Chapter 506: Turbulent memories!
Listening to Chen Xiao's inquiry, Zhang Xian was stunned for a moment.

"Are you interested in that dog?"

"Of course I'm interested in a dog that can chew Zuo Shu's head into something like this!"

Chen Xiao said and sat next to Zhang Xian.

After Zhang Xian recalled briefly, he said:

"It's nothing special, just a local dog. The fur is yellow and gray, but it looks a bit like a mad dog. Out of concern that the mad dog will bite people, I even let people chase it later."

"But that dog was very fast and might be familiar with your Songshanping terrain, so my people didn't catch up."

"Is your body clean or not?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Zhang Xian was stunned again: "I really didn't notice this. At that time, I was completely attracted by its eyeballs, which were so red."

"Did it run away as soon as you went there?"

"Not really, Chen Yuan's tall courtyard. After opening the courtyard door, when we approached the main hall door, it jumped out of the window on the side and ran away."

Having said this, Zhang Xian couldn't help but frown.

Police detective is a profession where everyone knows what to do.

But what a police detective needs to know is more complicated than many professions.

The most basic thing, no matter what kind of knowledge it is, you don’t need to be exquisite, but you must at least understand a little bit.

The same is true for animals like dogs.

Dogs are extremely alert.

When Zhang Xian opened the door of Chen Yuan's house, even the dog in the main hall should have known that someone was coming.

If a dog hears any noise in areas that are not its own territory, it should run away as soon as possible.

Unless, at that time, Chen Yuan's home had become the territory of that local dog.

However, Zhang Xian had been to the scene.

There was no urine or feces excreted by native dogs.

This shows what?
It shows that the dog chewing its head does not come often.

Furthermore, food is very important for stray dogs.

After being alarmed, its more likely choice is to run away with food in its mouth.

But the dog simply abandoned its food and walked away from the window very familiarly.

Furthermore, looking back now, Zhang Xiancai realized the importance of Chen Xiao's question about whether the dog was dirty.

In his memory, the dog didn't seem dirty.

What stray dogs have in common is that their hair is obviously much dirtier than that of domestic dogs.

Zhang Xian stood up directly and made a phone call.

"Hey, where did that dog disappear?"

The person who received the call was obviously stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"Running into the mountains, no matter how much I try to catch up, I can't catch up."

“Is it jumping all over the place, or is it a clear line?”

Zhang Xian asked, and the other party subconsciously replied: "A wild dog can still have a route, it just runs around."

"Are you sure? Remember it carefully and make sure it takes what route it took when it escaped!"

Zhang Xian said in a deep voice, and the other end of the phone fell silent again.


"I don't want to seem like it, I want to be sure!"

"Now that I think about it, that dog seems to have a route, and it runs very fast."

Hearing this, Zhang Xian slapped his forehead in annoyance. "Fuck, I don't know if I still have time to find that guy now."

Zhang Xian said.

Chen Xiao understood it very well.

If it was him, was his attention at that time on a dog or on Zuo Shu's head?
There is almost no need to think about it, his attention must be on Zuo Shu's head.

A dog is just chewing its head. This sounds scary, but in fact, in that situation, everyone subconsciously thinks it is reasonable.

It's a pity that after so much time, Chen Xiao didn't think that the dog that was probably raised by someone else could still be found.

But you still have to look for it. Maybe it really is still there?
Chen Xiao did not stop him, but continued:
"The clues from Qingxi will take me to take a look."

Zhang Xian no longer stopped him, nodded and said:
"It's in my office, I'll take you there."

The three of them returned to the office again, and Zhang Xian took out some information from a locked drawer.

These were sent by Hu Yue from Qingxi.

Chen Xiao took the information and immediately found the photo of him and Zuo Shu.

When seeing this group photo, Lin Xi was stunned.

Because she could tell at a glance that the Chen Xiao in the photo was definitely not the current Chen Xiao.

Even if it was only a year, Lin Xi could recognize Chen Xiao in that state at a glance.

"When...have you met?"

Lin Xi asked, and Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "Can I say that I don't know either? In my memory, I have never had any contact with Zuo Shu."

"Where is this? Judging from the season, it must have been last year. If so, you also went to Xiangdu last year, and you were with Dali. Could it be that you met Zuo Shu at that time?"

Memories about last year.

In fact, Chen Xiao, the rightful owner, is inferior to anyone around him.

Because he has completely forgotten it, but those around him who have been hurt by him should know that memory clearly.

Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian both looked at Lin Xi.

After the latter understood the meaning, he said:
"If it was last year, then this should be when we were in Xiangdu, because I remember the clothes you were wearing very well."

Lin Xi said while looking at Chen Xiao.

That seems to be asking, do you really have no memory at all?
Fortunately, after Lin Xi's reminder, Chen Xiao really had a memory of clothes.

It was precisely because of Lin Xi's reminder that a surge of memories suddenly flooded into Chen Xiao's mind.

"I remember, it was June 2005. At that time, Dali told me that he was interested in a project. In my memory, it was actually not a project. It was just Dali who wanted to go out and see the world. "

"Xiaoxi's salary was very low at the time. She happened to pay her salary before we went there. She heard that Dali and I went to Xiangdu to earn money. She was afraid that I would be shabby, so she went to the mall and bought me two sets. In the photo That's what I'm wearing."

Seeing Chen Xiao thinking about it, Lin Xi couldn't help but nodded:
"Yes, it seems you have remembered it, but under what circumstances did you and Zuo Shu meet?"

Chen Xiao relaxed his mind and then fell into deep thought.

The memories gradually became more accurate, and he finally thought of it.

At that time, he did go to Xiangdu with Luo Dali.

The reason for going there was because Luo Dali said he would go there to see if he could find some way to make money. After all, everyone liked to go there at that time.

But after going there, Luo Dali had already been fascinated by the colorful world and completely forgot about making money.

In the end, when Chen Xiao and Luo Dali had spent all their money and had nothing to do, they were confused.

They were wandering on the streets of Xiangdu, but at that time they met a person.

The image of that person began to become clearer little by little the moment he recalled it.

It's him!

it's him!
Zuo Shu!

A rich man who holds the keys to a luxury car but is willing to shake hands with Chen Xiao and the others!
(End of this chapter)

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