I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 503 is a laugh from beginning to end!

Chapter 503 is a joke from beginning to end!
Songshanping has always been affiliated to Songtan Township.

Since more than ten years ago, a pillar industry has appeared in Songtan Township-Songtan dog meat.

The emergence of this industry made Songtan Township suddenly dog-free for a long time.

Whether you open a dog meat shop or not.

Once a dog appears on the road, it disappears within a few minutes.

There was a saying in Songtan Township back then: No dog could leave Songtan Township alive.

However, with the changes of the times, the improvement of living standards and the improvement of various consciousnesses.

Dogs began to appear in Songtan Township.

Of course, there are still many dog ​​thieves.

It's just that it's no longer possible to be as unscrupulous as before.

After all, if anyone is caught stealing a dog now, they will be tied to a telephone pole, stripped naked, and beaten to death.

That's why Zhang Xian was able to see a dog running out from the opened window.

It was just the look in the dog's eyes and state that made Zhang Xian's eyes slightly worried.

"Two people go and catch that dog. It probably ate something it shouldn't have eaten."

Two of them were ordered to leave.

Zhang Xian also opened the door of the main hall at this time.

As soon as the door opens, you can see a round thing on the ground.


Zhang Xian sighed, put on gloves and foot gloves, and called the forensic doctor.

"Inspect the site carefully and don't miss any corner."

With that said, Zhang Xian squatted in front of the head.

It's a pity that even though the distance is so close, you still can't see clearly what he looks like.

But everyone knows.

He is Zuo Shu.

A Zuo Shu who still makes people wonder why he died.

Forensic and forensic examinations were carried out at the scene.

Zhang Xian dialed Lin Xi's phone number at this time.

"The head was found. It's at Chen Yuan's house."

Lin Xi rushed over as soon as she received the call.

But when she saw Zuo Shutou's appearance, she couldn't help being startled.

"It was eaten by wild dogs, so it was beyond recognition. Chen Xiao and I have deduced that the nature of the case is probably not what we speculated before. The murderer did all this not only to target Chen Xiao, but also possibly Targeting the Qi family."

Lin Xi frowned.

She had doubted this in her mind, always feeling that the murderer's purpose might no longer be that simple.

"So, then it is possible that Qi Wei is being targeted here?"

"Yes, Xiaodao should have called you, right?" Zhang Xian looked over.

Lin Xi nodded: "Call me first, and then tell you. Qi Wei has been here, she has been to Songshanping, so according to a police detective's thinking, there is infinite possibility that she has been in contact with Chen Xiao. After all, here It’s Chen Xiao’s hometown, and Chen Xiao’s parents also live here.”

"Yes, so the evidence of Qi Wei who is most likely to be found in this house should be the same as Chen Xiao."

As Zhang Xianzheng spoke, Hui Jian had already picked up a long hair with tweezers.

Lin Xi and Zhang Xian were silent when they saw this.

The appearance of hair makes people look like there is nothing they can do about it.

However, this is also the simplest and most convenient way to create evidence.

Just like the hair that appeared on Zuoshu's body, it was identified as Chen Xiao's. Where does hair come from?

Chen Xiao's clothes can be stolen, and it is not particularly difficult to find a hair with hair follicles from the bedroom where he lives.

In the same way, the same is true for Qi Wei.

As for this hair, if neither Chen Xiao nor Qi Wei can produce absolute alibi evidence, then they will be criminal suspects in the sense of criminal investigation!

Zhang Xian watched the forensic doctor put Zuo Shu's head back on, and then he stood up straight:

"I don't know what you and your wife are hiding, but now that the facts are clear, your trump cards should be revealed, right?"

"It seems that Zhang Ju has not really thought about Chen Xiaoliu's trump card seriously." Lin Xi replied.

Zhang Xian was still very confused, and Lin Xi could only ask:

"How did Chen Xiao know about Zuo Shu?"

"The case of the Phantom of Sheep Lake."

"Who asked Chen Xiao to investigate the case?"

"Xie Wensheng."

"What is Xie Wensheng doing now?"

"Didn't Chen Xiao hand Dong'an over to him..." At this point, Zhang Xian stopped abruptly and said in shock:

"Dongan has put almost the entire Phoenix Street under surveillance, and it has even begun to spread to the entire Hongshan District! And Chen Xiao cares about you and his family the most, which means the same thing as Songshanping!"

Lin Xi nodded: "Yes, before setting up Phoenix Street, Chen Xiao had already arranged it here. However, I don't know what Chen Xiao was thinking at the time and why he wanted to hide it from everyone."

"I think it might be because of Chen Xu's appearance. In his heart, Chen Xu has always been a time bomb, so he secretly installed surveillance cameras in my house and my hometown."

for future generations.

Surveillance is nothing new.

But in 2006, let alone rural areas, surveillance was not something that could be seen everywhere even in cities.

Therefore, this time makes monitoring particularly special.

After understanding the situation, Zhang Xian already had a wry smile on his face.

"I see, my brain is short-circuited. I thought that all the designs in Dong'an were in the urban area, but I didn't expect that Chen Xiao would set up such a trap. His vigilance is indeed not for nothing."

Lin Xi said bitterly: "Yes, even I didn't think of this myself."

"In this case, we can't wait any longer. Chen Xiao should come out and let those people know that he is just a joke from beginning to end!"

Zhang Xian said and walked out of Chen Yuan's house.

He didn't have much interest in this scene.

The reason why I came here is to see if the head is here.

Now that the head is found, it's time to go back.

As soon as he returned to the criminal police team, Zhang Xian found Chen Xiao again and informed him of the discovery at Chen Yuan's home.

After listening, Chen Xiao briefly thought about it.

He has been staying in the criminal police team for one reason.

That is to find out what the other party's real purpose is.

At present, evidence that seems to testify against Qi Wei has appeared, so the other party's purpose may really be hit by Chen Xiao's bold hypothesis.

"In other words, it is really possible that the murderer's purpose is to target me and Qi. And what is the purpose of targeting me and Qi?"

Chen Xiaowen asked Zhang Xian.

The latter thought for a while and said: "If you target the Qi family, it must be for the industry. But if you put aside that Qi family planned all this, then the purpose of targeting you is no longer the Yanghu land."

"That being the case, it is indeed a bit strange to target your purpose."

Chen Xiao stood up and said, "It seems we can't wait any longer. I feel like it's pointless to wait any longer. It's time to find out who they are!"

(End of this chapter)

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