Chapter 502 Head!
Lanshan County Criminal Police Team.

Zhang Xian once again pushed open the door of the inquiry room where Chen Xiao was.

He held a piece of information in his hand and said seriously:
"Chen Xiao, we just found out that Qi Wei also visited Dongzhou when Zuoshu went to Qingxi!"

"Where has she been in Dongzhou!"

"It's not clear yet. We just found from the travel records that she had been to Dongzhou during that time. But where she went and where she stayed can only be asked by herself."

Chen Xiao frowned: "She may not tell the truth."

"I know this."

Zhang Xianzheng said, but a phone call came over.

Looking at the caller ID, Zhang Xian exclaimed: "The knife man is calling!"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "Hurry up and answer the call. Although I don't think the progress will be so fast, who knows if there will be surprises!"

Although he said this, Chen Xiao was also worried about another thing.

That means the knife man is exposed, what danger may there be!
"Hey, Xiao Dao, what's going on?"

"I just had a heart-to-heart chat with Sister Weiwei. She told me that she had been to Dongzhou when Zuo Shu went to Qingxi!"

Just this sentence.

Just that word, Sister Weiwei.

Chen Xiao suddenly had the urge to call Brother Dao!
Zhang Xian was also stunned, but he knew what was more important now, so he asked seriously:

"Then did she say where she had been?"

"Songshanping! A place that is deeply involved with my brother Chen!"

After the sword man finished speaking, Chen Xiao next to him felt a move in his heart and asked:

"It can't be Chen Xianzu's family!"

"It's his home! Zuo Shu is very curious about you, and because of the Yanghu land, Sister Weiwei also has a strong interest in you. She also found out that Chen Xianzu is Xu Zhengsheng, so she came to Songshan After that, she went to Chen Xianzu’s house.”

"Of course she also visited the lobster base, but my sister-in-law took us to look around the lobster base, so I was wondering, would Chen Yuan's house also have something?"

Dao Nan naturally didn't know that Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian had made speculations about Zuo Shu's head before.

He only knew that before he went to Shen City, Lin Xi had been leading them to make various discoveries.

After hearing this, Chen Xiao only thought for a few seconds and said:

"Chen Xianzu's house has been empty for a long time, and it is a huge empty house. But since Qi Wei has stopped there, she should go and check it out."

Zhang Xian nodded: "Okay, I'll take them there right away."

With that said, Zhang Xian was about to hang up, but Chen Xiao looked at the mobile phone in Zhang Xian's hand and said:
"Let me talk to the knife man for a while."

After Zhang Xian hesitated for a while, he handed the phone to Chen Xiao.

However, the person Chen Xiao really wants to contact is not Dao Nan, but Qi Wei.

After informing Dao Man, Qi Wei also took the initiative and said:

"Mr. Chen, what do you want to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Qi, that we met in this way. However, from Xiaodao's words, it seems that we have been honest with each other. So, can I assume that Zuo Shu's death was also a surprise to you?"

"Yes, whether you believe it or not, what I can say is that I was not mentally prepared at all for his death."

"Well, I want to know who else in Zuo Shu's Lihai Group besides you does he trust more? Are his family members also working in it?"

"In addition to our husband and wife, there are several members of my Qi family. As for the others, they are all specially hired professional senior leaders. There are also his parents, who are that age and have no positions in the group." Qi Wei told the truth. tell.

After Chen Xiao thought for a moment, he then asked:

"He should be the only one in Zuoshu's family, right?"

"Yes, he has no brothers or sisters. He is the only one in the Zuo family."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you Ms. Qi for your help." Chen Xiao thanked her, and Qi Wei said:

"You're welcome. Ever since I found out that something happened to him, I have a vague feeling in my heart that the incident may not be directed at you alone."

"So it turns out that Ms. Qi never doubted me at all?"

"Of course, but I still tested your wife. To be honest, I can't think of any reason why you wanted to kill Zuo Shu. As for the Yanghu land, is it really because something happened to you that the official Don’t you want to hand it over to Long Ding?”

"The official won't be that kidding! And the incident didn't happen in Shencheng, so Long Ding still has the development rights to that piece of land."

Qi Wei explained her understanding, while Chen Xiao asked another question:
"What about the public opinion in Shencheng?"

"I admit this, our Qi family did it. And the real reason for doing this is not because of the Yanghu land, but for the future land! Longding is in the limelight now, and now there is such a good opportunity to attack you , Of course our Qi family will not give up.”

Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "What you said makes sense."

"Whether Zuo Shu's death has anything to do with you or not, the battle between Long Ding and the Qi family has already existed, so one code should be the same, Mr. Chen should understand what I mean, right?"

"Of course, but I have another question for you, Ms. Qi, that is, have you ever heard of the Sacred Heart Church?"

"What is that place? I've never heard of it."

"That's an organization, and that organization has a totem. The totem is actually a picture of a dot extending out into countless lines."

Qi Wei did not hesitate and replied: "I have never seen it, let alone heard of it. What does this organization have to do with Zuo Shu's death?"

"I can't tell you for the time being, but after you and I said these words openly today, Long Ding and the Qi family don't necessarily have to be rivals in the future, right?"

Chen Xiao said with a smile, and Qi Wei sighed and said: "In business, we actually don't want to be your opponent. It's just that last time you rejected Zuo Shu so directly that all of us thought You are not an easy person to get along with."

"In that case, let's talk about this in detail after I come out."

"it is good."

Qi Wei is also very straightforward.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiao returned the phone to Zhang Xian:

"Go to Chen Yuan's house and conduct a thorough investigation. As long as Zuo Shu's head can be found, then this matter is directed at me and the Qi family. As for why he did this, we can only continue the in-depth investigation later. "

Zhang Xian hummed, took the phone and left the inquiry room.

Then the people were summoned, and several police cars roared towards Songshanping again.

Tens of minutes later.

Songshanping, Chen Yuan’s home.

Zhang Xian had someone open the locked courtyard door of Chen Yuan's house.

It's just that after the courtyard door is opened, the door is still closed.

Zhang Xian walked towards the main door of the main hall step by step, but his eyes noticed the opened window next to him.

Moreover, his ears seemed to have heard something coming from inside.

Those sounds made Zhang Xian without any pause. After opening the main hall door, he saw a shadow quickly jumping out of the open window!

(End of this chapter)

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