Chapter 507 Business card!

When Chen Xiao thought about the past, he was not in a hurry to tell it to Lin Xi and Zhang Xian.

He walked aside and dialed Luo Dali's phone number.

He wanted Luo Dali to enrich that memory with him.

The call was answered immediately.

Luo Dali asked with a tone full of surprise: "Is it Brother Chen?"

"it's me."

"Are you out?"

"Well, there is something I want to reminisce with you. We went to Xiangdu last year, do you still remember?"

Chen Xiao has been to Xiangdu.

But because of his rebirth, he had almost no impression when he went to Xiangdu last time.

However, Luo Dali immediately said:
"Of course I remember. At that time, we were thinking about finding ways to make money, but I didn't expect that I spent all the money in a flash of enthusiasm. Hiss... that shabby place is really a gold-selling den!"

After hearing this, Chen Xiao knew that Ye Xiu was probably not around anymore.

"Then do you still remember that we met a big boss?"

Many people around Chen Xiao know what Zuo Shu looks like.

Only Luo Dali didn't know him.

But Luo Dali's memory was not bad, and he also said without recalling:
"Of course I remember, MD... At that time, we ran so fast, carried our heads, and had such grandeur that we two brothers were envious. However, who would have thought that it has only been a year now, and we two brothers are no worse than others... Hehe !”

"Well, then he is indeed the one who comes to die."

Chen Xiao said softly, and Luo Dali was stunned for a moment: "Brother Chen, what do you mean by this? What do you mean he is the one who died?"

"The deceased in the case that led to my arrest was the big boss we met in Xiangdu last year. His name was Zuo Shu, and he was the boss of a real estate company."

"What? It's him!"

Luo Dali's tone was full of disbelief. After Chen Xiao hummed again, Luo Dali said in confusion:
"That's not right, Brother Chen. If it was him, why didn't you say anything at that time?"

"I forgot about him. You know how many things have happened around me this year. People's memories are selective, and those that are not profound will be lost."

Luo Dali seemed to understand, but he also knew that it didn't matter whether he remembered that person or not. What mattered was that the person was dead now.

"Brother, now it's about the time we met last year?"

"Absolutely. I don't have a deep memory, so I made this call to you. Can you tell me what happened at that time?"

Chen Xiao asked, and after Luo Dali recalled it, he said:
"That time, the two of us actually went there with the idea of ​​making money. We visited the construction site, the shoe and clothing factory, and met several bosses who were discussing cooperation."

"But what the hell, you can't remember it later? We were completely deceived! We are just two big idiots!"

Listening to Luo Dali's words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but reveal a wry smile:

"It was really stupid before, but how did we meet him? In my memory, it seems that we were both very depressed at that time."

"Can you not be frustrated? We both couldn't afford the travel expenses back home. We were just staring at the sky in the park in a daze. We even shared a lunch box."

"It was also after we divided the lunch box that the big boss showed up. At that time, he got out of a Mercedes-Benz and the first thing he did was throw me a pack of cigarettes."

"Then he kept sitting next to us and chatting with us, asking us where we were from, what we were doing here, and whether we had encountered any setbacks."

"Brother, you may really not remember anything now. I cried so much after talking to him at that time. Really, at that moment I regarded him as the light of my life. He also gave us two, one person A business card. But there is no name on the business card, just a phone number." Hearing this, Chen Xiao asked:
"Do you still have that business card?"

"I still kept it before I went home, but...then when I came home, I went for a massage...that ghost girl took the business card in her hand because it was fun, and then accidentally flew away from the window. "

Chen Xiao was stunned: "Fly away?"

"Yes, that ghost bitch insisted on watching it, and even said she wanted to call her because I boasted about her. But I didn't expect that ghost bitch was playing tricks on me. I wanted to snatch the business card back, but she ran to the bedside. I went there, and then a gust of wind came and blew the business card away.”

Chen Xiao was speechless for a moment.

The word "God's will" even popped into his mind.

"Brother Chen, when did you lose that business card?" Luo Dali asked curiously.

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "I don't even remember him. How can I remember where the business card was stuffed?"

"That's right, but things in this world are really unpredictable. I used to think that when I met that person, I met a bright light, but I didn't expect that he is gone now, and he is still so deeply involved with you!"

"Let's just say this first. If you remember anything, please contact me."

Seeing that Luo Dali did not provide particularly good information, Chen Xiao hung up the phone and walked to Lin Xi's side.

"Daughter-in-law, do you remember that I brought back a business card when I came back from Xiangdu last year?"

Chen Xiao usually doesn't take care of things.

Many times, even a change of clothes can only be found after asking Lin Xi.

Lin Xi heard him ask this, so she tried to think back.

In order to strengthen her memory, Chen Xiao also said everything Luo Dali said.

This made Lin Xi immediately recall accurately: "So, I seem to really remember you telling me about a big boss. It seems that after you said that, you actually gave me a business card and said that you might contact him in the future. "

Seeing Lin Xi say this, Chen Xiao's eyes also showed surprise.

He didn't know why he was surprised by that business card.

He only knew that if the business card Zuo Shu gave was the business card of the boss of Lihai Group, there would be a name and identity plate on it!
But Luo Dali said that the business card only had one number. What did it mean?
This means that the business card Zuo Shu took out may reveal his second identity!

Lin Xi didn't think about it for long, and then said:

"Because you said you might contact the person on the business card again in the future, so I kept it at that time. I'll go home and look for it! I should still be able to find it!"

Lin Xi must have remembered where he was.

However, it was a long time ago and she was not sure.

Chen Xiao was not in a hurry and said: "Okay, you go back to our house and look for it. If you find it, call me. Remember to pay attention to safety on the road and don't worry."

"I know." Lin Xi said and left the criminal police team.

As soon as she left, Zhang Xian said: "Shall we go meet Qi Wei? The long hair of the woman found at the crime scene is undoubtedly hers, so now we have summoned her."

"Okay." Chen Xiao nodded.

However, Zhang Xian seemed to suddenly have doubts and asked:

"By the way, Dao Man seems to be very anxious. When I summoned Qi Wei, he almost got into a fight with me."

When Chen Xiao heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "You don't understand the sword man. This is just his unique personality. Once you get used to it, you will get used to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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