one by one."

Liu Da nodded: "Then what should we do now?"

"At the twelve o'clock checkpoint, there must be evidence against your brother Chen. And he can even find fabrics like clothes, which means he may have infiltrated into your brother Chen's life."

Lin Xi said, then looked up at the foot of the mountain and said:

"Zuo Shu didn't brake, but kept waiting here. This is enough to lead to another guess, that is, Zuo Shu knew that he was going to die, and he even died willingly!"

"He went to most of the places your brother Chen went to before he died, and he was once a policeman. He knew that if he was not careful, he might lose everything!"

"So the most important thing about this case is not who killed Zuo Shu, but what mistake Zuo Shu made that made him die so willingly, thus putting you, Brother Chen, behind bars."

Lin Xi's words made Liu Dayou couldn't help but say: "Brother Chen and I have been to Shencheng before. I heard Mr. Guo said that after Zuo Shu went to sea to do business, he only started to get rich with the help of his father-in-law's family."

"The only conflict between Zuo Shu and Brother Chen is the Yanghu land. It seems that money and silk are moving people's hearts. If something happens to Brother Chen and he is revealed to be a murderer, then Longding will encounter a serious public opinion crisis."

"A detective who found out the truth for the unjust dead ended up being a murderer. How could the company he represented still reassure the people of Shencheng? But that land has already started. Once Long Ding is deprived of its qualifications, then the only way to The company he inherited belongs to Zuo Shu!"

Liu Dayou made such an analysis. If Chen Xiao were here, he would definitely praise him generously.

Because Dayou has also made great progress!
However, Chen Xiao was still in the inquiry room, and the person who was investigating this matter at the moment was Lin Xi.

Liu Dayou could think of this, and so could Lin Xi.

And she thought about it, she had to take action.

Lin Xi took out her phone at this moment, but at the same moment she took out her phone, she received another text message.

There is a number on it, and behind the number is a surname: Hu.

This Hu is the contact information of Qingxi Hu Yue!
(End of this chapter)

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