Chapter 497 The mystery of the head!
That night, it rained heavily in Shenzhen.

Dongzhou also felt the same inexplicably, with heavy rain.

After a night of heavy rain, a lot of water accumulated in Lanshan County.

Chen Xiao also listened to the sound of rain all night without feeling sleepy at all.

Although someone got him a bed, there was still no news about Chen Xiao.

It's not that he was so nervous about what happened that he couldn't sleep.

It all stemmed from the fact that he was curious about who was involved behind the whole thing.

Judging from the current situation, the Qi family must have been involved.

Otherwise, the Qi family would not have been so indifferent to Zuo Shu's death, and no one has come so far.

Then there is Sacred Heart Parish.

Chen Xiao actually has no direct contact with this organization.

Furthermore, there is no direct connection between the Ten Devils and the Sacred Heart Church.

But if it is possible that Zuo Shu is one of the twelve senior members of the Sacred Heart Church, then Chen Xiao and "Chen Yan" will be included among them.

Because of Chen Yan's ability to grasp people's hearts, he has similar characteristics to Sacred Heart Church.

So throughout the night, Chen Xiao's mind jumped repeatedly on these people or organizations.

As I thought about it, daybreak soon came.

Zhang Xian said that Qi Wei would take the earliest flight to Dongzhou at nine o'clock in the morning at the latest.

Only after Qi Wei's arrival could Chen Xiao be sure of more things.

Of course, he was actually thinking about one thing in his mind.

That's Zuo Shu's head. Where is it?
He didn't understand that there were many ways for murderers to kill.

And there are countless more ways to leave Zuo Shu's body intact.

Killing without leaving a whole body is obviously beyond the scope of using one's body to get involved.

To put it simply, Zuo Shu might have done something or made some mistake that forced him to accept his own death.

However, most people who want to end his life will not take the effort to take away his limbs or certain organs under such circumstances.

Unless the murderer himself likes this way of killing!
While Chen Xiao was analyzing these problems, the police force also brought him breakfast.

Moreover, the person who delivered breakfast was Zhang Xian, who even brought his own portion.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "Are you really not avoiding suspicion?"

"As far as I'm concerned, there's actually nothing to avoid. Besides, am I talking about friendship with you? I obviously want to use this breakfast to pry something out of your mouth!"

Chen Xiao smiled and asked directly without mind: "When will Qi Wei arrive?"

"I was notified half an hour ago that the flight had taken off. Qi Wei and her party of four, besides herself, there was a bodyguard, a lawyer, and..."

At this point, Zhang Xian paused deliberately, obviously wanting Chen Xiao to think for himself.

Chen Xiao didn't know whether he was cooperating or was really shocked, his eyes were fixed:

"There's another one, isn't it the sword man?"

"That's him! Surprise or no surprise, surprise or no surprise?" Zhang Xian grinned, almost reaching behind his ears.

Chen Xiao was mentally prepared for this result.

However, it was really surprising to hear him with my own ears at this moment. In fact, he could say without hesitation that he began to respect Dao Man, his younger brother, as endlessly as a torrential river.

"How did he do it?" Chen Xiao asked.

Zhang Xian shook his head: "No one knows how he did it. They only know that he was hit by Qi Wei and went to the hospital. After he came out of the hospital, he was sent to the hospital again not long after."

"But in the middle of the night, he actually ran away again. As for where he ran, even the Guo family didn't know."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao burst out laughing:

"Are you feeling so envious that your eyes are red? There are so many talents under my command!"

The wanton laughter made Zhang Xian's face darken, and he gritted his teeth and said:
"Young Master is so proud, sooner or later I will instigate you to rebel!"

"Haha, let's not talk about this for now. You just happened to be here. Let's talk about where Zuo Shu's head is most likely to be?"

Chen Xiao brought the topic to the main topic.

Zhang Xian also suddenly became interested and asked: "Do you have any reference opinions?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "My opinion may not be of practical reference significance. Anyway, I think there is no need to cut off Zuo Shu's head, let alone take it away."

"Yes, yes, from the moment I came into contact with this case, I felt that such behavior was unnecessary. And to be honest, no matter how you look at it now, this case is all directed at you."

"In that case, why not leave a whole corpse? After all, the word "whole corpse" still has deep-rooted thoughts for people in our country. Even if Zuo Shu had a reason to die, the person who wanted him to die also had Should we be more generous and not let his body be separated? "

"This question is indeed difficult to explain, but..."

Chen Xiao hesitated as he spoke, looking at the breakfast in front of him and then at Zhang Xian's breakfast.

Chen Xiao's breakfast is a bowl of white porridge with fried dough sticks and pickles, which is his personal preference.

Zhang Xian’s dish was a bowl of mixed rice noodles.

From the looks of it, the two breakfasts were probably not made by the same person.

Therefore, after Chen Xiao paused briefly, he couldn't help but said: "Do you think the case was not committed by the same person?"

"What do you mean? This can't be possible! Zuo Shu only has one wound all over his body. If there are two people, there should be two fatal wounds."

Chen Xiao snorted: "I understand such a simple truth. What I mean is, it's not that there are two people besides Zuo Shu, but there are two people including Zuo Shu!"

Zhang Xian's eyes suddenly widened.

He is also a police detective who dares to imagine and make hypothetical questions.

But he had never considered this possibility!

"You mean, Zuo Shu was responsible for the entire incident. For example, creating a suspected murder scene in a car, but it was actually a suicide scene! And Zuo Shu had experience as a police officer and was familiar with all aspects of criminal investigation. program, so he can do it more perfectly than ordinary people!”

"But when he was about to commit suicide, a man came... That man took the opportunity to cut off Zuo Shu's head on his own initiative!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, that's what I think. Of course, this is just a possible guess. After all, judging from the scene, this possibility is very low."

"Not to mention how high the possibility is, let's just say that if the possibility you mentioned really exists, how can we explain the kitchen knife that appeared in your and Xiaoxi Dongzhou's house?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and sighed:

"Yes, this is unexplainable. If another person went against the plan on his own initiative, the possibility of putting the knife in my home in Dongzhou is really very low."

After saying this, Chen Xiao raised his head and frowned.

Another bad feeling arose in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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