I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 504: The person who is far away from you!

Chapter 504: The person who is far away from you!

Lin Xi came to the police team with surveillance.

Zhang Xian checked it in person.

That night, Chen Xiao had been active at home.

When it was midnight, Chen Xiao was sitting in the courtyard.

The surveillance angle was just right to see Chen Xiao lying on the recliner all night!
Nothing can prove better than this video that Chen Xiao was not present at the time of the crime.

But after watching the video, Zhang Xian did not immediately ask someone to release Chen Xiao, but looked at Lin Xi:
"Since there is such a piece of evidence in Songshanping, it should also be in your home, right? Who put that knife in your home?"

At this time, Lin Xi took out another copy of the surveillance tape transferred to her by Xie Wensheng and said:

"See for yourself. To be honest, I can't tell who it is from the figure, and I probably don't know him. Moreover, he had already put on a disguise when he came in. He should be worried about being spotted by others when he leaves or enters. See."

Zhang Xian nodded, clicked on the monitor and started watching.

In the video, there is a tall and thin figure.

He moves quickly and knows what he is going to do in advance.

So, this video is when he comes to get the knife.

In another section, he returned to Chen Xiao's home two and a half hours after the incident.

Insert a knife back into the kitchen knife box!

This time, he showed his true face.

It's just that he has a sad clown mask on his face!

You can even clearly see him sitting on the sofa at Chen Xiao's house for a while.

His hand was on his chin, and no one knew what his expression was or what he was thinking in his heart.

He probably sat there for a few minutes, then got up and left.

Zhang Xian pressed the pause button at this time and carefully looked at the figure hidden under the mask.

To be precise, he doesn't just have a mask covering his face.

He had gloves on his hands and shoe covers on his feet.

There is also a hat, and the whole person is wrapped in a windbreaker.

This kind of dressing up is obviously to wrap yourself up tightly so that you don't leave any traces.

Such behavior is undoubtedly a feedback signal to Zhang Xian.

The person who entered Chen Xiao's home was a person who knew how to handle police cases, or he had a strong sense of counter-investigation.

However, such characteristics are not surprising to Zhang Xian.

There is one question that has been thinking in his mind at this moment, and that is: Why did he sit in Chen Xiao's home for so long?
Although it only lasts a few minutes, it is a long time for the corresponding scene.

Zhang Xian asked the doubts in his heart:

"Xiaoxi, what did you think when you saw him sitting at your house?"

"I don't know, but I always feel like it's not the first time he's come to my house."

Lin Xi's words are contradictory.

However, Zhang Xian also understood that no matter whether the murderer entered for the first time or the second time, the state he presented every time was not like the first time he visited.

"So this is an acquaintance?"

Zhang Xian asked Lin Xi, who shook his head: "It feels like it, but his body shape and condition are not the same as the person in his memory."

After saying that, Lin Xi added: "I suggest you let Chen Xiao come and see him. He is better at identifying people than the two of us combined!"

Zhang Xian recognized this.

The most important thing is that Chen Xiao also has an ability that no one else has.

That’s a good painting!
Thinking of this, Zhang Xian immediately asked someone to release Chen Xiao.

When Chen Xiao walked into the office, Lin Xi had already stood up.

Seeing that Zhang Xian wanted to speak, Chen Xiao made a silent gesture, and then gently placed his hand on Lin Xi's head:
"make you worry."

"As long as you are fine, everything will be fine." Lin Xi said softly.

Chen Xiao let go of his hand, walked up to Zhang Xian, and asked seriously:
"Director Zhang, did you get the surveillance camera?" "Xiaoxi gave it to me and I've already looked at it. A person was photographed in your living room and kitchen. Xiaoxi is familiar with this person. Please identify him." ”

Zhang Xian said and moved aside from his chair.

Everyone was acquaintances, and Chen Xiao was not polite. He just sat on the chair and observed the monitoring on the computer.

But he didn't just stare at the scene where Zhang Xian paused, but started watching from the beginning.

When he saw that figure appearing, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown slightly.

Such a reaction made Lin Xi and Zhang Xian feel a surge of expectation in their hearts.

But Chen Xiao also pressed the pause button.

The difference is that Zhang Xian paused the scene of the murderer leaving, while Chen Xiao paused the scene of the murderer sitting on the sofa.

Chen Xiao looked at the man on the sofa quietly.

That's right...his intuition told him that it was a man.

The man is of average height and should be on the thin side.

Even though she is wrapped in a windbreaker, she still feels thin.

And that thinness is not only reflected by his body shape, but also by the temperament conveyed by his whole person.

In Chen Xiao's memory, he always felt as if he had seen such a person before.

But who is this person?

Chen Xiao has no answer.

Thinking about it, Chen Xiao subconsciously grabbed a pen on the table.

Upon seeing this, Lin Xi quickly handed him a stack of sketch paper.

Chen Xiao knew that Lin Xi had done this, but he didn't say anything to interrupt the feeling that emerged in his heart.

He held a pen in his right hand and was writing and drawing quickly on the paper.

His speed is fast, but his mind moves even faster.

Because what needs to be analyzed is not just the person in the computer, but also the entire case.

Focusing on the case, and based on the clues that emerged, paint a portrait of the suspect in your mind.

This is the demonstration of the power of plastic painting.

However, even Lin Xi, who was watching quietly from the side, noticed the difference this time.

Because Chen Xiao is always drawing figures.

She clearly saw that Chen Xiao wanted to perfect his head and facial features.

But when Chen Xiao's hand landed on that position, it would always come back.

There is only one answer for Chen Xiao to have such a reaction.

That is, even Chen Xiao really can’t remember who he is!

Seeing Chen Xiao finally stop, his brows furrowed.

Lin Xi couldn't help but whispered: "How about we stop thinking about it first? This person always feels like he is far away from us."

"You are right, it is the feeling of being far away. It seems that it is very close to us, but yet it is far away from our lives."

Chen Xiao responded.

Zhang Xian also spoke:

"How about I take you to the forensic department to see Zuo Shu's head?"

"Okay, but is there any news from Xiao Ji? Will Qi Wei cooperate?" Chen Xiao asked.

Lin Xi nodded: "Since Qi Wei and Dao Nan had a heart-to-heart relationship, Dao Nan has been doing ideological work for Qi Wei. Not long ago, Dao Nan called and said that Qi Wei had agreed to provide some special information. After receiving the news, Dao Nan said I informed Black Cat and Xiaoji immediately, and they must be checking it now!”

Chen Xiao stared at the figure on the computer and said in a deep voice:

"Then wait for the news from them first, and then look at Zuo Shu's head!"

(End of this chapter)

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