I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 496 The young man and the eldest sister!

Chapter 496 The young man and the eldest sister!
When I heard that the scene created by Dao Man was very similar to the first acquaintance between Qi Wei and Zuo Shu.

Lin Xi finally realized it!

It turns out that this is the true intention of the knife man!

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xi sighed:

"I probably know what Dao Nan means. Zuo Shu comes from an ordinary family, while Qi Wei is a rich girl. The class between the two is indeed different, but Qi Wei still chose to marry him at that time. Dao Nan may be relying on this It can be inferred that there may be an unforgettable relationship between Qi Wei and Zuo Shu.”

"So he came to you to get information and found out about the first acquaintance between Qi Wei and Zuo Shu. Huh, for women, an unforgettable first acquaintance can indeed easily arouse inner emotions."

"Yeah, so I said that guy Xiaodao is a talent. Unfortunately, I don't dare to let people get too close, for fear of interrupting Xiaodao's plan. To be honest, I'm very curious about his progress now."

Lin Xi smiled: "Chen Xiao told me about him and said that he has made incredible progress in this area."

"Unbelievable? It can't be done so quickly! What's more, Qi Wei will rush to Dongzhou tomorrow."

"Who knows, Mr. Chen Xiao said that everything depends on people and God, so we just wait."

Hearing this, Guo Zhengchang said nothing more, reminded Lin Xi to take a rest earlier and hung up the phone.

At this moment, deep city.

In a mansion.

A red Bentley drove in.

The car stopped in the garage, and the first person to open the door was a strong young man sitting in the back seat.

The man was carrying a lot of medicines in his hands.

After the car stalled, a middle-aged woman got out of the driver's seat.

The woman is also around forty years old.

It's just that because of her luxurious life, she looks at least several years younger than her peers.

The strong young man looked at the villa in front of him, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

The woman locked the car and walked up to the young man. She was about to speak with a smile on her face, but unexpectedly the young man said first:
"Is your home so luxurious?"

The woman was obviously stunned by such words, and then nodded with a smile:

"My house has always been this big, but it's not popular and there are many empty rooms."

"I can't stay, I'm leaving."

As the young man said this, he turned around and walked out. When the woman saw this, she couldn't help but ask:

"Didn't we just agree? The doctor also said that your injury is quite serious. It's best for someone to watch you tonight, otherwise I won't be responsible for any accidents."

The young man looked at the villa in front of him and said seriously:

"Actually, even if I die, I can still afford the compensation. Maybe, if I die, many people will be quite happy."

The woman obviously didn't expect the young man to say this, but she immediately said with a serious face:

"Brother, you can't say that. No matter whether you are rich or poor, you must first take care of yourself. You are only nineteen years old and you still have a future. So for you, nothing is more important than your body. important."

The young man lowered his head. When he raised his head after hearing this, his eyes were red.

However, he stubbornly held his head high and continued to walk out.

The woman couldn't help but become anxious when she saw this: "Hey, why are you so stubborn? Stop right now!"

The boy ignored it.

The woman could only step forward and grab his arm.

"I hit you, so I should be responsible! If something happens to you, it's equivalent to me causing it. I don't care if you are stubborn or for other reasons, I don't like nonsense, today You will stay here tonight.”

"If you dare to leave, do you believe I can get you back with just one phone call?"

"Then let them come out now and either beat me down or let me go!"

The young man stared at the woman.

The latter was also angry and smiled: "Okay, this is what you have to do. At worst, I will knock you down and take you to the hospital for treatment!"

"I'm afraid of you?" "Okay, okay, I've never seen such a naughty boy like you!"

As the woman spoke, she actually took out her cell phone to make a call.

Soon several men came over, and the woman saw this and said:
"Take him to the guest room. If he is injured, don't let him leave tonight."

Several men nodded, but the young man remained motionless.

When someone got started, he started to do it directly.

The woman became more and more angry and sneered:

"Hit me! I don't believe I can't cure you!"

The young man could hold on for a while at first, but gradually he couldn't bear it anymore, and finally he was pushed to the ground and trampled by those people.

No matter how badly he was beaten, the young man never said a word.

The woman's eyes turned red and she said in a deep voice: "As long as you relent, I will let them stop."

The young man raised his head and glanced at the woman coldly. He continued to hold his head and let his fists and soles fall on him.

Gradually, the woman became anxious: "Will it kill you if you give in?"

"It was you who hit me, and now you are going to hit me. It's okay, just come, even if you want to get a labor service!"

The young man seemed to be extremely stubborn.

Finally, the woman couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Stop it, stop it, do you really want to beat him to death?!"

As she said that, the woman pushed the men away and pulled the young man up.

But the young man looked at him and said word for word: "You hit me and you hit me...!"

Before he finished speaking, the young man passed out.

The woman's anxious voice changed: "Are you all pigs? I asked you to beat me, but you hit me so hard!"

Several people were dumbfounded, but the woman roared again:
"Why are you still standing there? Get him into the car and take him to the hospital!"

The car that just came back left the villa again, and then went to the hospital again.

However, the woman wanted to lose face, so she didn’t go to the same hospital as before.

After struggling for a while in the hospital, the young man finally woke up.

When he woke up, the woman happened to be wiping his face.

When their eyes met, the woman froze for a moment, then threw the towel aside and said coldly:
"What's wrong with you?"

"If I'm not sick, can I live here?"

The woman opened her mouth, but in the end she felt that she had absolutely no way to deal with this young man.

This helpless, funny and angry feeling made the woman's mood inexplicably erratic.

Her memories seemed to go back many, many years ago.

The scene in front of me was somewhat similar to the scenes deep in my memory, but also somewhat different.

But whether it is the same or different.

The woman only felt that her mood was very annoying, so annoying that she could not express it.

However, after receiving a phone call, the woman regained her composure and said in a deep voice:
"Just lie down in the hospital and I'll ask a nurse to keep an eye on you."

"You bumped into me and hit me. Are you not ready to take responsibility?"

"If you have the ability to hold me responsible, just give it a try. I still have very important things to do and I don't have time to waste time with you."

With that said, the woman picked up her bag and walked out of the ward.

But when the young man on the bed looked at her back, his eyes were full of admiration!
Yes...that look is admiration!

(End of this chapter)

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