I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 495 is very domineering! Very powerful!

Chapter 495 is very domineering! Very powerful!
If the ten devils are not found.

It is difficult for Chen Xiao to connect all of this.

But now, in order to confirm the connection between Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu, the other party even revealed information about the Ten Demons.

Then Chen Xiao had to think about all three parties together.

Also when thinking about the three parties together, Chen Xiao felt a sense of enlightenment.

Only, if his guess is correct.

So, was Zuo Shu's death really for the Yanghu land?
Chen Xiao thinks it might not be the case!

He even felt that Zuo Shu might not be one of the top twelve people he thought he was.

After all, Zuo Shu is definitely not the only person who worked as a police officer in Shencheng and finally left the police force.

The more Chen Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that there might really be a big net above his head.

It's a pity that now he has to follow the other party's wishes.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to know what the other party's real purpose is.

With an idea in mind, Chen Xiao stopped thinking about it and just said silently in his heart:
"Then just wait for your next move. I want to see how you are going to put me to death!"

The voice of the heart is silent.

Chen Xiao still looked like he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

But for the people around Chen Xiao, it is extremely troublesome right now.

After Guo Zhengchang went to Shencheng to take charge personally, he already felt the ferocity of the opponent after only half a day of confrontation.

Guo Qing came to him with a tired look and asked:

"Uncle, if the other party tries again, we may not be able to withstand their attack. Now more and more small media have come forward to expose it, and we can't even stop it."

"What's more, some people have begun to reveal Chen Xiao's past on the local forum in Shenzhen. As for the things Chen Xiao did in the past, we can't cover up even if we want to."

Guo Zhengchang closed his eyes and nodded, but when he opened his eyes, his old eyes were unusually firm:
"I don't want to explain anything to you, I just need to tell you that Long Ding is Chen Xiao, and Chen Xiao is Long Ding."

Guo Qing also nodded: "I understand, sir, but I want to know why you made such a decision? Is it really just because he helped our family find out Xiao Ning's grievances?"

It's reasonable for Guo Qing to ask this.

After all, he is now the default successor of the Guo family by many people.

But Guo Zhengchang's behavior towards Chen Xiao far exceeded the Guo family's expectations.

Guo Zhengchang looked at Guo Qing and asked calmly:

"Before I answer yours, please answer my question."

"You asked."

"How is your relationship with Chen Xiao?"

Guo Qing was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Guo Zhengchang to ask this question.

However, he still didn't think too much and replied:

"He and I are considered good friends, but we definitely haven't achieved a life-long friendship. I quite like getting along with him."

Very simple answer.

Guo Zhengchang also recognized this answer.

Just the next second, Guo Zhengchang said seriously: "Get along well with him. You alone cannot support the entire Guo family. Do you understand what I mean?"

Guo Qing's eyes changed with shock, but Guo Zhengchang didn't give him a chance to say more and said again:

"Go down and make arrangements. No matter what the final result is, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a problem. If it doesn't work, see if you can contact someone from the Qi family."

"If necessary, the Yanghu land cannot be given up."

Guo Qing raised his head suddenly. Guo Zhengchang just looked at him quietly and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I understand, uncle, I'll do it right now."

Guo Zhengchang hummed: "Business competition can range from fair and honest to dirty designs. But in business, in the final analysis, it's all about money."

Guo Qing left without saying any more words.

But as soon as he left, Guo Zhengchang's eyes showed deep worry.

He hesitated for a long time and finally called Lin Xi.

The latter answered the call immediately.

"Hey, Mr. Guo, haven't you rested yet?"

Guo Zhengchang smiled: "It's such a mess now, how can I sleep?"

As he spoke, Guo Zhengchang paused and asked, "Xiaoxi, tell me the truth that Chen Xiao will be fine this time, right?"

A business tycoon at the level of Guo Zhengchang.

Many times, one does not fully believe in absolute justice and sin.

Over the years, he has seen too many people die unjustly.

Even many people who were originally more powerful than him only needed one perfect frame to fall directly from heaven to the bottom.

However, Lin Xi on the other end of the phone sounded tired but not too worried:
"Don't worry, this level of false accusation is nothing to Chen Xiao."

"It's good that you two have confidence! But have you gone to see him? Is he in good condition?"

"Although I have never seen him, Director Zhang told me that Chen Xiao is more relaxed than anyone now."

Guo Zhengchang finally felt relieved and said with a smile:
"That's good. If you can give him a message, tell him. Don't worry here in Shencheng. The reputation he has accumulated won't collapse so easily."

Lin Xi said thank you gratefully, but then asked:

"By the way, Mr. Guo, is there any movement from Qi Wei in Shencheng?"

"It seems that he has been busy working, but the person I arranged seems to have seen an acquaintance."

"Knife man?"

Guo Zhengchang hummed: "That kid came to Shencheng in the evening and asked us for a copy of Qi Wei's information. Then he was hit by Qi Wei two hours ago."

"Been hit? Hit by a car?"

"Yes, the speed was not fast at that time, otherwise my people would have rushed over to save people."

Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as it's okay, this may be the knife man's routine. He should also pay attention to his own safety."

Lin Xizheng was talking, but he was only halfway through his words when Guo Zhengchang said in a funny tone:
"Based on what you know about him, what do you think he did next?"

"It's impossible to have any more contact, right? If we have too much contact, it might be self-defeating at such a sensitive time."

Lin Xi frowned as he spoke, but Guo Zhengchang laughed loudly and said:

"After he was hit by Qi Wei, Qi Wei opened the car window and exchanged a few words with him. She wanted to throw some money and settle the matter. But she didn't expect that Xiaodao kid rushed over and took Qi Wei out of the car. come out."

"What? Carry...carry it out?"

"Yes, my man used six words to describe him as very domineering and powerful! In his hands, Qi Wei was picked up like a kitten."

Lin Xi was immediately speechless: "In that case, how can he have a second contact with Qi Wei?"

"You don't understand this. He looked fierce after he took Qi Wei out, but the next second he suddenly started bleeding from his mouth."

Lin Xi felt dizzy and couldn't figure out what the sword man's purpose was.

Until Guo Zhengchang said seriously: "Xiao Dao is a talent, a real talent! After verification by my people, the scene of the car crash is very similar to the first meeting between Qi Wei and Zuo Shu!"

(End of this chapter)

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