Chapter 498: Chasing Love Plan!

Chen Xiao didn't know the reason for the sudden bad feeling in his heart.

In fact, at this moment, for the first time, he was anxious to use his trump card.

Then find out how the knife got into his kitchen!
But as soon as this thought arose, Chen Xiao suppressed it.

He felt that instead of thinking about it here, it would be better to wait for Qi Wei to come and then think about it.

It's just a pain for Zhang Xian.

Chen Xiao had just aroused his interest, but now it suddenly stopped, which made Zhang Xian couldn't help but urge:

"What do you mean, I've been waiting for you for so long and you're not talking anymore?"

Chen Xiao glanced at him and replied, "There's nothing more to say."

"What about Zuo Shu's head? Where do you think it is hidden?"

Chen Xiao sighed: "If you force me, I can't guess where it will be."

Zhang Xian suddenly felt that the mixed rice noodles in the bowl had no flavor anymore.

"I've lost my appetite. You can eat it yourself."

With that said, Zhang Xian also collected Chen Xiao's breakfast.

Chen Xiao was speechless: "Qi Wei will be here later. Remember not to expose the knife man when you come into contact with him. If Zuo Shu's death is really caused by the Qi family, once the knife man's identity is exposed, he will be in danger."

"Don't worry, how could I not take precautions against such a hidden danger?"

After leaving these words, Zhang Xian went out.

However, Chen Xiao didn't know that his words actually came true.

At this moment, inside the airport.

A group of four people came out, three of them men and one woman.

The woman is about forty years old and she is Qi Wei.

It's just that she would look back at the young man behind her after taking two steps.

Seeing that the young man was cold and looking around as if he was curious about the surrounding environment, she couldn't help but remind him:
"You are the one who wants to follow me, but I really have something important to do. Can you hurry up?"

The sword man withdrew his gaze, and without replying, his pace remained exactly the same as before.

In response to his coldness, Qi Wei could only take a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

At this time, the bodyguard beside him seemed to be a little bit unable to stand it anymore.

"Mr. Qi, why do you spoil him so much?"

"Then what do you think I should do?"

"Forget sending him away, why bring him to Dongzhou?"

Qi Wei sneered: "So you are teaching me how to do things?"

The bodyguard's pupils shrank instantly and he quickly lowered his head.

Seeing that the bodyguard stopped talking, Qi Wei stopped where she was. When the knife man came to her side, she put on a smiling face and pulled up his sleeves:

"Hurry up, little brother, sister, can you please stop going against you? I really have something very important to do. I will promise you a condition when I turn around. No matter how difficult it is, I can do it!"

The sword man's expression softened a bit:
"I was willful, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let me touch your forehead. You don't have a fever anymore, right?"

Saying that, Qi Wei reached out her hand again and landed on the sword man's forehead.

When she could no longer feel the heat, Qi Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"We are now going to the criminal police team of Lanshan County, Dongzhou City. When we get there, just wait for me in the car."

The knife man frowned: "Interpol team? Have you committed a crime?"

"No, something happened to my husband, and I came here to handle it."

The knife man was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of surprise: "I'll go shopping by myself, don't worry about me."

With that said, the knife man walked straight out.

Qi Wei understood what he meant and smiled.

The sword man was just walking, but when he saw Dai Yishi walking towards him, his pupils instantly condensed. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance at the airport today.

And this acquaintance is none other than someone else.

It's his eldest brother Chen Xiao's sister-in-law Lin Yao!

And the little girl Lin Yao pulled was none other than Zhao Xiaoyu!

After a brief shock, Dao Man immediately signaled with his eyes to Lin Yao who had also discovered him, and her face was full of surprise.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then directly pulled Zhao Xiaoyu aside.

Zhao Xiaoyu: "Sister Lin Yao, was that Brother Xiaodao just now?"

"It's him."

"It's him, so why don't we go say hello?"

"Knife Zai's eyes signaled to me that something might be wrong with him!"

"Ah...his matter is so serious, can't we say hello to him?"


"Then let's hide quickly and then go find Sister Lin Xi."

"Okay, let's just go our own way and don't visit your brother Xiaodao."

Zhao Xiaoyu nodded solemnly, and the children, one large and one small, hurriedly left towards the other exit.

The sword man also let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

Fortunately, Lin Yao is smart enough.

If someone discovers him at this time, Dao Man's love-seeking plan will collapse.

Well...he has named this plan - Chasing Love.

Soon, both parties left the airport separately.

The arrival of Lin Yao and Zhao Xiaoyu obviously also knew about Chen Xiao.

When Lin Yao was robbed of 50,000 yuan by a speedster gang in Shenzhen, Chen Xiao ran to help her without hesitation.

Now that her brother-in-law is in jail, Lin Yao doesn't know if she can do anything to help, but she can't feel at peace even though she is far away.

Besides, Zhao Xiaoyu has been following her these days, so she simply brought Zhao Xiaoyu back with her.

The two took a car to Phoenix Street.

All the way downstairs, Lin Yao pulled Zhao Xiaoyu upstairs.

Finally arriving at the door of Chen Xiao's house, just when Lin Yao was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, Lin Xi happened to open the door.

The two sisters looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

The first one to speak was Zhao Xiaoyu, who shouted politely: "Sister Lin Xi, we are back."

Lin Xi lowered his head and suddenly smiled: "Xiao Yu, why are you back too?"

"My father has gone out to work, and I have been following sister Lin Yao these days. She called your parents last night and heard that something happened to brother Chen Xiao, so she brought me back early this morning."

"Sister Lin Xi, are brother Chen Xiao okay? Where are they now?"

"He's fine. He's in Lanshan County now. Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry." Lin Xi first comforted Zhao Xiaoyu, and then looked at Lin Yao:
"How do parents know?"

"They happened to call Uncle Chen and the others last night. They originally wanted to go out for fun, but while chatting with uncle and aunt, they let it slip that their parents should have gone to Lanshan County early this morning."

Lin Xi nodded: "So that's the case, but what's the use of you coming back? Just do your own thing well."

"Then I can't buy another ticket to go back, right? Anyway, I'm back now. Let's go back to Lanshan County together."

Lin Xi hummed, and then asked, "Does Mr. Zhao not mind if you bring Xiaoyu back?"

"I talked to him on the phone. He has been busy during this time. I am taking care of Xiao Yu, so it doesn't interfere with him."

Regarding Zhao Hai, Lin Xi thought about it and didn't ask any more questions.

After taking out the car keys, he said: "Since we are all coming back for your brother-in-law, let's go back first and then talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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