Chapter 505 The dog chewing its head!

For Chen Xiao.

Dao Man is definitely a very capable subordinate now.

If there is no knife man.

There won't be such rapid progress on Qi Wei's side.

If there is no progress on Qi Wei's side, then Chen Xiao will not be able to determine Qi's identity in this case.

Now, Chen Xiao is almost certain that Qi is probably also a person being exploited.

Such a discovery allows Xiaoji and Heimao to focus on technical exploration of Zuo Shu.

Chen Xiao waited silently at the police station.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xiao finally received a call from Xiao Ji.

It was just a phone call, but the emotion in Xiaoji's tone was not high.

This gave Chen Xiao some confidence in his heart when he heard his first words.

"Brother Chen, based on Zuo Shu's personal information, Black Cat has checked Li Hai and him personally, but compared with last time, we found almost nothing valuable this time."

The last time was the black cat's investigation of Deng Hu and Deng Xiang's father and son in Jin Guanghou's tomb.

That time, Black Cat recovered the email information between Deng Xiang and Lin Zuming.

It was also from those email messages that Chen Xiao identified Xiang Xian and solved the case of Jin Guanghou's tomb.

This time, Black Cat should follow suit and use the same method to inquire about Zuo Shu.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

But after saying that, Xiaoji said again: "Of course we just feel that it is of no use to the case. There is still something wrong with the accounts in those materials."

Chen Xiao can also understand the meaning of these words.

It's nothing more than Lihai's financial problems.

These problems and solving the case seem to have little effect.

"I know, sort out the information and send it to me."

"Okay, Brother Chen, but you're out now, right?"

"Come out, thank you and Black Cat for your hard work."

Chen Xiao hung up the phone and then stood up without staying in the office.

He originally thought that Xiaoji and Black Cat would make unexpected discoveries.

But now the result is no!

In this case, Chen Xiao will not be immersed in the loss, and must continue to do what needs to be done.

Followed Zhang Xian to the forensic department.

Chen Xiao had dealt with the forensic doctor from Lanshan County, and when the latter saw him, he quickly came over to say hello.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the forensic doctor also led Chen Xiao and Lin Xi to Zuo Shu's body.

At this moment, Zuo Shu's head had been temporarily placed on the corpse.

Looking at the unrecognizable head, Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh:
"He is a person after all. Who would have thought that he would end up like this."

Lin Xi didn't say anything, and Chen Xiao just sighed, put on his gloves, picked up the head, and observed it carefully.

He could tell at a glance that Zuo Shu's head must have been chewed by a beast.

It can also be seen from the tooth marks left by gnawing that it was caused by dogs.

However, Zuo Shu's head was chewed after his death, which should not be of any use to Chen Xiao's investigation. He hugged Zuo Shu and sat directly to the side.

One hand was holding the wound, and the other was covering Zuo Shu's head.

Gradually, Chen Xiao closed his eyes.

When the forensic doctor saw that the hand covering Zuo Shu's head had been groping for something, he shuddered for no reason.

He asked Lin Xi softly: "Captain Lin, who is Mr. Chen?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "Who knows what he did, we just wait."

As he said this, Lin Xi couldn't help but look at Zhang Xian outside.

The latter had no intention of following in at all. Maybe Zhang Xian had already gotten used to his unwillingness to say anything when Chen Xiao first came into contact with the case.

After all, the dignified deputy director more or less wants to save face.

After continuing to stand and watch for a while, Lin Xi simply sat on another chair.

She also imitated Chen Xiao, as if groping for the head.

However, Lin Xi's mind was in chaos, and she had no idea that Chen Xiao's thoughts were now running wild.

"Zuo Shu was not driving when he died. His car was stationary."

"However, no signs of a serious struggle were found in Zuo Shu's car, which means that Zuo Shu, who was in a dying state, had actually accepted his own death."

"But regardless of Li Hai or himself, there is no incident that can lead to death. There is no fatal mistake or mistake, so why would Zuo Shu die willingly?"

"Zuo Shu himself doesn't seem to have any symptoms. If he did, Zhang Xian would have told him about it long ago."

"It is unreasonable for a healthy group CEO with no major mistakes to put so much effort into targeting me, who has defeated him once."

"There is also Jumako! The information about Jumako was discovered in Qingxi, and he also fabricated the fact that he and I had known each other as early as 05."

"Zuo Shu at that time definitely didn't know that I had the ability to investigate crimes, because I really didn't have such ability at that time."

"So, whether it was the Ten Demons or the meeting last year, it was just an act of making amends between Zuo Shu and the person who planned this case."

Chen Xiao was thinking in his mind.

At this moment, his fingers kept touching the horrific wound on his neck.

At the same time as he touched it, the scene of Zuo Shu being killed seemed to reappear in his mind.

No one can truly face death, even if that person is Zuo Shu.

Therefore, there were no obvious signs of struggle in Zuoshu's car, but there were signs of struggle.

No one can truly ignore the pain of having one's throat cut open.

Therefore, there is only one possibility that Chen Xiao can think of to make it look like the scene of the crime!
That is, Zuo Shu’s brain is no longer that of a normal person!
It is impossible for a normal person to give up his life to target someone without making a fatal mistake!
"Zuo Shu, what has happened to your brain? Are you one of the twelve senior members of the Sacred Heart Church? But there is no deep hatred between me and the Sacred Heart Church."

"If you have any incurable disease, then I really believe that you are sacrificing yourself to help your loved ones, but nothing is logical now."

"Unless there is something else about you that I haven't found out yet!"

Chen Xiao thought and opened his eyes, and then his eyes met Zuo Shu's unrecognizable face.

Looking at the gnawing marks, Chen Xiao suddenly asked:
"Daughter-in-law, did you see the dog or the group of dogs that chewed it?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "Ju Zhang should have seen him before."

"He's really free. I'll go talk to him about the dog."

With that said, Chen Xiao stood up and put down Zuo Shu's head, then opened the door and looked at Zhang Xian and asked directly:

"Zhang Ju, help me describe the dog that gnawed Zuo Shu's head at Chen Yuan's house!"

(End of this chapter)

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